概况 | 课题:新目标英语七年级(下)ing2ingUnit 9 Section B (2a-2c) 授课教师: 授课班级: 课型:要素组合方式 课时:一课时(45分钟) 授课时间: | ||||
目 标 | 目标一 | Train students’ abilities of reading& help students master the strategies of reading. | |||
目标二 | Let students learn some new words and phras: artist, crime, criminal, put, each, way, describe, differently, another, end, real, in the end | ||||
检测 | 内容提要 | T | 方法&策略 | 反思/评价 | |
前beihu | 第2和第3教学步骤是检测学生对用英语描述人的外貌的知识掌握的情况。强化次数1+1+3次。 | I. Lead in Step 1: Greetings. Step 2: Listen and draw. Step 3: Show and describe. Step 4: Show the students what they will learn in this lesson. | 0.5 3 2 0.5 | I. Step 1:(听+想在线英汉互译器+大的英文讲)Greetings. Step 2.: (听+想+做+看+讲+小动)Tell students what Ms. Chen’s best friend looks like: “She is a woman. She is tall and of medium build. She has long curly black hair. She has a round face. She has two big eyes, a small no and a big mouth. She always wears glass.” And ask them to draw a picture of her. Then exchange in group of 4, choo the best picture. Step 3: (听+看+讲)Ask three groups to show their pictures and describe what Ms. Chen’s best friend looks like. At last, show the real picture to the students and compare. Step 4: (看+听) Show the students what they will learn in this lesson. | 在导入这一环节中,老师利用“听、看、讲、想、做和动静”这七要素进行组织教学。老师设计了“边听边画”这一活动,让学生画出老师的好朋友的形象。通过这一教学活动,既达到检测学生用英语描述人的外貌的知识掌握的情况,又达到了激发学生学习兴趣的目的。最后拿学生画的画与真人的画像进行对比,让学生意识到凭听到的信息画一个人的形象与真人的形象的差异,为下一步的阅读教学顺利开展打下了良好的基础。 |
中 | 第1教学步骤中的游戏1是检测学生对形容词的掌握;游戏2是检测学生对新单词和词组的掌握。强化次数1+1+1+2+1次。第2教学步骤的任务1、2、3是检测学生对短文阅读理解和词汇词组的掌握。强化次数1+2+1+1次。第3教学步骤中的活动1、活动2对课文进行拓展延伸,强化次数3+3次。 | II.Reading (2a-2c) Step 1: Pre-reading Step 2: While-reading Step 3: Post-reading | 8 20 10 | II. Step 1: (听+看+想+讲+小动) Pre-reading: Game 1: say out the opposite words quickly. Game 2: First, using PPT, spell the new words quickly. Second, read the new words in pairs. Then, ask 2 students to read the new words aloud. At last, the whole class read the new words together. Step2: (看+想+讲+听+做+小动)While-reading: Task 1: Fast-reading (2b): Read the newspaper article. Which picture shows the real criminal? Task 2: Careful- reading (2c): Read the article again and write what the words in the bold refer to. (Work in group of 4) Task 3: Translation & making ntences: Ask the students to read the article as carefully as they can & translate the phras of the article. And then make ntences with some key phras. Task 4: Reading aloud. Read after the tape. Step 3: (听+看+讲+想+做+小动2+学习卡)Post-reading: Activity 1: Fill in the chart and make a conversation. (pair work) Activity 2: Retell the article by using the key words in the mind-map. (work in group of 4) | 阅读的准备活动通过两个游戏:“1.快速说出反义词;2.快速拼读单词”来完成。目的是激活和增强学生原有的语言知识,掌握阅读中出现的新单词和词组,为阅读的开展扫清障碍。阅读的实施阶段分四个任务来进行。任务1:快速阅读,找出哪一张是真正犯罪分子的画。目的是检测学生对文章的整体感知情况。任务2:细读,让学生分成4人组讨论这些代词分别指代哪些人或物,目的在于检测学生对文章上下文的理解能力。任务3:翻译和造句,目的在于检测学生运用新学词汇和词组的掌握情况。任务4:大声朗读。目的在与培养学生的跟读和朗读能力,对短文的整体感知再次得到强化。阅读的拓展阶段由两个活动构成。活动1最长的英文单词:学习卡:完成对短文Joe Brown 信息的补充,根据信息进行2人小组对话练习。活动2:学习卡:用关键词复述课文。这两个活动交出学习主动权,让学生对所学知识得到再次强化,有效地提高了语言的综合运用能力。 |
后the creeps | 强化次数达22次,适当布置作业。 | III. Summary& Homework | 1 | III. 1. (想+讲+看+听)Summary. 2. (看+听+做+学习卡)Homework: Study card: Exerci 3. | 总结和后置作业旨在巩固当天所学的内容。 |
注释或总评 | 强化次数:22次 小动: 5次 | ||||
What’s his name? | What does he do? | What does he want to do? | Why is this job sometimes difficult? |
He is __________ | beagle He is a _________________ | He wants to ____________________ | 六月英文Becau ________________________ |
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