Step 1: warming-up | 擎天柱英文 1.Play a game: Step 1: Write an activity.(请写出一个活动,用动词原形。) Step 2: According to the adverb of time, say a ntence. (根据老师呈现的时间,说一句话。) 2. do: does did doing 通过do有多种形态来说明动词的形态多样,所以英语学习在动词的使用很重要,也很难。导入今天的主题。 |
Step 2: prentation | 1. 呈现照片,内容为学生在种树。 T: What are you doing in this picture? S: We are planting this tree. T: Which festival is it? S: it is the Tree Planting Day. 借助图片的提问,引出今天文本的主题。 2. T: On Tree Planting Day, we often plant trees. Do you know, How to plant a tree? Look and number. 呈现四幅学生植树时候的图片,让学生看图标号。然后呈现答案进行校对。 3. 材料文本学习 (1)Let’s watch a flash. 观看一段动画,动画中是用现在进行时态呈现的一个小男孩一家人在植树节那天植树的过程。 On Arbor Day解释在美国,人们通常这样称呼植树节。 (2)呈现文本,呈现四种时态,询问学生文本的时态是什么?并请学生看黑板上的四个句型,找到和这个时态相关的句型。进行版贴。 (3)结合句型进行注意点的讲解。 Tip 1: be 动词的使用方法 I am You are we are they are He is she is it is Tip 2: 动词变化 1. look--looking 2. dance--dancing 3. run--running (4)连读文本中的现在分词 digging putting patting watering 再请学生说出他们的原形 dig put pat water (5)回到文本,学习植树的基本步骤词组并练读 dig a hole put the tree in the hole pat down the soil water the tree 在此过程中关注单词的拼读方法 (6)文本朗读 |
Step 3: practice | 1. 通过文字改写,复习一般现在时。 T: We often plant trees on Tree Planting Day. Last year, this year, next year. So, we can also write it in simple prent ten. (1) 请学生在黑板上找到一般现在时的基本句型结构。 (2) 复习动词三单的变化。 1. read--reads 2. go--goes 3. study--studies 4. have—has 提示学生,是否运用三单,要看主语。 (3) 文本改写。 Dad is digging a hole in the ground. (digs) My mom is putting the tree in the hole. (puts) We are patting down the soil together. (pat) I am watering the tree. (water) 2. 通过呈现的照片日期,说明也可以用一般过去式进行文本的改写。 (1) 匹配一般过去时的句型结构。 坚持到底的英文(2) 复习动词过去式变化形态。请学生根据过去式说出原形。 1. play—played 惊羡2. live—lived 3. plan—planned 4. cry—cried 5. ride--rode (3) 用过去式改写文本。 On Tree Planting Day, we planted a small tree. Dad a hole in the ground. (digged/dug) My mom the tree in the hole.(put)休斯顿大学怎么样 We down the soil together.(patted) I the tree. (watered) (4) 文本朗读。 |
Step 4: extension | 1. 承接上一个环节,在此基础上,问学生在我们植树的时候,是谁挖洞,是谁把书放进去等。把文本中的人物改掉。从人物角度贴近学生。 2. T: A few years later what will happen? The tree will be getting taller and taller. What will you do under/near/in the tree? growing在问题和图片的引导下,让学生想一想当小树长成大树后,我可以在树下、树边, 树上做些什么有趣的事情呢?在此过程中总结一般将来时的基本结构。 Our tree will be getting taller and taller. I will _________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ I wish our tree could grow fast! 3. T: we wish our tree could grow fast! I wish my students could grow fast! 在这个环节教师表达期待孩子们快快长大的愿望和祝福。 |
Step 5: Summary | 1. Let’s practice. (用所给动词的正确形式完成句子。) He _____________ (watch TV) yesterday. He _____________ (watch TV) now He _______________ (watch TV) tomorrow. He _____________ (watch TV) everyday. 在此练习过程中,总结说明时态的使用,由时间决定了不同的形态。 2. 承接上一个拓展练习,给学生一些具有代表性的时间单词,让学生版贴在黑板上,进行归类复习。 3. 游戏巩固。 Let’s play a funny game. (group work) Step 1: write down some words. (小学辅导班一人写名字,一人写活动,一人写时间,一人写地点) Step 2: Say the ntence together. |
动词原形 | 现在分词 | 三单 | 过去式 |
plant | diamond是什么意思|||
dig | |||
put | |||
pat | |||
water | |||
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