Business Esntials, lOe (Ebert/Griffin)
Chapter 5 Managing the Business
职称英语考试网1)Business strategy focus on improving the company's competitive position.
Answer: TRUE
Explanation: Strategic management is the process of helping an organization maintain an effective alignment with its environment. One specific type is business, or competitive, strategy. Difficulty: Easy Objective: 5.4
Learning Outcome: Describe the skills and functions of management.
Skill: Concept
2)Contingency planning eks to identify how a company will respond to change.
Answer: TRUE
Explanation: Contingency planning is planning for change: It eks to identify in advance important asp
ects of a business or its market that might change.
Difficulty: Easy
Objective: 5.5
Learning Outcome: Describe the skills and functions of management.
Skill: Concept
3)When a sales manager compares actual sales to the quarterly sales quota, she is performing the controlling function of management.
Answer: TRUE
Explanation: Controlling is the process of monitoring a firm's performance to make sure that it is meeting its goals.
Difficulty: Moderate
Objective: 5.1
Learning Outcome: Describe the skills and functions of management.
Skill: Concept
4)The first step in the control process is to compare actual performance to standards.
Answer: FALSE
Explanation: The first step in the control process occurs when managers establish standards. Difficulty: Moderate
Objective: 5.1
Learning Outcome: Describe the skills and functions of management.
Skill: Concept
5)Operations managers are responsible for production, inventory, and quality control.
Answer: TRUE
Explanation: In general, operations refers to the systems by which a firm produces goods and rvices. Difficulty: Moderate
Objective: 5.2
Learning Outcome: Describe the skills and functions of management.
Skill: Concept
6)Information managers are responsible for getting products from producers to consumers. Answer: FALSE
Explanation: Information managers design and implement systems to gather, organize, and distribute information.
Difficulty: Moderate
Objective: 5.2
Learning Outcome: Describe the skills and functions of management.
Skill: Concept
英语沙龙7)The last step in the decision-making process is the lection of the best alternative.
Answer: FALSE
Explanation: Implementing the chon alternative is the last step in the process.
Difficulty: Moderate
Objective: 5.3
Learning Outcome: Describe the skills and functions of management.
Skill: Concept
8)Changes in technology will result in a decrea in the amount of information that managers will u to make decisions.
Answer: FALSE
Explanation: In today's world, the amount of information has reached staggering proportions. Difficulty: Moderate
Objective: 5.3
Learning Outcome: Describe the skills and functions of management.
Skill: Concept
9)The starting point in effective management is tting goals.
Answer: TRUE
Explanation: In addition, managers must consider what actions will and will not achieve company goals.
Difficulty: Moderate
Objective: 5.4
Learning Outcome: Describe the skills and functions of management.
Skill: Concept
10)Goal tting helps managers asss performance.
Answer: TRUE
fundExplanation: For example, if a unit ts a goal of increasing sales by 10 percent in a given year, managers in that unit who attain or exceed the goal can be rewarded.
Difficulty: Moderate
Objective: 5.4
Learning Outcome: Explain how economic performance is monitored.
Skill: Concept
11)Long-term goals are derived directly from a firm's mission statement.
Answer: TRUE
Explanation: Long-term goals relate to extended periods of time, typically five years or more; long-term goals are strategic goals that are directly related to the firm's mission statement.
Difficulty: Moderate
Objective: 5.4
Learning Outcome: Describe the skills and functions of management.大学生英语作文网
Skill: Concept
12)Doubling the number of merchants participating in a sales program over the next 10 years is an example of a long-term goal.
Answer: TRUE
Explanation: Long-term goals relate to extended periods of time, typically five years or more. Difficulty: Moderate
Objective: 5.4
Learning Outcome: Describe the skills and functions of management.
Skill: Application
13)Increasing sales by 4 percent in the next six months would be an example of an intermediate goal. Answer: FALSE
Explanation: Increasing sales by 4 percent over six months would be an example of a short-term goal; short-term goals are t for up to a year.
