Optical Fiber Communication Technology
Optical fiber communication is the u of optical fiber transmission signals, the transmission of information in order to achieve a means of communication. 光导纤维通信简称光纤通信。 Referred to as optical fiber communication optical fiber communications. 可以把光纤通信看成是以光导纤维为传输媒介的“有线”光通信。 Can be bad on optical fiber communication optical fiber as transmission medium for the "wired" optical communication. 光纤由内芯和包层组成,内芯一般为几十微米或几微米,比一根头发丝还细;外面层称为包层,包层的作用就是保护光纤。 Fiber from the core and cladding of the inner core is generally a few microns or tens of microns, than a human hair; outside layer called the cladding, the role of cladding is to protect the fiber. 实际上光纤通信系统使用的不是单根的光纤,而是许多光纤聚集在一起的组成的光缆。 In fact the u nwbof optical fiber communication system is not a single fiber, but that brings together a number of fiber-optic cable componentsOptical fiber communication is the u of light for the carrier with fiber optics as a transmission medium to spread information from one another means of communication. 1966年英籍华人高锟博士发表了一篇划时代性的论文,他提出利用带有包层材料的石英玻璃光学纤维,能作为通信媒质。 1966, D环球留学网
r. Gao Kun Chine British published an epoch-making nature of the papers, he propod the u of cladding material with a quartz glass optical fibers, as a communications medium. 从此,开创了光纤通信领域的研究工作。 Since then, opened up the field of optical communications rearch. 1977年美国在芝加哥相距7000米的两电话局之间,首次用多模光纤成功地进行了光纤通信试验。 The United States in 1977 in Chicago, 7000 meters away from the telephone exchange between the two, the first multi-mode fiber with the successful conduct of the test optical fiber communication. 85微米波段的为第一代光纤通信系统。 85-micron-band multi-mode fiber for the first generation of fiber-optic communication systems. 1981年又实现了两电话局间使用1.3微米多模光纤的通信系统,为第二代光纤通信系统。 Also in 1981 a telephone exchange between the two using 1.3-micron multimode fiber communication system, for the cond-generation fiber-optic communication systems. 1984年实现了1.3微米单模光纤的通信系统,即第三代光纤通信系统。 In 1984 achieved a 1.3-micron single-mode optical fiber communication system, that is, the third generation optical fiber communication systems. 80年代中后期又实现了1.55微米单模光纤通信系统,即第四代光纤通信系统。 In the late 80's and the realization of the
mba什么意思1.55-micron single-mode optical fiber communication system, that is, fourth-generation fiber-optic communication systems. 用光波分复用提高速率,用光波放大增长传输距离的系统,为第五代光纤通信系统。 Light wavelength division multiplexing to increa rates, with growth in light transmission distance to enlarge the system, for the fifth-generation fiber-optic communication systems. 新系统中,相干光纤通信系统,已达现场实验水平,将得到应用。 New system, coherent optical fiber communication systems, has reached the level of field experiments will be applied. 光孤子通信系统可以获得极高的速率,20世纪末或21世纪初可能达到实用化。 Optical soliton communication systems can be extremely high rate, end of the 20th century or the beginning of the 21st century likely to be practical. 在该系统中加上有可能实现极高速率和极长距离的光纤通信。 In this system together with the fiber amplifier is likely to achieve very high rates and very long-distance optical fiber communicationsOn optical fiber communication technology itlf, they should include the following main parts: optical fiber and cable technologies, transmission technology, optical active devices, optical passive device and optical network technology.
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Optical fiber and cable technologies
collapFiber-optic technology can be en from two aspects to illustrate: First, communication systems ud in optical fiber; Second, the special fiber. 早期光纤的传输窗口只有3个,即850nm第一窗口、1310nm第二窗口以及1550nm第三窗口。 Early optical transmission window of only three, namely 850nm first window, 1310nm cond window and 1550nm third window. 近几年相继开发出第四窗口L波段、第五窗口全波光纤以及S波段窗口。 Have been developed in recent years, the fourth window L band, the fifth window full-wave fiber-optic, and S-band window. 其中特别重要的是无水峰的全波窗口。 Of particular importance was the absolute peak of the full-wave window. 这些窗口开发成功的巨大意义就在于从1280nm到1625nm的广阔的光频范围内,都能实现低损耗、低色散传输,使传输容量几百倍、几千倍甚至上万倍的增长。 Successful development of the windows is of great significance 1280nm to 1625nm from a broad range of the optical frequency, can achieve low loss, low dispersion transmission, transmission capacity to make hundreds of times, thousands or even tens of thousands of times times the growth. 这一技术成果将带来巨大的经济效益。 The outcome of this technology will bring huge economic benefits. 另一方面是特种光纤的开发及其产业化,这是一个相当活跃的领域。 On the other hand is the development of specialty optical fiber and industrialization, this is a very active area.
Special fiber-optic concrete are as follows:
Active optical fiberdelco
Mainly refers to this type of fiber mixed rare-earth ions in optical fiber. 如掺铒Er3+、掺钕Nb3+、掺镨Pr3+、掺镱Yb3+、掺铥Tm3+等,以此构成激光活性物质。 Such as erbium-doped Er3 +, neodymium-doped Nb3 +, doped praodymium Pr3 +, Yb Yb3 +, thulium-doped Tm3 + and so on, to constitute a lar active material. 这是制造光纤光放大器的核心物质。 This is the core of optical amplifier fiber-optic material. 不同掺杂的光纤放大器应用于不同的工作波段,如掺饵光纤放大器EDFA应用于1550nm附近C、L波段;掺镨光纤放大器PDFA主要应用于1310nm波段;掺铥光纤放大器TDFA主要应用于S波段等。 Different doped fiber amplifier ud in the work of different bands, such as erbium-doped fiber amplifier EDFA ud in 1550nm near the C, L-band; praodymium-doped fiber amplifier PDFA is mainly ud in 1310nm band; thulium-doped fiber amplifier TDFA, etc. are mainly ud in S-band. 这些掺杂光纤放大器与喇曼Raman光纤放大器一起给光纤通信技术带来了革命性的变化。 The doped fiber amplifier and Raman Raman for fiber amplifi珠海少儿英语
ers with optical fiber communication technology has brought revolutionary changes. 它的显著作用是:直接放大光信号,延长传输距离;在光纤通信网和有线电视网CATV网中作分配损耗补偿;此外,在波分复用WDM系统中及光孤子通信系统中是不可缺少的关键元器件。 Significant role it is: a direct optical signal amplification to extend the transmission distance; in optical fiber communication network and cable television CATV network in compensation for the distribution of wear and tear; In addition, wavelength division multiplexing WDM systems and optical soliton communication system is an indispensable key components. 正因为有了光纤放大器,才能实现无中继器的百万公里的光孤子传输。 Is becau fiber amplifier, repeater can be achieved without the one million kilometers of optical soliton transmission. 也正是有了光纤放大器,不仅能使WDM传输的距离大幅度延长,而且也使得传输的性能最佳化。 It is also with the fiber amplifier, WDM transmission can not only significantly extend the distance, but also makes the best of the performance of transmission.