专业英语四级(听力)模拟试卷264 (题后含答案及解析)
题型有:1. Make eye contactGive a【T1】smiling look【T1】______Avoid forcing interaction on uninterested peopleBe outgoing instead of【T2】【T2】______Have a n of boundaryKnow【T3】to approach others【T3】______2. Ask【T4】【T4】______More than “Yes” or “No”Encourage people to【T5】【T5】______Suggested ideasThoughts about a book/magazine【T6】to do around here【T6】______Where to shop for clothes3. Search for a(an)【T7】【T7】______Probe for things in commonSame workplace,【T8】friends【T8】______Start with scenario with strangers:Ask for【T9】in a bookstore【T9】______Make jokes when waiting in lineOffer a complimentAvoid【T10】comments【T10】______
神探夏洛克第二季021. 【T1】
解析:本题考查细节。录音在阐述第一个建议时提到:在社交场合应主动地与他人进行眼神接触:眼神接触建立后,随即应该给予他人友好的笑脸(a friendly,smiling look)。 知识模块:讲座
2. 【T2】
解析:本题考查对大意的理解。录音指出,在外向地(outgoing)与人社交的同时,也应注意不要强人所难(pushy),尤其是对显然没有兴趣社交的人。 知识模块:讲座
3. 【T3】
正确答案:when and where
解析:本题考查细节。承接上一要点,录音进一步说明,“外向”(outgoing)不仅意味着采取主动的行为,还意味着应该对具体场合有判断的意识,知道何时何地(when and where)适合社交。 知识模块:讲座
二本师范大学排名4. 【T4】
正确答案:open-ended questions
解析:本题考查考生对主要观点的把握。录音提出的第二个建议是多问开放式问题(ask open-ended questions),注意open-ended一词有连字符号。 知识模块:讲座
5. 【T5】
正确答案:share about themlves
解析:本题考查对大意的理解。录音解释道:多问开放性问题的好处在于能够鼓励不熟悉的人谈论、分享自己的感受和看法(share about themlves)。 知识模块:讲座
6. 【T6】
正确答案:Favorite thing/Favourite thing
志的看法。询问对方在附近最爱做的事情(favorite thing to do),或询问买衣服的店。 知识模块:讲座
7. 【T7】
解析:本题考查考生对要点的把握。录音提出的第三个建议是寻找共同之处(arch for commonality)。 知识模块:讲座
8. 【T8】
解析:本题考查细节。录音提到,在寻找共同之处时,若恰好跟对方是同事,或有共同的朋友(mutual friends),话题便很容易继续下去。 知识模块:讲座
9. 【T9】
正确答案:a reading recommendation
解析:本题考查对例子的理解。录音提到,对于与陌生人交流,可以在具体的场景(scenario)中寻找话题,如在书店,可以询问关于阅读方面的推荐(reading recommendation)。 知识模块:讲座
10. 【T10】
解析:本题考查对信息的理解和整合。在“赞美别人”(offer a compliment)这一分论点中,录音提到应该避免任何听起来品头论足(judgmental)的评论,也不应该说冒犯别人(offensive)的话,因此写对其中一个即正确。 知识模块:讲座
听力原文: Stop Being a People Plear Good afternoon. Today’s topic might speak to a lot of you here: Are you a people plear? Are you sick of being “too nice”? If you happen to be a people plear, then people are always taking advantage of you. You’re also probably not getting what you want out of life. Stop thinking about what would make others happy and focus on what you need. It’s time to shift the focus from others to yours
elf. You could start with saying “no”. [1]Don’t make up excus—give your reasons for not wanting something. For example, your husband wants his entire family to come to Christmas dinner, and you just can’diantait face it. [2]Say, “I’m sorry darling, I find the pressure of entertaining such a large number of people intolerable.” Your best friend wants you to go with him to a party that will be full of people that you can’t stand? [3]Say, “No thanks, Bob. It’s just not my scene.” You don’t have to say “Seriously, Bob? Your friends are all jerks.” [3]A simple “no, thanks” will generally suffice. Start small by finding something small to say “no” to, [4]and say it firmly. Say it politely, but mean it! You’ll be surprid the world will not collap around your ears! People rarely take offen, and tho that do aren’t worth pleasing. [5]Then, constantly evaluate your