Friends in Deed
One of life's greatest blessings is a truly clo,lasting friendship.A cherished friend can make tho hard times better an tho happy times even more memorable.As with every th
ing in life,true friendships take work and understanding,and sometimes get more complicated an strained when the don’t need to.
Friends in Deed is a price-less collection of answers, con-firmations,inspiration,shattered myths and practical advice on being a good friend and knowing how to handle and what to expect from a great friendship.It is sure to provide insights in the art of being more popular with tho around you while explaining how to be more treasured as a friend. Friendships come and go but friends in deed remain forever.
1. 友对于我们珍如礼物。
Friends are a gift to ourlves.
2. 朋友共享淳朴坦诚相待的乐趣。
Enjoy the simple things together.
Jealousy is not a friendly trait.
4. 朋友的成就才华而感到高兴。
Cheer on your friends’ accomplishments.
5. 宽容谅解,不念旧恶。
6. 共同欢笑。
Laugh together.
7. 伸手相助。
Lend a helping hand.
8. 结识朋友的锦囊妙计是自己先做他人之友。
The best way to habe a friend is to be one.
9. 与朋友决不要斤斤计较自己付出多少,得到多少。
Never measure how much you give or get.
10. 自愿为朋友照看孩子。
Offer baby-sit.
11. 学会聆听。
Learn to listen.
12. 渴望友谊,我们每天都怀有这样的心愿。
Each day we all face similar difficulties with hearts that need friendship.
13. 无论在顺利之日,还是在艰难之时,朋友与你同在。
队长的英文Friends are there for the good times and the bad.
14. 对朋友的秘密要守口如瓶。
Keep your friends’ crets.
15. 能够友好待己,才会友好待人。
Be friendly to yourlf, then you can be friendly to others.
16. 不论何时遇有机会,都要慷慨大度地给予别人衷心的赞扬和鼓励。
Whenever confronted with the opportunity, be generous with heart-felt prai and encouragement.
17. 用温情脉脉的话语向自己最亲爱的人表述情感为什么要感到难于启齿呢?讲出来吧!讲出来!讲出来!
Why is it sometimes difficult to utter kind words to tho we love the most? Say them, say them, say them.
“I can live for two months on one good compliment.”
19. 友谊承认我们是分离的个体,她珍视这点,但同时又在力求缩短我们的距离。
Friendship is acknowledging that we are parate people, and celebrating it, while striving to clo the distance. 当幸福来敲门插曲
20. 友谊有其神秘之处——通过探索,你会发现自我。
There is mystery to friendship----and after exploration you may find yourlf.
21. 友谊是行动,决不仅仅是言辞。
Friendship is not just words, it is deeds.
22. 朋友知道何时应让你一个人独处。
Friends know when to let you be alone.
23. 除“期望”友谊之外,朋友别无他求。
Friends “expect” nothing but friendship.
24. 同心探索,共担风险。
Be willing to try new adventures together.
25. 分享你的梦想,吐露你的心愿。
Share your dreams and confide your wishes.
ogm26. 友谊使戒备防范成为多余。
Friendship makes defens unnecessary.
27. 朋友对互相间的优缺点了如指掌。
Friends know well each other’s strength and weakness.
28. 友谊是不受时间和空间的阻隔的。 ride out
笨人晚宴Friendships find distance and time no real obstacles.
29. 经历生离死别的考验,才算历尽了友谊的沧桑。
Separation and even death must be accepted to feel the full richness of a friendship.
30. 朋友并不一定总是形影不离。
Friends aren’t always together.
31. 朋友并不一定总对事情能够有入木三分的感受。
Friends don’t always feel deeply about things.
32. 朋友的确会有使你失望的时候。
Friends do let you down.
33. 但这并不意味着他们对你的爱有丝毫减弱。
But that doesn’t mean they love you any less.
34. 友谊在很大程度上体现家庭的作用。有时,朋友们要互相支撑,面对现实中的不公平,共度艰难的时光。
The main work of friendship consists of homely tasks---such as bracing each other up to face the unfairness of existence and getting through the tough times.
“Give what you have. To some it may be better than you dare to think.”---Henry
36. 为别人的知己,你并不一定非要出类拔萃不可。
You do not have to be a special person to be a good friend.
37. 要知道,你和其他所有的人一样都是独一无二、讨人喜欢的人。
Realize that you, and all others, are unique and lovable.
38. 任何人都能成为百里挑一的朋友!
Anyone can be a one-in-a-million friend!
39. 最美好的友谊存在于那些难免有缺点错误的人们之间。
The best of friendships exist between people with flaws and shortcomings.
40. 自我陶醉在真正的友谊中无处容身。
Narcissism has no place in a true friendship.
41. 美好的友谊中不需要有什么人总是占上风。
The best friendships do not require that angone keep the upper hand.
42. 真正的朋友没必要讲究繁文缛礼。只要相聚在一起,淳朴宁静的乐趣便油然而生。
Real friends don’t have to do much---there should be a simple, quiet joy in just being toghther.