filter pressnever grow oldThelj/cutstyles compute the standard 12/6 Lennard-Jones potential, given by
Rc is the cutoff.
units lj
For stylelj, all quantities are unitless. Without loss of generality, LAMMPS ts the fundamental quantitiesmass, sigma, epsilon, and the Boltzmann constant = 1. The mass, distances, energies you specify aremultiples of the fundamental values. The formulas relating the reduced or unitless quantity (with anasterisk) to the same quantity with units is also given. Thus you can u the mass & sigma & epsilon valuesfor a specific material and convert the results from a unitless LJ simulation into physical quantities.
mass = mass or m •
distance = sigma, where x* = x / sigma •
time = tau, where t* = t (epsilon / m / sigma^2)^1/2 •
energy = epsilon, where E* = E / epsilon •
velocity = sigma/tau, where v* = v tau / sigma •
force = epsilon/sigma, where f* = f sigma / epsilon •
torque (力矩)= epsilon, where t* = t / epsilon •
temperature = reduced LJ temperature, where T* = T Kb / epsilon •
pressure = reduced LJ pressure, where P* = P sigma^3 / epsilon •
•dynamic viscosity = reduced LJ viscosity, where eta* = eta sigma^3 / epsilon / tau
• charge = reduced LJ charge, where q* = q / (4 pi perm0 sigma epsilon)^1/2
• dipole = reduced LJ dipole, moment where *mu = mu / (4 pi perm0 sigma^3 epsilon)^1/2
plates• electric field = force/charge, where E* = E (4 pi perm0 sigma epsilon)^1/2 sigma / epsilon全球化的影响
• density = mass/volume, where rho* = rho sigma^dim
Lampsbubbly colbie caillat中的LJ单位问题
dipole = reduced LJ dipole, moment where *mu = mu / (4 pi perm0 sigma^3 epsilon)^1/2
所以1dipole相当于布基纳法索英文 (4 pi perm0 sigma^3 epsilon)^1/2
即:david choi
lattice command
lattice style scale keyword values ...
• style =noneorscorbccorfccorhcpordiamondorsqorsq2orhexorcustom
• scale = scale factor between lattice and simulation box
scale = reduced density rho* (for LJ units)
scale = lattice constant in distance units (for all other units)
For all unit styles exceptlj, the scale argument is specified in the distance units defined by the unit style. Forexample, inrealormetalunits, if the unit cell is a unit cube with edge length 1.0, specifying scale = 3.52would create a cubic lattice with a spacing of 3.52 Angstroms. Incgsunits, the spacing would be 3.52 cm.
For unit style lj, the scale argument is the Lennard-Jones reduced density, typically written as rho*. LAMMPS converts this value into the multiplicative factor via the formula "factor^dim = rho/rho*", where rho = N/V with V = the volume of the lattice unit cell and N = the number of basis atoms in the unit cell (described below), and dim = 2 or 3 for the dimensionality of the simulation. Effectively, this means that if LJ particles of size sigma = 1.0 are ud in the simulation, the lattice of particles will be at the desired reduced density.
对于lj单元,scale是 Lennard-Jones折算密度,典型写为 rho*。Lammps通过公式"factor^dim = rho/rho*"将这个值转变为倍增因子。Rho=N/V,v=晶格单元的体积,n=晶胞中基本原子的数量,dim根据模拟的维度等于2或者3。实际上这表明如果在模拟中使用的lj粒子的sigma=1.0,那么晶格中的粒子将会有预期的折算密度。
The content and format of what is printed is controlled by the thermo_styleand thermo_modifycommands.
thermo_style one
Styleoneprints a one-line summary of thermodynamic info that is the equivalent of "thermo_style customstep temp epair emol etotal press". The line contains only numeric values.
All styles exceptcustomhavevolappended to their list of outputs if the simulation box volume changes.
during the simulation.
thermo_style customstep temp epair emol etotal press
step = timestep
temp = temperature
epair = pairwi energy (evdwl + ecoul + elong + etail)
emol = molecular energy (ebond + eangle + edihed + eimp)