We all have moments of desperation. But if we can face them head on, that’s when we find out just how strong we really are.以下是为大家搜索的阅读长难句专题解析,希望能给大家带来帮助!更多精彩内容请及时关注我们! 美国人的饮食习惯
Darwin’s theory was that the suession from one coral reef type to another could be achieved by the upward growth of coral from a sinking platform, and that there would be a progression from a fringin greef, through the barrier reef stage until, with the disappearance through subsidence (sinking) of the central island, only a reef-enclod lagoon or atoll would survive.(TPO47,62)
Darwin’s theory was that the suession from one coral reef type to another could be achieved by the upward growth of coral from a sinking platform, and that there would be a progression from a fringing reef, (through the barrier reef stage) until, (with the disappearan
2011年英语四级真题ce through subsidence(sinking) of the central island),only a reef-enclod lagoon or atoll would survive.(TPO47, 62)
修饰一:the suession from one coral reef type to another could be achieved by the upward growth of coral from a sinking platform,从句
howo 中文:一种珊瑚礁种类可以通过从一个正在下沉的平面上向上生长演化成为另一种种类
修饰二:(through the barrier reef stage),插入语
simim 修饰三:(with the disappearance through subsidence (sinking) of the central island),介词短语
修饰四:there would be a progression from a fringing reef,从句 北京论文翻译
修饰五:only a reef-enclod lagoon or atoll would survive,从句
达尔文的理论是:一种珊瑚礁种类可以通过从一个正在下沉的平面上向上生长演化成为另一种种类,并且,通过岸礁就演变到堡礁,直到由于中央岛因为下沉消失了,只剩下珊瑚环绕的泻湖或环礁保存下来。 英语三级考试