Difficulty: Moderate
Objective: 5.4
Learning Outcome: Explain how economic performance is monitored.
Skill: Application
14)When IBM analyzes its internal strengths and weakness, it is conducting an organizational analysis.
Answer: TRUE
Explanation: In addition to analyzing external factors by performing an environmental analysis, managers can examine internal strengths and weakness via organizational analysis.
Difficulty: Moderate
Objective: 5.4
Learning Outcome: Explain how economic performance is monitored.
Skill: Application
15)Corporate culture is largely a result of state and local laws and regulations.
Answer: FALSE
hospitalizationExplanation: Corporate culture refers to the shared experiences, stories, beliefs, and norms that characterize an organization.
Difficulty: Moderate
Objective: 5.6
Learning Outcome: Discuss the factors that affect motivation and behavior in the workplace.
Skill: Concept
16) A strong corporate culture directs employees* efforts and helps everyone work toward the same goals.
Answer: TRUE
Explanation: Managers must carefully consider the kind of culture they want for their organizations and then work to nourish that culture by communicating with everyone who works there.
Difficulty: Moderate
Objective: 5.6
Learning Outcome: Discuss the factors that affect motivation and behavior in the workplace.
Skill: Concept
17)It is not possible to change an organization's corporate culture.
Answer: FALSE
Explanation: Organizations must sometimes change their corporate culture.
Difficulty: Moderate
Objective: 5.6
Learning Outcome: Discuss the factors that affect motivation and behavior in the workplace.
Skill: Concept
18)Many managers spend as much as four hours a day in meetings.
Answer: TRUE
Explanation: Meetings are one of the four most common caus of wasted time in organizations. Difficulty: Easy
Objective: 5.3
Learning Outcome: Describe the skills and functions of management.
Skill: Concept
19)The effectiveness of managers in using time can be undermined by frequent phone calls. Answer: TRUE
Explanation: Becau of the frequency with which managers are interrupted by phone calls, experts suggest having an assistant screen all calls and tting aside a certain block of time each day to return the important ones as an effective time management tool.
Difficulty: Moderate
Objective: 5.3
Learning Outcome: Discuss the factors that affect motivation and behavior in the workplace. Skill: Concept
20) A firm first ts its strategies and then focus attention on goals to accomplish them.
Answer: FALSE
Explanation: After a firm has t its goals, it then focus attention on strategies to accomplish them. Difficulty: Moderate
Objective: 5.4
Learning Outcome: Describe the skills and functions of management.
Skill: Concept
21)Strategy has a wider scope than planning.
Answer: TRUE
Explanation: Planning is often concerned with the nuts and bolts of tting goals, choosing tactics, and establishing schedules; strategy tends to have a wider scope.
Difficulty: Moderate
Objective: 5.4
sddsupdate是什么Learning Outcome: Describe the skills and functions of management.
Skill: Concept
22)An organization retrenches by increasing its investment in a particular area.
Answer: FALSE
Explanation: Retrenching is a corporate strategy that involves reducing investment in a particular area. Difficulty: Moderate
Objective: 5.4
Learning Outcome: Explain how economic performance is monitored.
Skill: Concept
23)SWOT analysis is usually conducted before strategic goals have been established.
Answer: FALSE
Explanation: Strategic goals are established first; THEN the internal strengths and weakness and the external opportunities and threats are evaluated through SWOT analysis.
Difficulty: Moderate
Objective: 5.4
Learning Outcome: Describe the skills and functions of management.
Skill: Concept
24)Which business constituents analyze their competitive environments and plan, organize, direct, and control the operations of their organizations?气门导管
Answer: B
Explanation: B) Management itlf is the process of planning, organizing, leading, and controlling an organization's financial, physical, human, and information resources to achieve its goals. Managers overe the u of all the resources in their respective firms.
Difficulty: Easy
Objective: 5.1
Learning Outcome: Describe the skills and functions of management.
Skill: Concept