Feminism in Jane Eyre
Abstract: Charlotte Brontë’ masterpiece smart carJane Eyre symbolized a new era in the history of literature. It awakened women’s awareness to be independent. It brought about a completely new concept of marriage and of the value of life to a woman. That is marriage should ba on true love, equality and respect rather than social ranks, materials or appearance. Marriage should be the combination of souls as well as bodies. The heroine of the novel Jane Eyre has successfully demonstrated the image of a woman who is intelligent, independent, kind-hearted and most importantly, brave enough to say “no” to the social conventions and live up to her principle in life. The author Charlotte Brontë is acclaimed to be a pioneer in the campaign of feminism. This essay is to explore and appreciate the spirits of feminism reflected in this novel and also reveal the limitations in demonstrating the concept of feminism.ellen talk show
Key Words: Jane Eyre, feminism, limitations
In the 19th century, women were considered to be appendages to men. Marriage and family life were the whole world to women. Women depended upon men physically, financially and spiritually. This essay is to explore and appreciate the spirits of feminism reflected in this novel Jane Eyre, who author took the lead in the campaign of feminism. There are three parts in the process of demonstration. The first part is about the oppression laid by the four main men characters on Jane. The cond part is about three main women characters and their images in this novel. The last part is to point out some limitations of the author when illustrating feminism.
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1. Men’s oppression upon women
沈阳英语The novel was written in the early 19th century when men played a dominant role in society. Women were considered to be inferior to men. All that women were suppod to do was follow the instructions of men and be the subsidiary addition to men’s life. Four m
en in Jane’s life had laid oppression on her in different degrees. Jane survives the oppression and led herlf constantly to her own desirable life.
1. The oppression from John Reed
The first male character to oppress Jane was her cousin John Reed, who in part made little Jane live in shadow and fears when she was only a young girl. The boy hit Jane whenever he felt like only becau Jane was an orphan. Poor little Jane could do nothing but bear the hurts both physically and spiritually. At last, Jane’s feelings of hatred and indignity went out of control. For the first time, Jane stood up and fought back when John hit her again. Her cry of “ Wicked boy” at John declares her determination to fight against this unfair world. This quarrel and fight led to her life in Lowood in which she felt much happier.
2. The oppression from Mr. Brocklehurst
Mr. Brocklehurst reprents tho who had firm belief in women-inferiority theory. He de
manded the girls in Lowood to wear ugly or even broken clothes, eat far-from-enough harsh food and led a hard life. In his opinion, girls should lead a simple life in order to cultivate the virtue of subordination and dependence. He once insulted Jane in front of Jane’s teachers and classmates. He claimed Jane to be a wicked girl only becau Mrs. Reed, Jane’s Aunt, told him so. Though depresd and heart-broken, Jane finally showed with her own deeds to her teachers and classmates that she was not a wicked girl as Mr. Brocklehurst claimed.
3. The oppression from Edward Rochester
2020语文答案>carrotsEven Edward Rochester, Jane’s lover, wanted to lay some oppression or control upon Jane. Before their marriage, he wanted to u the necklace to circle up the thoughts and feelings of Jane. He wanted the ring to restrict Jane’s actions. Further, he wanted the beautiful wedding dress to change Jane’s appearance a little bit. Though at first, out of the love for Mr. Rochester, Jane intended to give in, but in the end she refud all of them. She just wanted to act what Jane was like and prerve her own unique characteristics.
4. The oppression from St. John
St. John hold absolute faith in the social convention that a woman’s value was realized only when she devoted her life to a man. He took it for granted that it was the privilege and honor of Jane to go to India with him and help his work as his wife. He thought Jane would agree with him at last becau it was what a good woman should be like. Jane firmly declined this idea becau she wanted a marriage bad on true love and mutual understandings.
2013年高考成绩查询2. The image of women characters
The heroine of the novel hollaJane Eyre has undoubtedly succeeded in building up the image of a woman who has the courage to fight against the unfair reality and pursue the equality in life. She calls for women to struggle for and be the mastery of their own lives. During the whole story, Jane rves as a positive character. By the development of Jane’s thoughts and feelings, the author conveys the spirits of feminism.
Miss Blanch Ingram rves as a contract character against Jane. She reprents the typical girls from noble families in that time. All she wanted was to find a rich man to depend on and get married with him. In her opinion, a woman’s duty was to make her appearance attractive and beautiful in order to win the heart of a rich man. Marriage should ba on social ranks and money only and husbands and children are the whole world for a woman. Her rude behaviors and contempt upon “ordinary” people have fully illustrated her lack of cultivation and education. The image of Miss Blanch Ingram also symbolized the women victims of the social conventions. They lost their soul or even lost control of their bodies and they didn’t have the slightest idea of the value of a woman’s life. they lived and were quite willing to live as the belongs of men.