一分钟英语自我介绍 国际商务交流日益增多的当今世界, 来自不同文化的人们以不同的方式进行交流, 并且赋予各种交流行为以不同的内涵。其中, 文化的多样性表现得特别突出, 频繁的商务活动也带来各种文化冲撞。比如, 多数亚洲文化崇尚团结与和谐, 而西方文化则更鼓励个性与竞争。在交流过程中, 不同文化很可能导致彼此误解和冲突。
有效的商务沟通往往依赖于对不同文化和文化差异的理解与适应, 依赖于对可能出现的文化差异的良好判断和方略调整。因此, 对国际商务交流活动中文化差异的影响的研究具有重大意义。stride
文化风格对商务活动中人际交流方式的影响颇为明显。一般认为, 东方人讲话比较含蓄, 而西方人在交流中比较喜欢直截了当。东方人误认为西方人的直截了当是粗鲁和人性发展不成熟的表现。相反,西方人错以为东方人的含蓄委婉是虚伪、不诚心和反复无常的标签。
H all以高语境和低语境取向理论来解释个体对内隐信息的依赖程度,具体说, 在高语境文化中, 人们较愿意间接、婉转、含蓄地交流, 意思常常蕴涵在信息中, 需要经过推理才能理解, 直
白被认为是唐突而不受欢迎。他们对非语言表达方式的敏感度比低语境文化的人高。他们认为眼神、表情、动作、甚至沉默能够表达用语言无法表达的意思。他们尽量避免直接的冲突, 通常用暗示表达不满的情绪。在交流过程中, 他们几乎不会直接说“不”, 视觉接触较少, 沉默较多。
在低语境文化中, 交流更多依赖语言。人们倾向于直白、清楚的表达。任何事情都有必要解释, 意思就显露在字面上。他们不欢迎摸棱两可、委婉含蓄, 更喜欢开门见山、直截了当, 甚至当众反驳和顶撞都不太在乎。沉默会让他们感到难以忍受。对他们而言, 大部分的信息必须经过口头语言加以详尽处理。
因此, 在国际商务交流中, 来自“低语境”文化的商务人员常会要求来自“高语境”的商务人员解释, 在类似“由于众所周知的原因, 我们必须推迟本次交货”话语中, “众所周知的原因”具体指什么原因, 是政变、经济衰退、台风、地震, 还是产品或生产本身的问题。可是, 在“低语境”文化中, “众所周知”仅限于诸如数学、物理公式之类公理性的事物, 并不包括新近发生的变故, 更不包括在“高语境”文化中可以用“ 众所周知“来概括的羞于启齿的原因。
事实上, 不同文化对国际商务活动的影响是无时不在、无处不在的。这就要求国际商务人
员在进行人际交流中, 尽量地理解并尊重各种不同的文化差异, 了解体会不同文化差异在商务实践中的影响, 保持对不同的文化习俗较高的容忍度, 并将其有效地内化, 这将有助于及时预测发现潜在的问题, 以作出积极的调整和变化, 对于避免、化解由于文化多样性带来的误会和矛盾、促进国际商务交流与合作具有相当重要的意义。
The impact of cultural differences on international business communication如何调整心态
Nowadays, the international business communication is growing, people from different cultures communicate in different ways, and give various exchange behavior in different connotations. Among them, the cultural diversity was especially prominent, frequent business activities also brought a variety of cultural collision. For example, most Asian cultures advocating unity and harmony, while Western culture is more to encourage individuality and competition. In the exchange process, different cultures are likely to lead
to mutual misunderstanding and conflict.
We should make a good judgment and strategy adjustments to make business communication more 永不言弃英文effectively, and the effective business communication also depend on the understanding of cultural differences.到货通知 The impact of culture style on interpersonal style in business activities is quite obvioushehehei. Generally, Asians speak more subtle, but Westerners prefer straightforward exchangeviber. Asians mistakenly believe that Westerners are rude, straightforward leverageand development of human immaturity. In contrast, Westerners mistakenly thought Asians ‘subtle euphemism is hypocrisy, not sincere and capricious.
Hall u high-context and low-context orientation theory to explain the dependence of the individual implicit information. Specifically, in high-context cultures, people are more willing indirect, melody, subtle exchanges, meaning is often implied in the message, you need to go through in order to understand the reasoning, Straightforward is considered undesirable and abrupt .Their nsitivity to non-verbal means of expression is higher than the low-context cultures. They believe their mind can be expresd by the eyes, facial expressions, movements, and even silence, which can’t be expresd in words.
They try to avoid direct conflict, usually express their discontent implied. In the exchange process, they almost do not directly say "no”, and they prefer more silence to visual contact.
In low-context cultures, people communicate with each other more rely on verbal language, they tend to straightforward, clear express. Anything need to explain, the meaning is revealed literally. They are not welcome ambiguous, euphemistic, more like straight to the point, straightforward, and even do not care publicly refute and contradict. Silence makes them feel unbeara ble. For them, the most detailed information must be procesd through the spoken word.
Therefore, in international business communication, business people from "low-context" cultures often requires business people from "high context" explanation, In a similar "Due to the well-known reasons, we have to postpone the time of delivery." discour, "Well-known reasons," specifically referring to what the reason, is a coup, recession, problems typhoons, earthquakes, or products or production itlf. However, in the "low-context" cult
ures, "well known" is limited to the class, such as axiomatic mathematics, physics formulas of things, does not include the recent turn of events occurred, also not included in the "high-context" cultures can be "known" to summarize the ashamed reasons .
In fact, the impact of different cultures on international business activities are ever-prent, everywhere. This requires the communicator to understand and respect different cultural differences, to understand the impact of cultural differences in business practice, and keep a higher tolerance. This will help identify and forecast the potential problems timely ,and make positive adjustments. To avoid and resolve misunderstandings and conflicts due to the cultural diversity, will develop the International business exchanges and cooperation.
As a future business talent, I think I should strengthen the national cultural learning, improve my understanding of different cultures. Learning to respect for cultural differences. In order to新加坡本科留学费用 become an excellent business talent, we should learn to stand in each other's point of view in the process of business communication.