领导素质 Leadership Quality
情景欣赏 1
Part I
A: How satisfied are you with the quality of leadership in U. S. corporations on a scale of one to ten, ten being highly satisfied? What is lacking in today’s business leaders
B: When I look at the whole spectrum of business,I think that business leaders are getting better. People are better trained and they are more aware of their environment. The problem is that people are under tremendous pressure. The big thing that prevents me from giving leaders a ten is that they think you have to choo between results and people. They think it is an either / or situation-either you care for people or you care for results. For me, they,re equally important becau people who feel good about themlves produce good results. Also, people who produce good results feel good about themlves.
境也有了更清楚地认识。问题在于人们处于巨大的压力之下。让我无法给领导人打十分的最大障碍是他们认为你必须在人和业绩 之间选择。他们认为这是个或者这样或者那样的情况--或者你在意人,或者你在意业绩。对我来说,它们一样重要,因为自我感觉良好的人,业绩会很好。一样的,业绩很好的人对自己的感觉也会是很好的。
A : In what area do you think companies do not usually do a good job?
B: One area where most companies do not really do a good job is the management of performance at an individual level. One should look at three aspects in managing people’s performance. One is performance planning-tting the goals, objectives and need for training. Second is the day-to-day coaching to help your people achieve their goals. Third is performance evaluation. In most of the companies, the biggest emphasis is on evaluation - did you achieve results or not, and how well.
The real action for me is in the planning and coaching. Performance planning is giving people their final exam ahead of time. Coaching is teaching the answers to the final exam. When people get to the evaluation stage, they should have accomplished their goals. Everybody should be able to get A grades. Wouldn’t that be great for organizations? Many people say that we can’t rate everybody high becau of the corporate pyramid - there are fewer spots as you move up. That is naive, becau they are thinking things will always be the same, if you t up a performance management system where people feel safe and they think of their managers as partners in their progress, the people will start being curious and creative and think of ideas for new business for you and that will lead to business growth. More spots at the top will become available.
初二英语语法 对我来说,实际行动在于计划和指导。表现计划是提前给他们的期末考试。指导是教给他们期末考试的答案。当人们到了评价阶段,他们就能完成目标了。每个人都该得优。难道这对公司不好吗?很多人说我们不能给每个人都髙分,因为公司是呈金字塔形的---越往上
职位越少。这很幼稚,因为他们认为事情总是一成不变的。如果你设立一个员工表现管理 系统让人们感觉安全,把管理者当作前进中的伙伴,这些人就会变得好奇,有创造力,为你想出新点子,你的企业就会成长扩大,高层的位置就会多起来。
There is another important leadership issue that caus problems for lots of business leaders. Jim Collins spent five years studying leaders who were able to sustain good performance over time. He found two qualities that characterized the leaders; The first was will - the determination to follow a goal and follow through on a mission. That is tenacity toward results. The cond was humility. People with humility don’t think less of themlves, they just think about themlves less. Great leaders, when things go well, look out the window and give everybody el the credit. When things go poorly, they look in the mirror and say, “Whiat could I have done differently?” Typical managers, when things go well, look in the mirror, pound themlves on the chest, and say how great they are. When things go wrong? they look around for someone el to blame.
的决心和完成任务的坚持。那是对结果的坚忍不拔。其二是谦卑。谦卑的人不是小看自己,他们只是考虑自己少一点。伟大的领导者,在事情发展顺利的时候,会望着窗外把荣誉分给其他人。当事情发展不顺利的时候他们会望着镜子说“如果当初不这么做会怎样?” 一般的管理者,当事情进展顺利的时候,望着镜子,拍着胸脯说自己如何伟大。当事情变糟的时候,他们环顾四周责备别人。
Part 2
A: What leadership challenges do you foree as you look into the future?
B : I think the biggest challenge for companies in the future will be retaining their good people. People now have so many options, so if you think that your people are just a means to an end and aren’t very important, they are going to leave. The number one indicator of job satisfaction today is the relationship you have with your boss, and the number one reason that people leave companies is their relationship with their boss. It is usually costly to train new staff. Our biggest way to save money is to retain our people, i t
hink that is a big challenge.
The other challenge is not to get stuck in the way you are currently doing business. Things are changing fast. Your main competition is not just other companies of your size - it成都平面设计培训,s the guy in a garage who,s coming up with innovative ways to do business. You have to be able to adapt your current practices and thinking and go for innovation-creative destruction. Things are changing so rapidly now that you have to manage the prent and create the future at the same time, and you need different groups of people doing different jobs.
