Windows system environment variables Daquan
List all ur Profile file locations.
Lists the default storage locations for application data.
List current directory.
List the NETBIOS name of the client that is connected to the terminal rvice ssion.
List the command lines ud to start the
Command the current command handler extension version number.
Lists the folder paths for common files.
List the name of the computer.
Lists the path of the executable command shell (command handler).
List current date.
Lists the error codes for the most recently ud command.
The list of the ur's home directory and drive letter.
List the full path of the ur's home directory.
Lists the network paths for urs to share the home directory.
连衣裙的英语Lists the name of the domain controller that is valid for the current logon ssion.
Lists the number of processors installed by the computer.
List the name of the operating system. (WindowsXP and Windows2000 are listed as Windows_NT.)
the new york times
Lists the arch paths for executable files.
Lists the file extensions that the operating system considers to be executed.
Lists the processor's chip architecture.
Lists the processor descriptions.
Lists the processor type of the computer.
Lists the processor's revision number.
Lists the path to the ProgramFiles folder.发音方法
Lists the command prompt ttings for the current command interpreter.
德文字母Lists the random decimal numbers that are bounded between 0 and 32767.
Lists the connections and ssion names that are connected to the terminal rvice ssion.
Lists the drives where the Windows startup directory is located.
mae west
such asLists the location of the Windows startup directory.
Lists the default temporary directory of available applications for currently logged in urs.
List current time.
Lists the names of domains that contain ur accounts.
List the names of the currently logged in urs.
List the current ur Profile file location.
List the location of the operating system directory
Operating system rvice command list