外文翻译 基于ASPNET的网上图书销售系统的设计与实现

更新时间:2023-07-03 11:37:20 阅读: 评论:0

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毕业论文外文翻译The Active Server Pages( ASP)
The Active Server Pages( ASP) is a rver to carry the script plait writes the environment, using it can create to t up with circulate the development, alternant Web rver application procedure. Using the ASP cans combine the page of HTML, script order to create to t up the alternant the page of Web with the module of ActiveX with the mighty and applied procedure in function that according to Web. The applied procedure in ASP develops very easily with modify.
caroThe HTML plait writes the personnel if you are a simple method that a HTML plait writes the personnel, you will discover the script of ASP providing to create to have diplomatic relation with each other page. If you once want that collect the data from the form of HTML, or u the name personalization HTML document of the customer, or according to the different characteristic in different usage of the browr, you will discover ASP providing an outstanding solution. Before, to think that collect the data from the form of HTML, have to study a plait distance language to create to t up a CGI application procedure. Now, you only some simple instruction into arrive in your HTML document, can collect from the form the data combine proceeding analysis. You need not study the complete plait distance language again or edit and translate the procedure to create to have diplomatic relation alone with each other page.
Along with control to u the ASP continuously with the phonetic technique in script, you can create to t up the more complicated script. For the ASP, you can then conveniently usage ActiveX module to carry out the complicated mission, link the databa for example with saving with inspectional information.可恶的英文
If you have controlled a script language, such as VBScript, JavaScript or PERL, and you have understood the method that u the ASP.As long as installed to match the standard cowgirl in the script of ActiveX script engine, can u in the page of ASP
an any a script language. Does the ASP take the Microsoft? Visual Basic? Scripting Edition ( VBScript) with Microsoft? Script? Of script engine, like this you can start the editor script immediately. PERL, REXX with Python ActiveX script engine can from the third square develops the personnel acquires. The Web develops the personnel if you have controlled a plait distance language, such as Visual Basic, you will discover the ASP creates a very vivid method that t up the Web application procedure quickly. Pass to face to increa in the HTML the script order any, you can create the HTML that t up the applied procedure connects. Pass to create to t up own the module of ActiveX, can will apply the business in the procedure logic al to pack and can adjust from the script, other module or from the other procedure the mold piece that u.
The usage ASP proceeds the calculating Web can convert into the visible benefits, it can make the supplier of Web provide the alternant business application but not only is to announce the contents. For example, the travel agency can compare the announcement aviation schedule makes out more; Using the script of ASP can let the customer inspect the current rvice, comparison expens and prepare to book ats.
Include too can lower in the Windows NT Option Microsoft in the pack Transaction Server ( MTS) on the rver complexity of constructing the procedure with expens. The MTS can resolve to develop tho confidentialities strong, can ratings of and the dependable Web applies the complexity problem of the procedure. Active Server Pages model
The browr requests from the rver of Web. Hour of asp document, the script of ASP starts circulating. Then the rver of Web adjusts to u the ASP, the ASP reads completely the document of the claim, carry out all scripts order any, combining to deliver the page of Web to browr.
Becau script is on the rver but is not at the customer to carry the movement, deliver the page of Web on the browr is on the Web rver born. Combining to deliver the standard HTML to browr. Becau only the result that there is script returns the browr, so the rver carries the not easy rep
lication in script. The customer cans not e to create to t up them at script order that the page that view.
We introduce the Basic form of the databa language known as SQL, a language that allows us to query and manipulate data on computerized relational databa systems. SQL has been the lingua franca for RDBMS since the early 1980s, and it is of fundamental importance for many of the concepts prented in this text. The SQL language is currently in transition from the relational form (the ANSI SQL –92 standard) to a newer object-relational form (ANSI SQL -99, which was relead in 1999). SQL-99 should be thought of as extending SQL-92, not changing any of the earlier valid language. Usually, the basic SQL we define matches most cloly the ANSI SQL standards basic subts, called Entry SQL -92 and core SQL-99 that are commonly implemented; our touchstone in defining basic SQL is to provide a syntax that is fully available on most of the major RDBMS products[7].
