lhd 摘要:管理人员培训通常采用理论授课结合案例研讨的方式进行,行动学习法已经在中层管理者培训中开始发挥作用,不同的培训方式对于培训效果存在差异。将知识讲授、案例研讨、沙盘模拟、角色扮演、行动学习、心理测评、企业现场学习等多种培训方式融合的培训方式,借助培训师和学员的多种互动,链接培训场所和工作场所,促进培训效果向工作绩效转化。
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cfs Abstractcorrected: Managerial training is usually carried out with the combination of theoretical lectures and ca studies. Action learning has already begun to play a role in the training of middle managers. Different training methods have different effects on training effectiveness. Multi-training mode combines training methods such as knowledge instruction, ca study, Sandbox experience-bad simulated teachingodom,服装设计师简历 role-playing, action learning, psychological evaluation, and enterpri-site learning, and links training places and work places with trainers and trainees, strengthen the training effect into work performance.