Our company has established an Office of the Future made up of three or four people
who don’t have operational responsibilities. Their full-time jobs are to study what,s happening in training organizations and what,s developing in technology.When 9.11 happened, business people curtailed traveling and cost reduction became important. If we hadn,t had our Office of the Future, we would have been in big trouble but becau we knew so much more about interactive technology,web training, video conferencing and all tho kinds of, things, we not only survived, we prospered.
化眼妆的步骤 我们公司建立了一个未来办公室,三到四个人,不做操作性的工作。他们的全天候工作就是研究培训机构正在发生什么,技术领域有什么发展。9.11之后商务人员减少了旅行,缩减成本变得非常重要。如果我们没有 未来办公室,我们早就陷入了困境,但是由于我们了解了更多的交互式技术,网络培训,电视会议,以及所有诸如此类的东西,我们不仅存活了下来,而且繁荣起来了。
beAnother big issue I e is that the gap between learning and doing is significantly
bigger than the gap between ignorance and knowledge. One of the problems we notice i
s that companies are not following up on training. Companies nd a lot of people to a lot of training. Then they get back home, their voice mailboxes are full,their e-mail boxes are jammed, and everybody is waiting for them. They don’t have a chance to think about what they learned. We began to provide six telephone coaching ssions after each training. We had tremendous results becau trainees had weekly fifty-minute conversations with somebody not emotionally involved in their lives. In the conversations I might say,“What did you get out of that training? What do you have to do?” They respond, “I’m going to talk to this person here,I,m going to have this meeting, and IMl do this.” I say, “That sounds great, IMl talk to you next week and find out how it went. ” During the next call, they might report that they didn’t have the meeting and why. I might say,time after time“Okay, call me back tomorrow after you have had that meeting. ” The trainees agree to do this. Six weeks of somebody keeping on them to freshen what they have learned and ask how they are using it makes the training unbelievably effective.
们的电子邮箱拥塞,每个人都在等他们。他们没有机会去想一想他们学到了什么。我们在每个培训之后都设有电话指导。我们成果显著因为受训者每星期都有50分钟的谈话,谈话的对象是与他们的生活没有情感联系的人。在这些对话中我会问“你从培训中得到了什么?你有什么工作要做? ”他们会回答“我要和这个人谈话,我要开这个会,我要做这个。”我说“听起来不错,我下个星期再给你打电话,看看进展怎样。”下次电话的时候他们可能汇报他们没有开会及原因。我会说“那好,明天你开过会后给我打电话。”受训者同意这样做。有人六个星期持续跟踪更新他们所学并询问他们如何使用所学使培训出人意料的有效。
The learning-doing gap is a challenge for business schools too, becau they have to understand what their MBA students are doing and how to make their learning come alive. Schools need follow-up programs for graduates and to stay in touch with them. They need to be proactive about what their students are doing and learning, becau the success of their students keeps their business schools in the forefront. Their success depends on bridging the learning-doing gap.
学生们在做什么,怎样使他们学到的东西活起来。 学校需要毕业生的跟踪计划,与他们保持联系。他们需要对学生们的所作和所学有前瞻性,因为学生们的成功使商业学校保持前沿地位。他们 的成功取决于在学和用之间搭起桥梁。
1.Leadership is clarity over direction,readiness to take risks,a will to action,a certain courage, and the authority to decide what counts as true and what as fal. Leadership is not the product of a single person alone, but also of the relations between persons.
那一天 仓央嘉措 领导力是指导上的头脑清晰,对所冒的风险有准备,有行动意愿,一定的勇气和确定什么是对什么是错的权威。领导力不是仅仅一个人的产物,也是人际关系的产物。
2.Business leaders are getting better. People are better trained and they are more aware of their environment.
3.One area where most companies do not really do a good job is the management of performance at an individual level.
4.Typical managers, when things go well, look in the mirror, pound themlves on the chest, and say how great they are. When things go wrong? they look around for someone el to blame.
5.The number one indicator of job satisfaction today is the relationship you have with your boss, and the number one reason that people leave companies is their relationship with their boss.
6.Your main competition is not just other companies of your size - it’s the guy in a garage who^s coming up with innovative ways to do business.
7.If we conceived of leadership as a relational characteristic, we would not talk only about the person who is leading,or not primarily about this person,but would also talk about the group and the internal leadership quality of the group. And this quality would include the contributions of individuals, their ability to manage connsus and disnt, their capacity for collective action, and the way the labor is divided up.
8.Business undergoes a shift from thinking of knowledge and leadership as attributes of individuals to conceiving of it primarily as a system function of the relations between individuals.
