1. Accessible随和的:很容易交谈和了解的
2. Active积极主动的
3. Adaptable适应能力强的( they are able to change their ideas or behaviour in order to deal with new situations. )
4. Admirable令人敬佩的(An admirable quality or action is one that derves to be praid and admired. )(If you admire someone or something, you likeand respect them very much)
5. Adventurous勇于冒险、敢于创新的
6. Agreeable讨人喜欢的(If someone is agreeable, they are pleasantand try to plea people. )(Someone who is pleasant is friendly and likeable(令人喜爱的).)
7. Alert机敏的、敏捷的(青藏铁路英语If you are alert, you are paying full attention to things around yo
u and are able to deal with anything that might happen. )警觉的
8. Allocentric非自我中心的
9. Amiable和蔼可亲的(Someone who is amiable is friendly and pleasantto be with.)相处起来亲切且令人喜欢的
10. Anticipative充满期望的、有热切期望特征的
11. Appreciative有欣赏力的
12. Articulate善于表达的
13. Aspiring有抱负的
14. Athletic健壮的
15. Attractive有吸引力的
16. Balanced平和的、镇定的
17. Benevolent仁慈的
18. Brilliant聪颖的,才华横溢的
19. Calm镇静的、沉着的
20. Capable有能力的
21. Captivating迷人的、令人被俘虏的(captive被俘虏的、被迷人的)(Someone or something that is captivating fascinates or attracts you. )
22. Caring关心他人的(让他人得到关心爱护的)
23. Challenging对于他人、别的事物有挑战性的
he is challenging for me。
24. Charismatic有超凡个人魅力的、蒙受神恩的(charm魅力)(A charismatic person attracts, influences, and inspires people by their personal qualities.)
25. Charming(表现得)惹人喜欢的(If you describe someone as charming, you mean they behave in a friendly, pleasant way that makespeople like them. )
26. Cheerful满怀高兴的、提升快乐的、乐观的(甚至是不现实的乐观)
27. Clean干净的、爱干净的、无害的
28. Clear-headed头脑清晰的
29. Clever思维敏捷、足智多谋
四级 听力
30. Colorful引人注目的多样性的和有趣的
31. Companionly适合做伴侣的(befitting(与……相称) a companion(同伴))
32. Compassionate富有同情心的
33. Conciliatory善于调解的(cili-意为call召集(council会议))
34. Confident自信的
35. Conscientious本着良心的、负责的(con加强、sci知道、conscience良心)
36. Considerate考虑周到的
37. Constant忠实的 (con一起stant同stand站)
38. Contemplative爱沉思的、爱默想的
39. Cooperative乐于配合的
40. Courageous勇敢的
41. Courteous彬彬有礼的(court宫廷)
42. Creative有创造力的(如打羽毛球的转圈、身体摆字、羽球拍打乒乓)
43.鸡西日语学校 Cultured有教养的(If you describe someone as cultured, you mean that they have good manners(If someone has good manners, they are polite and obrve social customs遵守社会习俗. ), are well educated, and know a lot about the arts.violation)
44. Curious求知欲强的、好奇的
45. Daring敢于冒险的
46. Debonair温文尔雅的(of good air好的风度)( fashionable and confident)/(A man who is debonair is confident, charming, and well dresd). 自信且表现得惹人喜欢而且打扮时髦或优雅的(Someone who is well-dresd is wearing fashionable orelegant clothes.)
47. Decent得体的(Decent people are honest and behave in a way that most people approve of)(dec-装饰、可接受的,可接受的行为/装饰个人行为的)
48. Decisive果断的(If someone is decisive, they have or show an ability to make quick decisions in a difficult or complicated situation. )
49. Dedicated专注的、献身的、专心致志的;
cet考试50. strayDeep深沉的
51. Dignified(calm and rious and derving respect )有尊严的
52. Directed(inner-directed有主见的、outer-directed外控型的directed in thought and action by external norms conforming to the values and standards of one's group or society everything well-adjusted and outer-directed— Peter Viereck — compare inner-directed.)
53. Disciplined遵守纪律的
54. Discreet谨慎的、不引人注意的
括号英文55. Dramatic引人注目的
56. Dutiful尽职的、顺从的(duty)
57. Dynamic有活力的
58. Earnest认真的、真诚的
59. Ebullient热情洋溢的
60. Educated有教养的
61. Efficient高效的
62. Elegant优雅的
63. Eloquent有口才的
南昌翻译64. Empathetic能感同身受的(empathetic understanding同理心、心通意会的理解)
65. Energetic精力充沛的
66. Enthusiastic热情的
67. Esthetic有审美眼光的
68. Exciting令人兴奋的
69. Extraordinary非凡的、卓越的
70. Fair平等待人的,秉公办事的,公正的
71. Faithful忠诚的
72. Farsighted有远见的
73. Felicific带来幸福的
74. Firm坚定的
75. Flexible灵活的
76. Focud专注的,目标明确的
77. Forceful强有力的、坚强的
78. Forgiving宽容的、慈悲的
79. Forthright直率的
80. Freethinking自由思想的
81. Friendly善意的、亲切的、和蔼可亲的
82.low carbon life Fun-loving享受好的或好玩的enjoy good or fun things in life
83. Gallant英勇的,像骑士一样殷勤的
84. Generous慷慨的、大方的
85. Gentle温柔的
86. Genuine真诚的
87. Good-natured脾气好的
88. Gracious谦和的、有礼貌的、和蔼可亲的(尤其是someone you think is superior to you或wealthy people富足安逸的)
89. Hardworking勤劳的
90.commercially Healthy健康的
91. Hearty喧闹而活泼的;吵闹快活且精力充沛的
92. Helpful愿意帮忙的