We begin with an overview of SQL capabilities, and then we explain something about the multiple SQL standards and dialects and how we will deal with the in our prentation.
We will learn how to po comparable queries in SQL, using a form known as the Select statement.
As we will e, the SQL lect statement offers more flexibility in a number of ways than relational algebra for posing queries. However, there is no fundamental improvement in power, nothing that could not be achieved in relational algebra , given a few well-considered extensions. For this reason, experience with relational algebra gives us a good idea of what can be accomplished in SQL. At the same time, SQL and relational algebra have quite different conceptual models in a number of respects, and the insight drawn from familiarity with the relational algebra approach may enhance your understanding of SQL capabilities.
The most important new feature you will encounter with SQL is the ability to po queries interactively in a computerized environment. The SQL lect statement is more complicated and difficult to master than the relatively simple relational algebra, but you should never feel list or uncertain as long as you have access to computer facilities where a few experiments can clear up uncertainties about SQL u. The interactive SQL environment discusd in the current chapter allows you to type a query on a monitor screen and get an immediate answer. Such interactive queries are sometimes called ad box queries. This term refers to the fact that an SQL lect
statement is meant to be compod all at once in a few type written lines and not be dependent on any prior interaction in a ur ssion. The feature of not being dependent on prior interaction is also
down as non-procedurality. SQL differs in this way even from relational algebra, where a prior alias statement might be needed in order to reprent a product of a table with itlf. The difference between SQL and procedural languages such as java or c is profound: you do not need to write a program to try out an SQL query, you just have to type the relatively short, lf-contained text of the query and submit it .
Of cour, an SQL query can be rather complex . A limited part of this full form, know as a sub-query, is defined recursively, and the full lect statement form has one added clau. You should not feel intimidated by the complexity of the lect statement, however. The fact that a lect statement is non-procedural means that it has a lot in common with a menu driven application, where a ur is expected to fill in some t of choices from a menu and then press the enter key to execute the menu choices all at once. The various claus of the lect statement correspond to menu choices: you will occasionally need all the claus, but on not expect to u all of them every time you po a query.
Obrved reliability depends on the context in which the system s ud. As discusd already, the system environment cannot be specified in advance nor can the system designers place restrictions on that environment for operational systems. Different systems in an environment may react to probl
ems in unpredictable ways, thus affecting the reliability of all of the systems. There for, even when the system has been integrated, it may be difficult to make accurate measurements of its reliability.
araleVisual Basic Databa Access prospects
With the recent Web application software and the rapid development of the existing data stored in diver forms, Visual Basic Databa Access Solutions faces such as rapid extraction enterpris located in the internal and external business information with the multiple challenges. To this end Microsoft, a new databa access strategy "unified data access" (UniversalDataAccess) strategy. "Unified data access" to provide high-performance access, including relational and non-relational
data in a variety of sources, provide independent in the development of language development tools and the simple programming interface, the technologies makes enterpri integration of multiple data sources, better choice of development tools, application software, operating platforms, and will establish a maintenance easy solution possible.
Active Server Pages(ASP)是服务器端脚本编写环境,使用它可以创建和运行动态、交互的Web 服
务器应用程序。使用ASP 可以组合HTML 页、脚本命令和ActiveX 组件以创建交互的Web 页和基于Web 的功能强大的应用程序。ASP 应用程序很容易开发和修改。
HTML 编写人员如果您是位HTML 编写人员,您将发现ASP 脚本提供了创建交互页的简便方法。如果您曾想从HTML 表格中收集数据,或用顾客的姓名个人化HTML 文件,或根据浏览器的不同使用不同的特性,您会发现ASP 提供了一个出色的解决方案。以前,要想从HTML 表格中收集数据,就不得不学习一门编程语言来创建一个CGI 应用程序。现在,您只要将一些简单的指令嵌入到您的HTML 文件中,就可以从表格中收集数据并进行分析。您再不必学习完整的编程语言或者单独编译程序来创建交互页。
随着不断掌握使用ASP 和脚本语言的技巧,您可以创建更复杂的脚本。对于ASP,您可以便捷地使用ActiveX 组件来执行复杂的任务,比如连接数据库以存储和检索信息。
谷歌金山词霸如果您已经掌握一门脚本语言,如VBScript、JavaScript 或PERL,而且您已经了解使用ASP 的方法。只要安装了符合ActiveX 脚本标准的相应脚本引擎,就可以在ASP 页中使用任何一种脚本语言。ASP 带有Microsoft? Visual Basic? Scripting Edition (VBScript)和Microsoft? Script? 的脚本引擎,这样您可以立即开始编辑脚本。PERL、REXX 和Python 的ActiveX 脚本引擎可以从第三方开发人员处获得。Web 开发人员如果您已经掌握了一门编程语言,如Visual Basic,您将发现ASP 是快速创建
Web 应用程序的一个非常灵活的方法。通过向HTML 中添加脚本命令,您能够创建应用程序的HTML 接口。通

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