At prent, the meeting of religion in the wave of globalization has become an unavoidable truth, at the same time, geographical and nationalization in some areas and countries become into one of the reasons of the Conflict for political, military and culture.So many scholars advanced many theories and views,and they have achieved an agreement on“Religious talk”,the difference is just on theoretical tropism and ponit
of view.In many theories of religious talk,John Hick`s Religious pluralism is the special one.
Religious pluralism is the general theory of religious philosophy and religion rearch in the core of solving the problem of religious talk.It involves almost all categories ang content of this field. John Hick puts philosophy`s surmounting and discussing together to the practical problem of religious talk, and it becomes the important theoretical result of comtemporary religious philosophy rearch.
If John Hick`s Religious pluralism is the philosophy reflection of contemporary religion conflict and the spiritual answer of the practical problem, it have to reture to reality
factto accept the test of practice.As the era theory product,John
Hick`s Religious pluralism also faces many theoretial and
lily英语培训practice difficults.Revealing the difficult of Religious
pluralism ia not to u the alien view and theory to collide
it,but to reveal the difficult on the same theory level and
四级英语成绩field.This article reveals the relationship of the related
theoty and conflict in the theory of Religious pluralism basing
on the analysis of the structure and meaning of John Hick`s
acquitReligious pluralism.And expanding the theory show and critical dimensionality to the field of Maxism, trying to make a wider
theoretical discussing from the angle of Max religion
view,hoping to expanding the related theory space.
Keywords:Religious pluralism;The ultimate existence;Idiosyncrasy;
monkpts( 约翰・希克宗教多元主义的思想特质 引 言 我们生活的这个星球上存在着诸多不同的宗教传统,在现、当代全球化浪潮 的推动下,现有的世界诸宗教大多走出了自己的传统地域,并不断地向
周围更广 阔的地域乃至全球性地进行着扩展。人类活动范围的不断扩展使世界各大宗教传 统都面临着如何理解和处理同其他宗教之间关系的难题,这一难题并不仅仅存在 于现代,而是与历史同步,与学术研究同行。在这种情形下,一方面,人类的生 存状况和思想境遇皆随之发生了巨大的变化,单一宗教传统或知识熏陶下的个人 在全球化浪潮席卷过的土地上几乎已不复存在。另一方面,自近代以来,尽管随 着宗教与政治的分离和世俗化进程的加剧,宗教的整体影响力日趋衰退,但当代 的宗教世俗化进程并没有使完全宗教退出政治、经济等领域,宗教不论是作为文 化现象抑或是信仰组织,在许多领域依然直接或间接地发挥着作用。在局部国家 和地区,尤其是宗教冲突热点地区,宗教对政治、经济、文化等方面的影响作用 表现的更加突出。在这样的情况下,宗教对话问题成为当代宗教研究无法回避的 焦点问题。 一、全球化视野下的宗教多元论 伴随着全球化和宗教世俗化的双重进程,诸宗教在看待其他宗教的态度上同 以往相比呈现出松动的趋势。具有代表性的有基督教“梵二会议” 1959-1965) 对宗教间关系新认知的自觉,孔汉思(Hans Kung ,1928-)在世界宗教会议上 推动并通过的《走向全球伦理宣言》(1993.9)等。尽管这些和缓性的行动取得 了一定成果,但在令人欣喜的火花迸发之后,宗教对话进程并没有像人们原本期 望的那样进一步发展下去,尤其是在 911 事件后,人们意识到距离和平曙光到来 的日期还很远。“宗教若成为不了解决办法的一部分,则必定会成为问题的一部 分”。①在世界格局动荡和宗教性的恐怖主义兴起中以及在宗教名义下进行的军事 对抗、暴力冲突中,都包含着以宗教为背景的意识形态差异,人们不得不重新反 ① Jonathan Sacks, The Dignity of Difference: How to Avoid the Clash of Civilization.New York: Continuum, 2002.P9.