An unsual prent作文
Dad said it would be an unusual prent, and he was quite right. He said, “Go to the telephone and call a ten figure number. It must begin with 010. Got that 010-? You can plea yourlf about the other ven figures. ”
I called the number 010-6132597. A few moments later I heard a man’s clear voice at the other end, the voice said, “Kikri 2597. Don Flower speaking. ”苗条的意思
I said, “Hello, Mr. Flower. I'm Robert West, and this call to you is one of my birthday prents. I'm thirteen today. ”南大培训
“Oh, that’s great. Many happy returns of the day! Where are you calling from, Robert? You sound very clear. ”mr right是什么意思
orrather>breached “I'm at home in London. Where are you? ”
mentos “You’re in London! Well, well-I've never had a call from London before. I live in Kikri, Austr
alia. About a hundred miles from Kikri actually, but it's the nearest place. I've got a small farm here, with about ninety thousand sheep on it. You ought to come and visit me one day. ”
人类已经无法阻止海底捞了广式点心培训 “I'd like to very much. Your farm must be very big, Mr. Flower, if you’ve got ninety thousand sheep on it. ”
height是什么意思 “Well, there may be only eighty thousand by now. I'm not too sure. There’s not a lot of feed for them, you know, and two of my wells have gone dry this month. So we’ve been driving the sheep around a bit. If you go straight across the middle of my farm, it’s a hundred and ten miles. That isn’t a great size for a farm in Australia, but it’s big enough for me! ”
We talked for three minutes, and it was very interesting. I gave Mr. Flower my telephone number. He promid to ring me on my birthday the next year.