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Mary Roach: 10 things you didn‘t know about orgasm
Alright. I’m going to show you a couple of images from a very diverting paper in The Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine.I’m going to go way out on a limb and say that it is the most diverting paper ever published in The Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine. The title is “Obrvations of In-Utero Masturbation.” (Laughter) Okay. Now on the left you can e the hand — that’s the big arrow — and the penis on the right. The hand hovering. And over here we have, in the words of radiologist Israel Meisner, “The hand grasping the penis in a fashion rembling masturbation movements.” Bear in mind this was an ultrasound, so it would have been moving images.
Orgasm is a reflex of the autonomic nervous system. Now this is the part of the nervous system that deals with the things that we don’t consciously control, like digestion, heart rate and xual arousal. And the orgasm reflex can be triggered by a surprisingly broad range of input. Genital stimulation. Duh. But also Kiny interviewed a woman who could be brought
汽车音响系统to orgasm by having someone stroke her eyebrow. People with spinal cord injuries, like paraplegias, quadriplegias, will often develop a very, very nsitive area right above the level of their injury, wherever that is. There is such a thing as a knee orgasm in the literature.
韩语发音规则I think the most curious one that I came across was a ca report of a woman who had an orgasm every time she brushed her teeth. (Laughter) This was something in the complex nsory-motor action of brushing her teeth was triggering orgasm. And she went to a neurologist who was fascinated. He checked to e if it was something in the toothpaste, but no — it happened with any brand. They stimulated her gums with a toothpick, to e if that was doing it. No. It was the whole, you know, motion. And the amazing thing to me is that now you would think this woman would like have excellent oral hygiene. (Laughter) Sadly she — this is what it said in the journal paper — “She believed that she was possd by demons and switched to mouthwash for her oral care.” It’s so sad.
I interviewed, when I was working on the book, I interviewed a woman who can think herlf to orgasm. She was part of a study at Rutgers University. You gotta love that. Rutgers. So I interviewed her in Oakland, in a sushi restaurant. And I said, “So, could you do it right here?” And she said, “Yeah, but you know I’d rather finish my meal if you don’t mind.” (Laughter) But afterwards she was kind enough to demonstrate on a bench outside. It was remarkable. It took about one minute. And I said to her, “Are you just doing this all the time?” (Laughter) She said, “No. Honestly when I get home I’m usually too tired.” (Laughter) She said that the last time she had done it was on the Disneyland tram.mmtv
The headquarters for orgasm, along the spinal nerve, is something called the sacral nerve root, which is back here. And if you trigger, if you stimulate with an electrode, the preci spot, you will trigger an orgasm. And it is a fact that you can trigger spinal reflexes in dead people — a certain kind of dead person, a beating-heart cadaver. Now this is somebody who is brain-dead, legally dead, definitely checked out, but is being kept
urban dictionaryalive on a respirator, so that their organs will be oxygenated for transplantation. Now in one of the brain-dead people, if you trigger the right spot, you will e something every now and then. There is a reflex called the Lazarus reflex. And this is — I’ll demonstrate as best I can, not being dead. It’s like this. You trigger the spot. The dead guy, or gal, goes … like that. Very unttling for people working in pathology labs.
Now if you can trigger the Lazarus reflex in a dead person, why not the orgasm reflex? I asked this question to a brain death expert, Stephanie Mann, who was foolish enough to return my emails. (Laughter) I said, “So, could you conceivably trigger an orgasm in a dead person?” She said, “Yes, if the sacral nerve is being oxygenated, you conceivably could.” Obviously it wouldn’t be as much fun for the person. But it would be an orgasm — (Laughter) nonetheless. I actually suggested to — there is a rearcher at the University of Alabama who does orgasm rearch. I said to her, “You should do an experiment. You know? You can get cadavers if you work at a university.” I said, “You should actually do th
拱卫is.” She said, “You get the human subjects review board approval for this one.” (Laughter)
master p>certaintyAccording to 1930s marriage manual author, Theodoor van de Velde, a slight minal odor can be detected on the breath of a woman within about an hour after xual intercour.
Theodoor van de Velde was something of a men connoisur.(Laughter) This is a guy writing a book, “Ideal Marriage,” you know. Very heavy hetero guy. But he wrote in this book, “Ideal Marriage” — he said that he could differentiate between the men of a young man, which he said had a fresh, exhilarating smell, and the men of mature men, who men smelled quote, “Remarkably like that of the flowers of the Spanish chestnut. Sometimes quite freshly floral, and then again sometimes extremely pungent.” (Laughter)
Okay. In 1999, in the state of Israel, a man began hiccupping. And this was one of tho cas that went on and on. He tried everything his friends suggested. Nothing emed to help. Days went by. At a certain point, the man, still hiccupping, had x with his wife. An
d lo and behold, the hiccups went away. He told his doctor, who published a ca report in a Canadian medical journal under the title, “Sexual Intercour as a Potential Treatment for Intractable Hiccups.” I love this article becau at a certain point they suggested that unattached hiccuppers could try masturbation. (Laughter) I love that becau there is like a whole demographic: unattached hiccuppers. (Laughter) Married, single, unattached hiccupper.