boundaries. Compare tho to the limits you t on others. To what extent are you willing to restrict your openness to being ud by others? What is acceptable behavior for you and what is unacceptable? Being able to analyze this factor allows you to measure what can be done for others and what shouldn’t be done for others in a much more objective manner. Is that the same for you and for others? Do you accept the unacceptable? [6]Tolerate the intolerable? Normali
ze the abnormal? [7]Do you know what it feels like to be treated with dignity and respect? Learn how to identify and label unacceptable treatment from others and how to t limits on their behavior when they violate your boundaries. [8]Last but not least, stop basing your lf-worth on how much you do for other people. It’s noble that you want to help others, but it’s something you should do becau you want to, not becau you feel you have to. The willingness to help others should come after you know how to help yourlf. [9]The greatest acts of kindness are tho done by choice, not out of fear or guilt. If you’re helping others to such an extent that you are neglecting yourlf, is that really wi? [10]And, if you听力课堂网’re doing things for others becau you would feel bad if you didn’t, is the action really genuine? Would you want others to help you for the same reason? Plea remember: never think that the world around you will collap if you fail to plea a person. After all, it can be difficult to improve your own life when youshl是谁’re too busy accommodating others.
Stop Being a People Plear1. Say “no”Give reasons instead of【T1】excus【T1】______ExamplesIt’s stressful to【T2】a large family【T2】______Say “【T3】”
when declining a party invitation【T3】______Start small and say it firmly and【T4】【T4】______ 2.【T5】your boundaries【T5】______Compare your boundaries to limits you t on othersDecide what is unacceptable,【T6】, abnormal【T6】______How it feels to be treated with【T7】【T7】______ 3. Re-examine your【T8】【T8】______ Help other becau of willingnessKindness: by choice, not becau of【T9】【T9】______ Am I wi when helping others yet neglecting mylf?Is my action【T10】【T10】______?
11. 【T1】
有志者事竟成英文正确答案:making up
解析:本题考查对原文大意的理解及对细节的把握。录音在阐述第一个要点时提到:首先要学会对别人说“不”,应该直接给出自己的理由(give your reasons)而非编造借口(make up excus)。需要注意的是,由于前面有instead of,故应用“-ing”形式。 知识模块:讲座
12. 【T2】
解析:本题考查细节。录音在论述如何用合理的理由拒绝别人的要求时,举例说明:当丈夫提出请全家人在家里过圣诞节时,妻子可以用“招待一大家子人压力太大”(I find the pressure of entertaining…intolerable)的理由来拒绝。 知识模块:讲座
13. 【T3】
解析:本题考查对大意的理解。录音在第一个观点的例证和总结句中均提到,在拒绝别人时无须过分地评论或展开,简明扼要地说一句“no,thanks”即可。注意“no”和“thanks”之间应有逗号。 知识模块:讲座
14. 【T4】
解析:本题考查细节。录音中提到,先从“不”开始说起,要说得坚决;说得要有礼貌,但很坚定。提纲中已出现firmly,所以本题应填入politely。 知识模块:讲座
15. 【T5】
解析:本题考查考生对要点的把握。录音提出的第二个要点是“经常性地审视自己的限度”(constantly evaluate your boundaries),注意首字母要大写。 知识模块:讲座
16. 【T6】
解析:本题考查对信息的理解和整合。录音在论证“审视自己的限度”时提出了一系列的”扪心自问”,其中一个问题是:你是否能容忍那些难以容忍的事?(Tolerate the intolerable?)三个并列的问题分别对应题目中的并列形容词unacceptable,intolerable,abnormal。 知识模块:讲座
17. 【T7】iqi
正确答案:dignity and respect
解析:本题考查细节。继前面的一系列“扪心自问”之后,演讲者继续提问:你是否知道“被待以尊严和尊重”(to be treated with dignity and respect)是什么样的感觉? 知识模块:讲座