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2011年 6 月
xx 0709014418 经济与管理学院 工商管理
E-commerce and corporate strategy:an executive perspective
Despite the recent downturn in Internet-bad business, the dollar value of electronic commerce(EC) tr
ansactions is increasing at an astounding rate. In consumer-to-business applications, the amount of money spent by online shoppers is nearly doubling every year and is expected to approach US$ 100 billion by 2004 while business-to-business sales is expected to reach US$ 1.3 trillion by 2003. The opportunities, powered by the evolving computing and communication technologies, enable companies to gain tremendous operational efficiencies, personalization, and information bad products and rvices. More and more conventional brick and mortar firms e e-commerce initiatives as offering strategic opportunities to transcend their normal operations. This study propos that e-commerce initiatives are important strategic initiatives and that firms with a stronger EC market orientation will be more successful. Content analysis of CE O’s letter to shareholders of 145 Fortune 500 firms was conducted to evaluate the importance of EC and strategic orientation. The results provide support to the study’s propositions and indicate that EC must be pursued carefully as a strategic initiative rather than as an appendage to an existing organization.
Keywords: E-commerce; Strategic orientation; Market orientation; Corporate performance; CEO letter to shareholders; Customer orientation; Competitor orientation; Content analysis 1. Introduction
The emergence of e-commerce is creating fundamental changes to the way that business is conducted. The changes are altering the way in which every enterpri acquires wealth and creates shareholder value. The myriad of powerful computing and communications technology enabling e-commerce allow organizations to streamline their business process, enhance customer rvice and offer digital products and rvices. This shift in underlying marketing fundamentals is now the driving force that is luring many organizations to embrace e-commerce.However, as they are learning, organizations must proceed with caution, as the road to e-commerce is littered with failed initiatives. A plunge in the share prices of dot com companies nt the tech-heavy NASDAQ index into almost free fall; down over 70% of the record high of 10 March 2000. Though an economic slowdown was apparently likely, one thing was painfully clear; most Internet “pure plays” could not find sustainable profitability by operating only as e-commerce organizations simply by excelling in the management of technology, information, and the consumer behavior. Similarly, established companies that viewed e-commerce as a stand-alone appendage to their business would be less likely to succeed in the efforts. Therefore, it is our contention that firms must clearly recognize their e-commerce initiatives as an integral part of their strategic objectives. In addition, we propo that firms that carefully evaluate their customer and competitor ba, as a part of strategic thinking, will reap more benefits.
In the process of forming a corporate strategy to respond to the challenges of environmental change, normative thinking requires that a firm should analyze its industry forces and value-chain activities in order to identify opportunities for IT innovation. Furthermore, it should examine asts, resources, and competency of the staff and identify tho mechanisms that confer a distinctive advantage over their rivals. Choice of appropriate strategy could then lead to superior performance. In the ca of e-commerce,firms implementing such initiatives should carefully analyze external forces, internal resources and their core competencies. The outcome of this process should be reflected through a tight integration between corporate strategy and e-commerce.This study focus on this outcomelovelace
and its relationship with corporate performance.
Specifically, the study investigated the extent to which large successful companies adopted an e-commerce posture that was integrated with their corporate strategy.Thus, we examined the qualitative portion of the company’s Annual Report: the CEO’s Letter to the Shareholder, using content analysis. This letter prents a unique obrvation point for the rearcher interested in examining corporate strategy and holds potential for determining the innovative methods of the top manager’s strategy[19]. Bettman and Weitz [6] argue that the CEO’s letter, which is a standardized component of the report, provides comparable and more objective data on an organization than woul
d interviews. Pfeffer [39], recognizing the utility of the CEO’s letter as a source of “objective” data on organizations, has called for incread rearch u of annual report data.
The study us the CEO’s letter as input to address the following questions:ropen
幼儿英文故事1. Is the importance of e-commerce to corporate strategy reflected in improved corporate performance?
