PROCESS WORK INSTRUCTIONS 程序工作指导书 | DOCUMENT NO.: 文 件 编 号 SKL-SOP-100 | EFFECTIVE DATE: 生 效 日starring role 期奥巴马国情咨文 2006/3/10 |
VERSION: 版 次 A0 | PAGE: 页 次 1 OF 8 |
SUBJECT: 主 题 敏感组件之温湿度控制Moisture Sensitive Device Control |
ORIGINATOR: 起 草 人 <DATE> | APPROVED BY: 核 准specific是什么意思 人 <DATE> |
DCN | 版次 | 新版生效日期 | 内容(变更叙述) |
| A0 | 2006/3/10 | 初版 |
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PAGE NO. | jack nicklaus1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 英语培训哪个机构好 | 20 |
VERSION | A1 | A1 | A1 | A1 | A1 | A1 | A1 | A1 | | | | | | | | | | | | |
DATE | good night什么意思01/05 | 01/05 | 01/05 | 01/05 | 01/05 | 01/05 | 01/05 | 01/05 | | | | | | | | | | | | |
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金舜数码科技有限公司 | SUBJECT:主题 | DOC. NO. | SKL-SOP-100 |
敏感组件之温湿度控制 Moisture Sensitive Device Control | PAGE NO. | 2 OF 8 |
DATE | 2006/3/10 |
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1.0 目的
Purpo :
To prevent and reduce the negative impact of moisture related failures in
the manufacturing process.
2.0 适用范围
Scope :
Apply to all Moisture Sensitive Devices ud in Liteon..
3.0 定义
Definition :
All MSD components in IQC, Warehou, and production lines must be stored
in the appropriate storage environment.
4.0 设备
Equipment :
4.1 sal大型防潮箱(<20%RH)
Large size Dry Storage Cabinet. (<20%RH)
4.2 烤箱(120℃ ±5℃, 24hrs).
Baking Oven. (120℃ ±5℃ for 24hrs)
5.0 储存条件之规定
Condition of Storage :
5.1 未开封材料
Dry Sealed Materials :
All MSD materials must be kept at 18℃~30℃ & 45±15%RH environment.
5.2 已开封材料
Unaled Materials :
5.2.1 IQC检查材料时,开封材料经取出SAMPLE惊喜的英文拼写>杭杭后,应10分钟之内将封
口封住,并安置于温度18℃~30℃以内,湿度45±15% RH环境以内.
After IQC sampling inspection of the materials, the package must be aled within
10 minutes and be kept at 18℃~30℃ &45±15% RH environment.
5.2.2 开封后材料若立即放回(且不加封) 18℃~30℃, 45±15% RH以下之防潮箱,
则立即停止计算暴露时间,而以暴露在45±15% RH以下之时间为暴露时间.
If the unaled materials are kept at 18℃~30℃ & 45±15% RH environment, should
stop the cumulative exposure timing. Cumulative exposure time is recorded only at environment45±15% RH.
金舜数码科技有限公司 | SUBJECT:主题 | DOC. NO. | SKL-SOP-100 |
敏感组件之温湿度控制 Moisture Sensitive Device Control | PAGE NO. | 3 OF8 |
DATE | 2006/3/10 |
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5.2.3 拆封后72小时之内,材料必须在18℃~30℃以内, 45±15% RH以内使用
Unaled within 72 hours materials must be mounted between 18℃~30℃ and 45±15% RH environment.
6.0 以下状况在使用前必须烘烤
Baking Requirements :
当组件的FLOOR LIFE(存储寿命)已过,或者是在环境湿度大于60%的情况下暴露必须按照已下表规格烘烤。
Component must be baked when the ambient humidity exposures of >=60%RH or Component’s floor life has expired, and the baking will complied follow form.
注意:Package Body Thickness:指组件封装厚度 Level:即MSL(湿度敏感等级 一般组件标签上有注明)
6.1 烘烤事件必需记录于烘烤记录表中,如项目10.0
Baking event should be record in “Baking Oven Record” as item 10.0
7.0 烘烤后必须依5.0之储存条件,否则必须依6.0作烘烤作业.
After baking, the materials must be stored according to condition 5.0, or el should follow the
baking condition stated in 6.0.
8.0 敏感组件之使用管制
MSD Usage Control :
8.1 未开封之材料储存必须填写“组件储存卡(bin card)”如12.0 进行管制.
Sealed materials storage must be controlled by ‘Material Storage Control Card’
金舜数码科技有限公司 | SUBJECT:主题 | DOC. NO. | SKL-SOP-100 |
敏感组件之温湿度控制 Moisture Sensitive Device Control | PAGE NO. | 4 OF 8 |
DATE | 2006/3/10 |
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8.2 有开封之材料储存必须填写“组件储存使用记录标签”进行管制.
Unaled materials must be controlled by ‘Material Usage Control Record’.
8.3 材料拆封后,应立即在“组件储存使用记录标签”上填写“拆封日期”, “拆封时间”及
After the package is unaled, operator must record the al-off date, time, quantity, etc on the ‘Material Usage Control Record’, and paste it on the package.
8.4 拆封后未上线使用之组件必须入库保存,并在“组件储存使用记录标签”上填写“入库日期”,“入库时间”, “累计暴露时间”及“入库数量”等相关项目.
Unaled materials that have not been ud, must be realed for storage, and record the
storage date, time, cumulative exposure time, and quantity etc, on the ‘Material Usage
Control Record’.
8.5 拆封后上线使用之组件需填写“组件使用暴露时间记录标贴”(9.2),且记录使用
暴露时间并签名, 直至组件使用完,累计暴露时间超过72小时未使用完之组件
依6.0烘烤作业. “组件使用暴露时间记录标贴”贴于IC TRAY盘侧面.
Unaled materials for manufacturing process should fill in the ‘Material Baking &
Exposure Control Record’ (9.2), and record the al-off time and floor life of the materials