Microbiological Properties in Earthworm Cast and Surrounding Soil Amended with Various Organic
期刊名称: Communications in Soil Science & Plant Analysis
党在我心中>9518作者: K?z?lkaya, R?dvan, Hep?en, ?üheyda
年份: 2007年
六一儿童节诗歌期号: 第19-20期菠萝的英文
关键词: Enzymes;microbial activity;organic wastes;soil;wormcast
马西诺psychology摘要:Changes produced in the microbiological properties of earthworm Lumbricus terrestris casts and surrounding soil by the addition of various organic wastes such as wheat straw (WS), tea production waste (TEW), tobacco production waste (TOW), cow manure (CM), and hazelnut husk (HH) were evaluated in an incubation experiment. Twenty‐one days after organic waste treatment, analys of mi
crobial biomass (Cmic), basal soil respiration (BSR), metabolic quotient (qCO2), and enzyme activities (dehydrogena, catala, β‐glucosida, urea, alkaline phosphata, and arylsulphata) were carried out on collected cast and soil samples. Addition of organic wastes to the soil incread values of Cmic, BSR, and enzyme activities in soil and earthworm casts, indicating activation by microorganisms. Except for catala activity, the