2. Does a firm’s strategic orientation with respect to e-commerce have an impact on its performance?
2. Background and propositionsband
2.1. The perceived importance of e-commerce
The emergence of E-commerce has created a novel marketplace. However, definitions of what constitutes e-commerce vary [35 and 44] Extant studies have referred to the term “e-commerce marketplace” either from a system-oriented [3] or a market-structure perspective [33]. Bakos argued that it is the electronic market systems that create a space where buyers and llers converge. Malone et al. referred to it as a corresponding governance mechanism. Zwass [51 and 52] propod
an architecture that embraces the aforementioned perspectives as two components of an e-commerce structure. E-commerce related IT, in this framework, rves as the infrastructure that leads to the ri of e-commerce.At the top level, resulting from the impact of e-commerce operation is the issue of governance mechanism. Support for electronic marketplaces and electronic hierarchies can be found at the bottom level. In-between the levels there are application layers that provide value-added activities with respect to information sharing, business transactions, and relationship building. Thus, e-commerce includes not only buying and lling goods, but also various process within and across organizations. We define e-commerce as the u of computing and communication technologies to engage in a wide range of activities up and down the value-added chain, both within and outside the organization [1]. It is widely argued that e-commerce related IT, such as EDI, EFT, electronic messaging, shared corporate digital library etc. could enhance both organizational efficiency and effectiveness. In terms of efficiency benefits, an e-commerce application can generate internal efficiency and external coordination through changes in intra- or inter-organizational integrative process [24]. Even before the ri of e-commerce,and particularly the Internet, companies engaged in electronic commerce using electronic data interchange (EDI) to improve their operational efficiency. Today, Internet EDI can further integrate and enhance an organization’s operational efficiency. Riggins and Mukhopadhyay [43] using Chrysler as a ca, has shown that the total benefits provided by electronic integration are both tangible and significant.
Effective benefits of e-commerce technology are reflected in the u of the extended information exchange network to create organizational value. Becau of the addressability and responsiveness [14] that characterize the system, e-commerce could increa an organization’s ability to n and respond to the market needs by collecting and disminating market information throughout the organization. With that information, the organization could accurately asss or stimulate market demand and arch for new markets. Making the right
decision would in turn have a strategic impact that could change the relationship of the organization with its business rivals and customers.
高中英语从句Despite the benefits provided by e-commerce,however, adopting e-commerce does not ensure competitive advantage, becau the technologies are open and available to competitors [31]. Economic impacts do not emanate from IT investments directly, but through the value cr eated by the interaction of the IT asts with the “complementary asts” of the firm [11]. Rearchers [7, 26 and 30] propo that the ability to mobilize IT resources in conjunction with other resources is critical to superior performance. Therefore, corporations that e e-commerce integrated with its strategic orientation would be more likely to leverage complementary asts and achieve efficiency and effectiveness benefits. In other words, failure to recognize e-commerce as a part of corporate strateg
y is more likely to result in isolated initiatives or respons to competitive pressures that are less likely to leverage the full complement of organizational resources. Therefore, we propo:
Proposition 1. There is a positive relationship between a firm’s perception of the importance of e-commerce as reflected in corporate strategy and firm performance.
2.2. Market orientation
Market orientation centers on an organization-wide generation and dismination of, and responsiveness to, customer intelligence [27]. Narver and Slater [34] widen this conceptualization of market orientation by breaking it into its three components: customer orientation, competitor orientation, and inter-functional coordination. They argue that the market concept is not limited to customers but should include a competitor orientation. In other words, a market orientated company would collect, dispatch, and swiftly respond to either or both customer’s needs and rival’s actions. Inter-functional coordination is, in fact, a function of intelligence generation, dismination, and responsiveness. This study adopts Narver and Slater’s conceptualization but only focus on customer and competitor orientation. As they argue, market-oriented firms would continuously acquire, process, and disminate knowledge about market, products, technologies, and business in
formation. Therefore, the third behavioral component is a part of the central esnce of the first two.
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