【Morning Buzz】
When I despair, I remember that all through history the way of truth and love has always won. There have been tyrants and murderers and for a time they em invincible but in the end, they always fall - think of it, ALWAYS. (Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, Indian political and ideological leader, 1869-1948)
>Divorce rate on the up 粗离婚率连续12年递增
>Few Chine take paid leave 带薪休假落实率仅有5成
>University in copycat spot 武大通知书被质疑抄袭
>Google to return to China 谷歌注册域名欲返中国
>Strict drone rules in NZ 新西兰限制使用无人机
good skin>Bae no longer a bachelor 韩星裴勇俊在首尔大婚
>LeBron inks Hollywood deal 詹皇签华纳进军好莱坞
【Top News】
>Divorce rate on the up 粗离婚率连续12年递增
accessoryChina's divorce rate has been rising for 12 concutive years, according to the social rvice development statistical bulletin for 2014 relead by Ministry of Civil Affairs. Last year 3.637m couples divorced in China, and the divorce rate was 2.7‰. The divorce-to-marriage ratio reached 27.8%, meaning one couple gets divorced for every four marriages. The divorce rate in Xinjiang was the highest, reaching 4.61‰. Heilongjiang and Jilin rank cond and third, with 4.08‰ and 4.01‰ respectively. Among the people re
gistered for divorce, more than 70% were aged between 30-40 years old. Nearly 95% people divorced becau of loss of affection and incompatibility of temperament.
>Few Chine take paid leave 带薪休假落实率仅有5成
A large amount of Chine employees refu to take paid leave, a legal right for workers stipulated by Chine law, a new survey has found. According to a nationwide survey conducted by Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, around 50% of Chine
employees choo not to take paid leave. In a bid to find out why, the People's Daily recently interviewed veral employees in different employment ttings. The newspaper found interviewees who work for government organs, institutions and State-owned enterpris reluctantly give up their rights due to concerns that asking for paid leave might "leave boss the bad impression of being lazy" and influence future job promotions. In other jobs, such as sales, employees forego paid leave to avoid smaller bonus, as only basic salary is given during that time.
>University in copycat spot武大通知书被质疑抄袭
Wuhan University is caught up in a copycat scandal as Internet urs say its admission notice this year looks similar to the offer letter that Renmin University nt out last year. Wuhan University relead its admission notice on its official microblog and WeChat accounts recently, then some netizens began questioning its lookalike design. The two universities haven't responded yet but their students have started a heated argument. Alumni of Renmin University ridiculed that students who received the admission notice are welcome to Renmin University becau it's difficult to tell the differences; while students of Wuhan University said it's just a coincidence.(See photo)
a是什么意思>Google to return to China谷歌注册域名欲返中国
It appears that Google Play, the arch giant's app store, is indeed making another play for the Chine market. There have been rumors about a return to China in recent months. Google registered a number of domain names related to Google Play in China days ago, Google Play is absolutely demolishing iOS's App Store when it comes to sheer download numbers, but iOS is still making way more money. This is primarily becau the official Android market isn't in China.
搜索巨头谷歌似乎正在为其应用商店"Google Play"进入中国市场布局。最近几个月,已经有传闻称谷歌要重返中国。近几天,谷歌在中国注册了大量与"Google Play"相关的域名,包括"谷歌应用市场中国"和"谷歌中国账户"。单从下载量上看,谷歌应用商店远远高于基于iOS系统的苹果商店,但iOS的收入却遥遥领先,主要原因是这个基于安卓系统的应用商店没有进入中国。(外媒)
>Strict drone rules in NZ 新西兰限制使用无人机配搭
Strict rules regarding the operation of drones will come into effect on Aug 1. Under the
new rules, nobody can operate a drone or model aircraft without getting the prior connt of the owner over which property it is intended to fly and also the permission of the occupiers of that property. Even if you could manage to get the prior permission of the land-owner, you'd also have to get the permission of everyone who was also in the area where you intended to fly. Of cour if you are prepared to pay a $600 fee to become "Certified" by Civil Aviation Authority then the restrictions on where you can fly are lifted and you don't need tho permissions.等级英文