∙be the cat's whiskers
了不起的东西〔人或主意〕be the best thing, person, idea, etc.flash 音乐
He thinks he's the cat's whiskers.他自命不凡。
∙cat and dog life
争吵不休的生活 a life in which partners are frequently or constantly quarrelling
They have led a cat and dog life almost since the day they were married.他们几乎从结婚那天起就一直过着争吵不休的生活。
Y ou miss a woman when she's been living with you in the same hou for six years, no matter what sort of cat and dog life you led together.不论你们过着怎样吵吵闹闹的生活,一个女人跟你在一个屋里共同生活了6年,你还是会怀念她的。
∙cat and mou game
欲擒故纵的把戏,折磨keep sb in a state of uncertain expectation
―Look!‖ he said suddenly as if he'd decided to cut short the cat and mou game.―瞧!‖他突然说到,似乎他已决定结束这场欲擒故纵的把戏。
∙let the cat out of the bag
真相大白,秘密泄露reveal a cret carelessly or by mistake
Well, there's no need for us to beat around the bush. Now that let the cat out of the bag,I can tell you the whole story.现在没有必要拐弯抹角了,既然说漏了嘴,就干脆全告诉你吧。
∙like a cat on hot bricks
像热锅上的蚂蚁very nervous
He was like a cat on hot bricks before his driving test.他面临驾驶考试,紧张得像热锅上的蚂蚁。
ole西班牙语Y ou're like a cat on hot bricks today. What's wrong?看你今天一副局促不安的样子,出了什么事啦?
∙put the cat among the pigeons
引来可能招惹是非的人或事introduce sb/sth that is likely to cau trouble or disturbancepik
The new curity guard is a burglar— that'll put the cat among the pigeons.新来的守卫是小偷——这下子可要鸡犬不宁了。
∙rain cats and dogs
下着倾盆大雨rain hard
It is raining cats and dogs.天正下着倾盆大雨。
In the middle of the picnic it started to rain cats and dogs, and everybody got soaked.野餐进行中,突然大雨倾盆,每个人身上都湿透了。
List of works
∙Iambicum Trimetrum
∙1569: Jan van der Noodt's A theatre for Worldlings, including poems translated into English by Spenr from French sources, published by Henry Bynneman in London[6]∙1579: The Shepheardes
Calender, published under the pudonym "Immerito"[7] (entered into the Stationers' Register in December[6])
∙The Faerie Queene, Books 1–3
∙Complaints Containing sundrie small Poemes of the Worlds Vanitie(entered into the Stationer's Register in 1590[6]), includes:
o The Ruines of Time
o The Teares of the Mus
o Virgil's Gnat
o Prosopopoia, or Mother Hubberds Tale
o Ruines of Rome: by Bellay
o Muiopotmos, or the Fate of the Butterflie
o Visions of the worlds vanitie
o The Visions of Bellay
o The Visions of Petrarch
∙Axiochus, a translation of a pudo-Platonic dialogue from the original Ancient Greek;
published by Cuthbert Burbie; attributed to "Edw: Spenr"[6]but the attribution is uncertain[8]
∙Daphnaïda. An Elegy upon the death of the noble and vertuous Douglas Howard, Daughter and heire of Henry Lord Howard, Viscount Byndon, and wife of Arthure Gorges Esquier (published in London in January, according to one source;[6] another source gives 1591 as the year[7])
∙Amoretti and Epithalamion, containing:
o Amoretti[6]
o Epithalamion[6]
∙Astrophel. A Pastorall Elegie vpon the death of the most Noble and valorous Knight, Sir Philip Sidney.
∙Colin Clouts Come home againe
∙Fowre Hymnes dedicated from the court at Greenwich;[6]published with the cond edition of Daphnaida[7]
∙The Faerie Queene, Books 4–6[6]
∙1609: Two Cantos of Mutabilitie published together with a reprint of The Fairie Queene[9]∙1611: First
folio edition of Spenr's collected works[9]
∙1633: A vewe of the prent state of Irelande a pro treati on the reformation of Ireland,[10] first published in James Ware's Ancient Irish Chronicles (Spenr's work was entered into the Stationer's Register in 1598 and circulated in manuscript but not published until it was included in this work of Ware's)[9]
without是什么意思Comedies Histories Tragedies
Main article: Shakespearean comedy
∙ All's Well That Ends Well ‡ ∙ As You Like It ∙ The Comedy of Errors ∙ Love's Labour's Lost ∙ Measure for Measure ‡ ∙ The Merchant of Venice ∙ The Merry Wives of Windsor
∙ A Midsummer Night's Dream ∙ Much Ado
∙ Pericles, Prince of Tyre *†
∙ The Taming of the Shrew ∙ The Tempest * ∙ Twelfth Night ∙ The Two Gentlemen of Verona ∙ The Two Noble Kinsmen *† ∙
The Winter's Tale *
Main article: Shakespearean history
∙ King John ∙ Richard II ∙ Henry IV, Part 1 ∙ Henry IV, Part 2 ∙ Henry V
∙ Henry VI, Part 1 † ∙ Henry VI, Part 2 ∙ Henry VI, Part 3 ∙ Richard III ∙
Henry VIII †
eachtimeMain article: Shakespearean tragedy
悲惨世界 电影>ed是什么意思∙ Romeo and Juliet
∙ Coriolanus
∙ Titus Andronicus † ∙ Timon of Athens † ∙ Julius Caesar ∙ Macbeth † ∙ Hamlet
∙ Troilus and Cressida ‡ ∙ King Lear ∙ Othello
∙ Antony and Cleopatra ∙
Cymbeline *
∙ Shakespeare's sonnets ∙ Venus and Adonis ∙ The Rape of Lucrece ∙ The Passionate Pilgrim [nb 5]
∙ The Phoenix and the Turtle
A Lover's Complaint
Lost plays
∙ Love's Labour's Won ∙
The History of Cardenio † Apocrypha
Main article: Shakespeare Apocrypha ∙ Arden of Faversham
∙ The Birth of Merlin
∙ Edward III
∙ Locrine
∙ The London Prodigal ∙ The Puritan
∙ The Second Maiden's Tragedy
∙ Sir John Oldcastle
∙ Thomas Lord Cromwell ∙ A Yorkshire Tragedy ∙
Sir Thomas More
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答:先在工具――选项――视图――格式标记,选中全部,然后就能够看到分页符,delete 就ok了。