What are the characteristics of American English?
1. Conrvativeness and creativeness in usage: American English contains archaic features of the language which have disappeared in english itlf. Functional change may rve as the first illustration of the creativeness in American English. American English has demonstrated a fondness for compound formation. And many new words have been created by American English through other devices of word-information.
qbq2. Verbosity and brevity of expression: the most prevalent defect in writing as en in prent day American English is a tendency to convey an idea in as complicated a way as possible. But brevity is one of the salient features of the language. In American English there can be found no lack of pro or fiction marked by simple, ter and direct style.
dirt3. The heterogeneous nature of the American vocabulary: A. The melting pot. American english has supplemented its word stock by adoptions from many other languages. B. Slang, jargon, cant.
What are the sources of polymy?
According to Stephen Ullmann, there are five sources. Homonyms reinterpreted and foreign influence, two are rare or not quite normal in english. But others are important. A. Shifts in application. Words have a number of different aspects according to the contexts in which they are ud. Some of the aspects are purely ephemeral; others may develop into permanent shades of meaning, as the gap between them widens, we may eventually come to regard them as different ns of the same term. B. Specialization in a social milieu. Polymy often aris through a kind of verbal shorthand. C. Figurative language. A word can be given one or more figurative ns without losing its aphor, metonymy may work in the same way.
What is pragmatic context?lina
According to van Dijk, pragmatic context designates, among other things, speech participants, their internal structures( knowledge, beliefs, purpos, intentions) and the ways in which they communicate( appropriateness is esntial to pragmatic success in communicative acts).
What is cultural context?
It refers to history, culture, customs and habits, moral values, socio-cultural interaction and other features that are peculiar to a given speech community to which a language ur belongs. All the factors will find expression in the language shared by the members of the speech community.
What are the two factors that lead to loss of motivation?
1. One is a change in the morphological structure of a word. The parts of which a compound is made up may coalesce to such a degree that it becomes an opaque, unanalysable unit.
2. The other is change of meaning. When the gap between original and transferred meaning becomes too wide, motivation is lost and two ns will be felt to belong to two parate words.
traffic是什么职业What are mantic fields?
The mantic field theory is an approach which developed in the 1930s; it took the view that the vocabulary of a language is not simply a listing of independent items( as the headwords in a dictionary word suggest), but is organized into areas or fields, the members of which are joined together by some common mantic component, such as the concept of color or kinship. The members of the mantic field interrelate and define each other in various ways. It follows that the meaning of a word is to a great extent determined by the place it occupies in its mantic field.
What are the characteristics of English idioms?最近几年
学美容化妆多少钱icpo1. An english idiom is characterid by mantic unity and structural stability.
2. It is a t expression made up of two or more words. An idiom functions as a unit of meaning which cannot be predicted from the literal meaning of its member words.
3. Structurally analyd, only a limited number of idioms can be written in any other way without destroying the meaning of the idiom. Many of them are completely rigid and cannbrokenhearted
ot show up in any other whatever. Substitution of one for the other will break the mantic unity of the idiom.
4. The combination of two or more words into an idiom is conventional and arbitrary.
5. Idiomatic phras( idioms) differ from free phras in that the meaning of the latter can be deduced from the literal meaning of the constituent parts.
6. The idiomaticity of an expression can be tested by different means and be tested in another way.