1. In a short essay, distinguish between managers and leaders. spicy(第九版本第1章)
Managers are appointed to their position. Their ability to influence employees is bad on the formal authority that is inherent in that position. In contrast, leaders may be appointed but can also emerge from within a work group and are able to influence others for reasons beyond formal authority. A leader goes beyond just being a manager. A leader is defined as someone who can influence others and has managerial authority.
2. In a short essay, list and briefly describe three common communication networks, or patterns of communication, that emerge in organizations. Is any one network preferable to others? If so, why. If not, what factors influence which network is best for a particular situation. (第九版本第11章291页)
a. Chain Network培养英语—communication flows according to the formal chain of command, both
norm是什么意思downward and upward. If accuracy is important, the chain network works well.
b.Wheel Network—communication flows between a clearly identifiable and strong leader and others in a work group or team. The leader rves as a hub through which communication pass. If having a strong, identifiable leader is important to the organization or work unit, the wheel network is the best communication network. Accuracy is also very high with the wheel network.星期天英文
All-Channel Network—communication flows freely among all members of a work team. If high member satisfaction is a concern, the all channel network is preferable.
c cze:全通道式网络中,沟通的信息会在工作团队所有成员中自由地流动,如果你关注成员满意度,,则全通道式最好。
3.In a short essay, differentiate between the symbolic view and the omnipotent view of management. Include specific examples of each view to support your answer.(管理万能或者象征第九版第三章P55)
awesome是什么意思a. The view of managers as omnipotent is consistent with the stereotypical picture of th
e take-charge business executive who can overcome any obstacle in carrying out the organization’s objectives. This omnipotent view isn’t limited to business organizations. It can also be ud to help explain the high turnover among college and professional sports coaches, who can be considered the “managers” of their teams. Coaches who lo more games than they win are en as ineffective. They are fired and replaced by new coaches who, it is hoped, will correct the inadequate performance. In the omnipotent view, when organizations perform poorly, someone has to be held accountable regardless of the reasons why, and in our society, that “someone” is managers. Of cour, when things go well, someone needs to be praid. So managers also get the credit—even if they had little to do with achieving positive outcomes.
b. The symbolic view says that a manager’s ability to affect outcomes is influenced and constrained by external factors. In this view, it is unreasonable to expect managers to significantly affect an organization’s performance. Instead, an organization’s results are influenced by factors outside the control of management. The factors include the economy, market changes, governmental policies, competitors’ actions, conditions in the
particular industry, control over proprietary technology, and decisions made by the previous manager. For example, when Winn-Dixie Stores decided to clo 10 percent of its stores and cut 11,000 jobs in April 2000, competitors like Kroger found its business volume and revenues increasing. The symbolic view would suggest that the positive performance wasn’t due to anything that the managers did, but instead was due to forces beyond their control.
4. In a short essay, list and discuss the eight steps in the decision-making process.(第六章决策过程152页开始)
a. Step 1: Identifying a problem—the decision-making process begins with the existence of a problem or a discrepancy between an existing and a desired state of affairs. However, a discrepancy without pressure to take action becomes a problem that can be postponed.
b. Step 2: Identify decision criteria—once the manager has identified a problem that needs attention, the decision criteria important to resolving the problem must be identified. That is, managers must determine what’s relevant in making a decision.
c. Step 3: Allocating weights to the criteria—at this step, the decision maker must weigh the items in order to give them the correct priority in the decision. A simple approach is to give the most important criterion a weight of 10 and then assign weights to the rest against that standard.