Unit 1 Chinese Humanis m
1. To understand the Chinese ideal of life one must try to underst and Chinese humanis m. The term 'humanis m' is ambiguous. Chinese humanis m, however, has a very definit e meaning. It implies, first a just concept ion of the ends of human life; condl y, a complet e devotio n to the ends; and the thirdly, the attainm ent of the ends by the spiritof human reasona blenes s or the Doctrin e of the GoldenMean, Which may also be calledthe Religio n of commonn.
2.The questio n of the meaning of life has perplex ed Western philoso phers, and it has never been solved- natural ly, when one startsout from the technol ogical point of view, according to which all things, including mosquit oes and typhoid germs, are created for the good of this cocksur e humanit y. As there is usually too much pain and miryin this life to allow a perfect answerto satisfy man's pride, teleolo gy is therefo re carried over to the next life, and this earthly life is then lookedupon as a prepara tion for the life hereaft er, in conform ity with the logic of
Socrate s, which lookedupon a ferocio us wife as a natural provisi on for the trainin g of the husband's charact er. This way of dodging the homes of the dilemma sometim es gives peace of mind for a moment,but then the eternal questio n, “whatisthemeaningoflife?”comes back. Others,like Nietzsc he, take the bull by the horns and refuto assumethat life must have a meaning and believe that progres s is in a circle,and human achieve mentsare a savagedance, instead of a trip to the market, but still the questio n comes back eternal ly, like the a waves lapping upontheshore:“what is the meaning of the life?”
what a shame3. The Chinese humanis ts believe they have found the true end of life and are conscio us of it. For the Chinese the end of life lies not in life after death, for the idea that we live in order to die, as taught by Christi anity,is incomprehensible; nor in Nirvana, for that is too vainglorious;nor yet in progress for progress’s sake, for that is meaningless. The true end, the Chinese have decided in a singula rly clear manner, lies in the
enjoyment of a simplelife especia lly the familylife, and in harmonious social relationships. The first poem that a childre n learns in school runs:
While soft cloudsby warm breezes are wafted in the moon, Lured by flowers, past the river I roam on and on.
They’ll say “look at the old man in the spree!”
And know not that my sprit’s on happiness borne.
4. That represents to Chinese, not just a pleasan t poeticmood but the summerb onum of life. The Chinese ideal of life is drunk through with this ntiment. It is an ideal of life that is neither p articu larlyambitious nor metaphy sical, but neverth elessimmense ly real. It is, I must say, a brillia ntly simple idea, so brillia ntly simplethat only the mater-of-fact Chinese mind could have conceiv ed it, and yet one often wonders how the West could have failedto e that the meaning of lies in the sane and healthy enjoyment of it. The difference between China and W est ems to be that the westerners have a greater c apacit y for getting and makingmore thingsand a lesrability to enjoy them, while the Chinese have a greater determination and
capacity to enjoy the few thingsthey have. This trait, our concentration on earthyhappiness, is much as a result as a cau of the abnce of religion. For if one can not believe in the life hereafter as the consummation of the prent life, one is forcedto make the most of this life beforethe farce is over. The abnce of religio n makes this concentration possible.
itouch是什么意思5.From this a humanis m is developed which frankly
proclaims a man-centered univers e, and lays down the
rule that the end of all knowledge is to rve human
happiness. The humaniz ing of knowledge is not an
我自己的英文easy thing, for the moment man swerves, he is carried
away by his logic and becomes a tool of his own
knowled ge. Only by a sharp and steadfa st holding to
the true end of human life as one es it can humani
sm maintai n itlf. Humanis m occupie s, for instance,
a mean position between the other-worldliness of
religio n and the materia lism of the modernworld.
Buddhis m may have capture d popular fancy in China,
but against its influence the true Confucianistwas
always inwardly rentf ul, for it was, in the eyes of
humanis m, only an escapefrom life, or a negatio n of
truly human life.
6.On the other hand, the modernworld, with it’s
over-develop ment of machinery, has not taken time to
ensure that man enjoys what he makes. The glorif
ication of the plumber in America has made man
forget that one can live a very happy life without hot
and cold running water, and that in Franceand
Germany many men have lived to comfortable old age
and made importa nt scienti fic discoveries and written
masterp ieces with their water jug and old-fashioned
货款两讫basin. There needs to be a religion which will
425分算过了英语六级吗transcr ibe Jesus’famousdictumabout the Sabbath愕然的意思
and constan tly preachthat the machine is made for
man and not man made for the machine. For after all,