然后对本文做出的改进设计了对比实验验证其有效性,选取了Top-N推荐中常用的评价标准命中率(Hit-rate)和命中排序(Hit-rank)作为衡量指标进行相关实验,验证了在推荐同等数量电影资源的情况下,改进后的算法Hit-rate和Hit-rank 都要高于现有的协作过滤算法。
With the rapid development of the Internet, every day there are vast numbers of information generated. In the face of large amounts of information, people tend to feel at a loss, therefore, recom
mendation system came into being. The purpo of the recommendation system is to proactively provide urs with items or resources of interest without the ur's active arch. After 20 years development, recommendation system has been deep into people’s lives in every aspects, such as e-commerce, news recommended, movie recommended.The existing movie recommendation system is mainly popular recommendation and related recommendation. Popular recommendation easily leads to the Matthew effect. Related recommendation accords with ur’s preferences to a certain extent, but the recommended results have a low level of personalization, which means different people will e the same recommended results on the same play page.
purple怎么读Collaborative filtering is one of the most successful and widely ud recommendation strategies in the field of recommendation. This thesis is bad on collaborative filtering algorithm to improve.The level of ur rating express the level of preference for the movies, and the ur's tagging behavior express the ur's preferences, so that the combination of the two can effectively improve the personalization of the recommendation results. In this thesis, first step is analyzing ur’s behavior data and establishing the initial ur behavior data model. At the same time, taking into account ur’s preferences will change over time, the time decay factor is introduced to simulate the change of ur’s preferences on the whole time axis. After that, the data model is ud to calculate the similarity level between the urs to obtain a candidate pool of recommended movies.
In the step of forecasting movies’ score, establishing links between tags and movies reference to term frequency inver document frequency to improve prediction accuracy.
In order to verify the effectiveness of the propod algorithm, choosing hit-rate and hit-rank as evaluation criteria to top-N recommendation. It is proved that the propod algorithm’s hit-rate and hit-rank are higher than the original collaborative filtering algorithm in the ca of recommending the same number of movies.
Finally, this thesis designs and implements a movie recommendation system bad on the propod algorithm. The requirements and design of the system are described. The system is implemented with SS2H framework, and the main data table and functional interface are given.
Keywords: movie recommendation, personalization, time decay factor, tag,term frequency inver document frequency
第一章绪论 (1)
1.1 课题背景和意义 (1)
1.2 国内外研究和发展现状 (2)
1.3 研究目标和研究内容 (4)
1.4 论文结构安排 (5)
第二章推荐系统及技术分析 (7)
2.1 个性化推荐系统概述 (7)
2.2 个性化推荐系统结构 (8)
2.3 个性化推荐技术分析 (9)
2.3.1 协作过滤推荐 (9) 基于用户的协作过滤推荐 (10) 基于资源的协作过滤推荐 (11)
2.3.2 基于内容的推荐 (12)
propaganda2.3.3 基于人口统计学的推荐 (13)
2.3.4 基于关联规则的推荐 (14)
2.3.5 推荐算法的对比 (15)
2.4 国内主流视频网站推荐效果调研 (16)
2.5 推荐系统的评测指标 (18)
2.5.1 推荐准确度 (19)
2.5.2 Top-N推荐常用评测指标 (20)
2.5.3 其他常用评价指标 (20)
i knew you were trouble2.6 本章小结 (21)
第三章基于用户的个性化推荐算法设计 (22)
3.1 推荐算法的总体设计 (22)
3.2 用户行为数据建模 (24)
3.2.1 用户行为数据分析与研究 (24) 用户行为数据分析 (24) 时间上下文分析 (27)
3.2.2 用户行为数据建模 (28)
美国院校 建立用户-标签关联矩阵 (28)
IV 指数时间衰减因子 (31)
3.3 用户类似程度计算 (33)
3.4 评分预测 (35)
3.4.1 建立标签-电影关联矩阵 (36)
trailer3.4.2 预测电影资源偏好分数 (37)
3.5 基于用户的个性化推荐算法总结 (38)
3.6 实验设计及结果分析 (40)
3.6.1 实验环境和数据集 (40)
3.6.2 评测指标 (43)
3.6.3 实验方案设计 (44)
3.6.4 实验结果与分析 (45)
3.7 本章小结 (49)
第四章个性化影视推荐系统设计与实现 (50)
4.1 需求分析 (50)
4.1.1 系统的功能性需求 (50)
4.1.2 系统的非功能性需求 (54)
4.2 个性化影视推荐系统的设计 (55)
4.2.1个性化影视推荐系统的架构设计 (55)
4.2.2个性化影视推荐系统的模块设计 (56)
4.2.3 个性化影视推荐系统的数据流图设计 (60)
4.3 个性化影视推荐系统的实现 (61)
4.3.1 个性化影视推荐系统的实现 (61)
4.3.2 个性化影视推荐系统的数据库展示 (63)
4.3.2 个性化影视推荐系统的功能展示 (65)
4.4 本章小结 (69)
第五章总结与展望 (70)
5.1总结 (70)
5.2工作展望 (71)
致谢 (72)
参考文献 (73)