阿诺德·休斯·马丁·琼斯(Arnold Hugh Martin Jones, 1904-1970)是英国著名历史学家,曾任伦敦大学学院古代史教授和剑桥大学古代史教授。琼斯的一生学术成果丰硕,他的《晚期罗马帝国》至今仍是研究古代晚期的经典之作。其两部“城市史”,《罗马帝国东部行省的城市》和《希腊城市》依然是研究古典城市的重要参考书籍。
关键词:A. H. M.琼斯;城市史;对古代城市的评价
Shanghai Normal University Master of History Abstract
Arnold Hugh Martin Jones (1904-1970) was famous British historian, he was the Chair of Ancient History at University College of London and the Chair of Ancient History of Cambridge. His academic achievement is substantial. The Later Roman Empire 284–602: A Social, Economic, and Administrati
ve Survey is one of the most important publications in the rearch of Late Antiquity, the two ‘Cities’ books, The Cities of the Eastern Roman Provinces and The Greek City from Alexander to Justinian, are still classic work.
This paper is divided into three parts: introduction, body and conclusion. The introduction part mainly expounds Jones’ life and the basis of the topics, domestic and foreign rearch status. There are three parts which constitute the body, discussing the substance of his rearch of ‘Cities’, his historical method and theory. This paper hopes to make a detailed analysis of the topics on the basis of the domestic and foreign rearch.
In the first chapter, there is an analysis, which focus on one question, that is whether Jones’ ‘Cities’ rearch is true Urban History on the meaning of this discipline. Then the development of his rearch and the status are discusd in the history of this subject.
The substance of Jones’ rearch is the central theme of the cond chapter. In his rearch he mainly discusd two questions: what was political role of the city in antiquity after it had cead to be a ‘state’? How did it maintain and diffu the Greek View of Life? In the end Jones give his own judgement to this process: this is a relatively unsuccessful movement of urbanization, in this process the decline of the cities inevitably happened.
The third chapter is the reflection on Jones’ method and theory. Jones is a master in the primary sources, but it caus to the few references to the condary and modern literature. He also neglects the ideas of history and has no philosophy of history. He is a pragmatic historian, this is very scientific history. It is just what it is, the answers to the questions he asked.
Key Words: A. H. M. Jones; urban history; the judgment to ancient cities
摘要................................................................ I I 目录.............................................................. I II 绪论. (1)
第一节琼斯生平与主要著作简介 (1)
第二节选题意义与国内外研究现状 (7)
第一章琼斯与城市史 (12)
第一节琼斯,一位城市史学家? (12)
第二节琼斯之前与琼斯之后的古代城市研究 (15)
第二章琼斯的“城市史”研究 (23)
第一节城市化:文明和帝国的扩展 (23)
第二节从独立的城邦国家向地方管理中心的转变 (29)
第三节城市政治传统与制度的转变和衰落 (37)
第四节割裂与崩溃,一次不成功的城市化运动 (42)
第三章琼斯的城市史研究学方法和观点 (51)
eyes wide shut第一节传统与革新:琼斯的城市史研究方法与目标 (51)
第二节一位“科学”的历史学家 (56)
japane young wife
iveco>bonnie mckee结语 (61)
参考文献 (64)
附录阿诺德.休斯.马丁.琼斯学术年谱 (70)
致谢 (72)
1904年3月9日,家住英国柴郡(Cheshire)的伯肯黑德(Birkenhead)的琼斯一家迎来了一个新生命,家中的男主人约翰·亚瑟·琼斯(John Arthur Jones)在跟自己的妻子埃尔希·马丁·琼斯(Elsie Martin Jones)商量后,用自己父亲的和妻子的名字为这个男孩命名,他就是本文的主角,阿诺德·休斯·马丁·琼斯(Arnold Hugh Martin Jones, 1904-1970,后文简称琼斯)。琼斯的祖父休斯·琼斯博士(Dr. Hugh Jones)是一位著名的威尔士卫斯理公会牧师,同时也是一名历史学家,后人称他为“他那个时代富有感染力的牧师之一”(one of the powerful preachers of his generation)。①琼斯的父亲是一名记者,先是在《利物浦邮报》(Liverpool post)工作,随后于1906年出任《加尔各答政治家报》(Calcutta Statesman)的编辑,琼斯一家也随之迁居印度。1910年,琼斯随母亲返回英国,并于1913年秋进入切尔滕纳姆公学(Cheltenham College)②。琼斯的学习成绩极为优异,几乎每门功课都名列前茅,在古典文学、英国文学以及地理学上尤为突出,这为他日后的学术生涯打下了坚实的基础。在毕业时,琼斯荣获多布森—杰克斯·布雷克奖学金(Dobson and Jex-Blake scholarship)并进入牛津大学新学院(New College)就读。琼斯在新学院的成绩依然优异,1926年,他以一等荣誉(fi
rst class honours)的成绩获得了古典学(Literae Humaniores)的学位。同年,他被选为牛津大学万灵学院(All Soul College)的研究员(fellowship),琼斯以此为平台顺利地开始了自己的学术生涯,他保留研究员的身份直至1946年。
在当时,是否拥有博士学位并不是从事学术研究的必要条件,因此琼斯花了3年时间广泛地阅读文献并到处游历以拓宽他的知识储量和眼界。1927年3月,琼斯迎来自己人生中的重要时刻,他与牛津大学萨默维尔学院(Somerville College)的中世纪历史学家凯瑟琳·弗雷达·麦克雷尔(Katherine Freda Mackrell)结婚。婚后琼斯参加了一系列的考古发掘工作,1927年夏同斯坦利·卡森(Stanley Casson)一起参与了君士坦丁堡的考古发掘,随后在1928年和1929年参与了对杰拉什(Jerash)的发掘工作。这几乎可以看作是他学术生涯的开始,对此约翰·库克(John Crook)评论道:“……他带着机敏和决心出发前去直接地接触古典时代。”
①参见‘Dr. Hugh Jones Manuscripts’, The University of Wales Bangor at www.archivesnetworkwales.info, reference code GB 0222 HUGH。