1.strategic long-term view 战略上的长远眼光
2.vision for the future对未来的先见之明
3.act on the situation根据情况采取行动
4.understanding and consideration for others理解考虑他人
5.in control of the situation 控制局面
6.have a positive attitude in stressful situations在压力环境下态度积极
1.intelligence and knowledge 智慧和知识
2.the ability to stimulate, excite and motivate others激励刺激和激发别人的能力
3.reliability and integrity 诚实可靠
4.flexibility 弹性
5.be strong against adversity and
7.be creative in your approach to finding pressure 在逆境和压力下坚强不屈bellow
最近,在北大国际MBA举行的一次讲演会上,麦克斯威尔博士总结了领袖身上 的三个共同特质:
麦克斯威尔博士指出,领袖的影响力首先来源于他对别人的尊重。而妄自尊大、 故步自封、唯我独尊、武断专横的领导低估人、忽略人,视人为机器来操控和支配,这样的领导
其次,领导者要善于倾听,要有换位思考的同情心。好的领导者总是好的倾听者,只有先听,充分理解对象的情况,才能正确决策,合理地使用激励手段,达到影响追随 者的目的;
第三,领导要.不断提升自己,不断提高自己的领导才能,不断学习,持续增加自己 的“附加值”,否则他们没有能力领导新形势下的员工和下属。
麦克斯威尔博士认为,领导者必须有能力建立好的人际关系,这是领导者成功的 重要条件,合理运用人际关系所带来的价值也是成功领袖的必备要素。领导者的影响 力不是来源于职级、头衔和地位,而是出于一种无私服务和奉献精神。在领导职位上的人不一定能做好领导者;有效的领导者需要的不只是职务上的不断晋升,而要建立 起与他人合作和交流的纽带,发展和他人的积极的工作关系,了解他人,培育倾听的 能力,与人交流过程中诚信的重要性,以及在领导下属的词时服务于下属。
成功领袖的秘诀之二 :挖掘人的潜能(care down coolEquipping)
一个合格的领导,必须对下属进行培训、.教育和开发,不断提高下属的素质、品质 和能
力,发展并培育一支战斗力很强的团队,共同实现组织所希望达到的目标。麦克 斯威尔博士认为,只有伟大的团队才能造就伟大的事业。而具备宽阔胸怀的领袖才能 在自己周围建立一个人人是精兵强将的领导班子■■麦克斯威尔博士指出,建立团队对 企业来讲可以达到“双赢”目标。他指出,一个企业“要实现组织目标,单靠一个人的力 量实在是太单薄了”,成功的领物必须在自己的周围建立一个高效的团队,才能耗气量 显示出企业独特的核心竞争力,在实现企业长远目标的过程中更上一层楼。
面对困难、挑战和压力,什么是决定成功的要素?麦克斯威尔认为是领导者的态度--态度决定一切。他在北大的讲演中明确指出:‘‘你感觉你能够战胜困难,你就可能战胜它;你想你应该成.为怎么样的人,你就可能成为怎么样的人。”麦克斯威尔认为,态度实际上是一种思维方式,一种信念,一种内在价值观。内心怀有坚定信念的人 往往遇事不慌,态度积极,在奋斗的道路上勇往直前,毫不退缩,最后战胜自我,实现超越。麦克斯威尔指出,积极的、向上的态度是领袖成功的必要保障;而消极的态度, 诸如缺乏宽容,对人忌妒,自我膨胀,悲观情绪,则是领导失败的重要因素。他认为有效领导力永远建立在一个积极的态度上面,而积极态度的实质是本人“愿意改变自己 现有的态度”。态度决定生活方式,
如何提高领导能力?如何提升领导者的影响力?如果一个领导者仅仅是因为权力和职位去“领导”,那么其影响力不可能有效,更不可能持久。如果下属不是因为你的个人魅力、知识、品格而服从你、接受你,仅仅因为你的职位不得不听命于你,这种服 从将随着你的离职而迅速消失。
麦克斯威尔博士指出,领袖的影响力与他们的头衔没有直接的关系。要想挖掘一个人的领导力,最好让他去领导一群志愿者。谁能把志愿者领导好了,谁就是好的领导者。因为志愿者“没有必要”服从你的领导。麦克斯威尔指出职务对领导力的提升不会给予附加值。真正的领导力不可能通过奖赏、指定和指派而获取。领导力只能来源于影响力,不可能由外人授予领导力的核心是你能够影响多少人,而不是你的 权力有多大”。他举例说,英国戴安娜王妃在被取消其王室资格之后,仍然运用她个人杰出的领导力,谴责并禁止滥用地雷伤害无辜百姓的行为;美国黑人牧师马丁 .路德.金,印度的甘地、特里萨嬷嬷,都没有里要的职位或头衔,但他们都是具有影响力的杰出领导者。
麦克斯维尔博士关于领导力的观点真正体现了 “以人为本”的价值理念。从人际关系的建立,