客户名称(Customer) | 松下(Panasonic) |
产品名称(Product Name) | 铆钉(Rivet) |
产品规格(Specification) | ∮4*7 |
一、包装袋标准: christopher leeStandard of plastic bag: 18cm 1、包装袋规格:18cm*14.5cm Specification of plastic bag: 18cm*14.5cm 2、每袋容量:1500只 Capacity of each bag: 1500pcs 3、每袋重量:1.44公斤 如何打扮Weight of each bag of rivets :1.44KG 备注:此照片中袋内物品不是铆钉,仅做示意用 Remarks: the goods in the above picture is not rivet, it is just for reference | |
批准 | 承认 |
客户名称(Customer) | 松下(Panasonic) |
产品名称(Product Name) | 铆钉(Rivet) |
产品规格(Specification) | ∮4*7 |
贴标签处 Label will be posted here 二、纸箱标准: 2.Standard of carton box: 20cm 列土分茅20cm 13cm 1、纸箱规格:20cm*20cm*13cm lettuceSpecification of carton bag: 20cm*20cm*13cm 2、每箱容量:10袋*1500只 Capacity of each bag: 10 bags*1500pcs 3、每个纸箱重量:0.211公斤 Weight of each box: 0.211KG 4、每箱铆钉净重:14.4公斤 、Net weight of each box of rivets:14.4KG 5每箱铆钉毛重:14.611公斤 Gross weight of each box of rivets:14.611KG | google翻译在线翻译|
批准 annotate | 承认 |
客户名称(Customer) | 松下(Panasonic) | |
产品名称(Product Name) | 铆钉(Rivet) | |
产品规格(Specification) | ∮4*7 | |
三、托盘标准:: 3.Standard of pallet: 110cm 110cm 11cm 61cm 50cm 1、托盘规格:110cm*110cm*11cm Specification of pallet: 110cm*110cm*11cm 2、每托盘容量:100箱 *15,000只 Capacity of each pallet: 100 carton boxes* 15,000pcs 3、每托盘重量:16公斤 Weight of each pallet : 16KG 4、每托盘铆钉净重:1440公斤 Net weight of each pallet of rivets:1440KG 阿凡达台词5、每托盘铆钉毛重:1477.1公斤 Gross weight of each pallet of rivets:1477.1KG 6、20尺集装箱容量: 10托盘 *1,500,000只铆钉 Capacity of each 20’ container: 10 pallets *1,500,000pcs rivets 7、20尺集装箱货物毛重:14771公斤 Gross weight of each 20’container rivets: 14771KG 8、40尺集装箱容量: 24托盘*1,500,000只铆钉 | ||
批准 | 承认 | |
客户名称(Customer) | 松下(Panasonic) | |
产品名称(Product Name) | 铆钉(Rivet) | appropriateness|
产品规格(Specification) | ∮4*7 | |
Capacity of each 40’ container :24 pallets *1,500,000pcs rivets 9、40尺集装箱货物毛重:35450.4公斤 Gross weight of each 40’container rivets: 35450.4KG 备注remarks: 1、以上数量基于理论值,实际装箱将会有所差异; The data mentioned above is bad on theoretic data. There will be some differences between factual packaging and the data. 2、运输前,托盘经过熏蒸并且外面附薄膜并且打扎带 Pallet will be fumigated and filmed before shipment. 3、由于40尺集装箱承载重量为22吨,所以无法采用40尺集装箱。 | ||
批准 | 承认 | |
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