题 目: 基于顾客心智的品牌定位研究
标题:Brand Positioning Through the Consumers’ Lens
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Brand Positioning Through the Consumers’ Lens
Brand positioning is a core concept in marketing. Despite the importance of the concept, however, there is limited rearch in the field of positioning clarifying to what extent various brand positioning alternatives affect consumer perceptions and how positioning effectiveness can be best measured. The prent disrtation consists of three complementary empirical studies aimed at shedding light on the latter issues. The first stud
y explores the impact of distinct types of brand positioning strategies on consumer categorization process. The results of the qualitative study provide evidence that consumers categorize brands bad upon their underlying positioning strategies. More specifically, consumers classify brands that share similar types of positioning bas into the same category. The cond study, which builds the cornerstone of this rearch project, involves the development and validation of a comprehensive, consumer-derived scale, measuring brand positioning effectiveness. The latter is modeled as a multidimensional construct capturing conceptually-relevant dimensions of positioning success (namely favorability, dissimilarity, uniqueness, and credibility). Altogether, nine complementary substudies are prented aimed at developing the scale and testing its dimensionality, reliability, and validity. To ascertain the scale’s generalizability and stability, data from veral product categories are ud for scale development and validation purpos. The third study prented in this disrtation pays attention to the open question whether the u of certain positioning strategies (e.g., feature-bad positioning) results in more superiorly positioned brands than the application of other strat
egies (e.g., ur-bad positioning). For this purpo, a within- and between-subjects design study is conducted that investigates the direct impact of brand positioning strategies on positioning effectiveness, measured from a consumer perspective.
Specifically, four distinct positioning strategies of real brands are evaluated in terms of positioning effectiveness, while controlling for brand-specific, product class-specific, and socio demographic influences. Consistent with the hypothes derived from a comprehensive literature review, significant differences in terms of positioning effectiveness between the focal positioning strategies are detected. The disrtation concludes with a discussion of the theoretical, methodological, and managerial implication. Furthermore, the limitations associated with the studies outlined in the disrtation are addresd and resulting avenues for future rearch are prented.
In times of an over-communicated world that is crowded with offerings, where even strong brands are becoming increasingly similar (Clancy and Trout 2002), positioning is opupils是什么意思
ften acknowledged to be the tool of competitive warfare (Ries and Trout 1986). Brand positioning is the foundation of branding (Anderson and Carpenter 2005) as marketing activities and programs are largely bad upon a brand’s positioning strategy (Aaker and Shansby 1982; Keller and Lehmann 2006; Myers 1996).
Positioning is defined as “the act of designing the company’s offering and image to occupy a distinctive place in the mind of the target market. The end result of positioning is the successful creation of a customer-focud value proposition, a cogent reason why the target market should buy the product” (Kotler 2003, p. 308). A positioning strategy is “an attempt to move brands to a particular location within a perceptual product space” (Dillon, Domzal, and Madden 1986, p. 29) and is generally implemented to communicate a brand image and differentiate the brand from competitors (to achieve a position)” (Park, Jaworski, and MacInnis 1986, p. 139).
The esnce of brand positioning from the company’s perspective is developing key brand associations in the mindt of consumers aimed at differentiating the brand from c
ompetitors and thereby attaining the highest possible extent of competitive superiority (Keller and Lehmann 2006, Keller, Sternthal, and Tybout 2002). This t of associations may cover physical attributes, benefits, or life-style, usage occasion, or ur image among others (Aaker, Batra, and Myers 1992). Thus, positioning does not refer to what is done with the product itlf, but what is done with the product in the mind of the consumer (Rie and Trout 1986) that is how consumers perceive, think, and feel about a brand relative to competitive entries (Czerniawsky and Maloney 1999; Ries and Trout 1986). Through positioning, two identical products may be viewed as different or two rather dissimilar products may be viewed as substitutes (Evans, Moutinho, and van Raaij 1996) by altering the beliefs about a brand (e Kalra and Goodstein 1998). A typical example is bottled mineral water: even though the physical characteristics of the products are (nearly) identical, well-positioned brands like Evian are more successful in the marketplace than their competitors.
The positioning decision is central to the success of a brand (Pham and Muthukrishnan 2002; Punj and Moon 2002) as it directly shapes customers’ perceptions and choice deci
sions (Aaker and Shansby 1982; Carpenter, Glazer, and Nakamoto 1994).
More specifically, brand positioning has an impact on important consumer-bad outcome variables such perceived price nsitivity (Kalra and Goodstein 1998), brand affect (Jewell and Barone 2007) as well as on customer derived brand equity, price margins and demand elasticity (Boulding, Lee, and Staelin 1994; Kalra and Goodstein 1998; Keller 1993; 2003).
aipc Esntially, a well-positioned brand appeals to the particular needs of a customer gment, leads to high consumer loyalty, positively shaped preferences and beliefs about brand value, and greater willingness to arch for the brand (Day 1984; Schiffman and Kanuk 2007; Trommsdorff and Paulsn 2005). Ultimately, positioning has an impact on the financial performance of a company (Day 1990; Roth 1992, 1995; 1995b; Urban and Haur 1993). In general, if the positioning by a company is done effectively, it has the potential to build powerful brands; however, if done incorrectly, it can also result in fatal branding disasters (e Haig 2005).
The Role of Brand Positioning in Marketing
Brand positioning is traditionally discusd as part of the gmentation, targeting and positioning (STP) model (e Dibb and Simkin 1996; Lilien and Rangaswamy 2003), which is considered to be the basis for all marketing strategy (Kotler 2003). The first step in this model is gmentation, which involves dividing a heterogeneous market into a number of mutually exclusive sub markets, i.e., homogeneous groups (also referred to as gments).
Formally, gmentation is defined as the “process of subdividing a market into distinct subts of customers that behave in the same way or have similar needs” (Bennett 1995; p. 165). Segmentation is esntial since “most (probably all) markets are not monolithic but instead consist of submarkets that are relatively homogeneous in terms of what they need or want from firms offering similar types of products of rvices (Myers 1996, p. 16). It is important to form gments becau they are likely to respond differently to various marketing activities (Myers 1996) and are relevant for explaining and predicting customer
customarybehavior to a company’s marketing actions (Wind and Cardozo 1974). Segments can be bad upon (and are thus homogeneous in terms of) various consumer characteristics such as demographics, lifestyles, behavioural patterns, needs, values, and other characteristics (e Wedel and Kamakura 2000; Myers 1996 for an overview). In this regard, it is esntial that buyer groups (that are targeted) respond similarly to company’s marketing activities. Overall, Wind (1982, p. 79) contends that the “real value of product positioning is revealed only when the positioning is coupled with an appropriate market gmentation strategy.”