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Accountability in Rearch Publication details, including instructions for authors and subscription information:
The Singapore Statement on Rearch Integrity David B. Resnik a ; Adil E. Shamoo b
a  NIEHS/NIH, Rearch Triangle Park, North Carolina, USA
b  University of Maryland School of
Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland, USA Online publication date: 03 March 2011
To cite this Article  Resnik, David B. and Shamoo, Adil E.(2011) 'The Singapore Statement on Rearch Integrity',Accountability in Rearch, 18: 2, 71 — 75
To link to this Article: DOI: 10.1080/08989621.2011.557296
URL: dx.doi/10.1080/08989621.2011.557296
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Accountability in Rearch,18:71–75,2011
Copyright ©Taylor &Francis Group,LLC
ISSN:0898-9621print /1545-5815online
The Singapore Statement
有道韩语在线翻译on Rearch Integrity
David B.Resnik,J.D.,Ph.D.1and Adil E.Shamoo,Ph.D.2
NIEHS /NIH,Rearch Triangle Park,North Carolina,USA 2University of Maryland School of Medicine,Baltimore,Maryland,USA
Keywords:Singapore Statement,rearch integrity ,ethics,international rearch The Singapore Statement on Rearch Integrity ,drafted at the Second World Conference on Rearch Integrity ,which took place in Singapore from July 21to 24,2010,is an important step toward promoting ethical conduct among scientists around the world.The 340conference attendees included scientists,journal editors,academic and industry leaders,and reprentatives from gov-ernment funding agencies and publishers from over 51countries.Nanyang Technological University ,the National University of Singapore,the Singapore Management University ,and the Agency for Science,Technology ,and Rearch
hosted the gathering,with support from Singapore’s Ministry of Education and National Rearch Fo
undation.The Singapore statement was drafted by con-ference co-chairs,Nicholas Steneck (University of Michigan)and Tony Mayer (Nanyang Technological University),and the incoming chair for the next World Conference,Melissa Anderson (University of Minnesota).In contrast to the First World Conference,which took place in Lisbon,Portugal in 2007and focud on misconduct issues,the goal of the Second World Conference was to make a concerted effort to promote global rearch integrity (Kleinert,2010a,b).The Singapore Statement is the fruit of this endeavor.
One of the difficulties with promoting global scientific integrity is that there are social,political,cultural,and economic differences among nations that affect the conduct of rearch and influence ethical norms (Resnik,2009).In its preamble,the Singapore Statement acknowledges the differences,but maintains that there are some common standards for rearch ethics that transcend national boundaries.The Singapore Statement is not a regulatory Address correspondence to David B.Resnik,NIEHS /NIH,Box 12233,MD CU-03,Rearch Triangle Park,NC 27709,USA.E-mail:resnikd@v
D o w n l o a d e d  A t : 15:06 15 A p r i l  2011
72  D.B.Resnik and A.E.Shamoo
document and does not reprent the official policies of the countries repre-nted at the conference.Rather,the intent of the Singapore Statement is to provide ethical guidance which rearch organizations,governments,and sci-entists can u to develop policies,regulations,and codes of conduct (World Conference on Rearch Integrity ,2010).
The Singapore Statement includes four principles—honesty ,accountabil-ity ,professionalism,and stewardship—and fourteen responsibilities for the ethical conduct of rearch.The responsibilities address such topics as data integrity ,data sharing,record keeping,authorship,publication,peer review ,conflict of interest,reporting misconduct and irresponsible rearch,commu-nicating with the public,complying with regulations,education,and social responsibilities (World Conference on Rearch Integrity ,2010).The prin-ciples and responsibilities are comprehensive,clear,and thoughtful,and they can play an important role in promoting global rearch integrity .(The full text of the Singapore Statement is printed in the Appendix of this article.)
Becau rearch often involves collaborations among investigators,lab-oratories,and institutions from different countries,it is important for the scientific community to establish and follow international integrity standards (Resnik,2009).International incidents,such as fraudulent papers published in Science by South Korean stem cell rearcher Woo Suk Hwang (Resnik et al.,2006),illu
strate vividly the need for global guidelines.For many years,there have been widely recognized international standards for conducting rearch with human subjects,such as the Nuremberg Code (1949)Helsinki Declaration (World Medical Association,2008),and the Council for the International Organizations of Medical Sciences (2002)guidelines.The influential docu-ments have helped guide the development of laws,regulations,and guidelines adopted by different countries,institutions,industry groups,and funding agencies.Similarly ,the Singapore Statement can play a similar role in shap-ing the development of national and local rules and guidelines for rearch integrity .
For the Singapore Statement to have a lasting impact on global rearch integrity ,scientists and policymakers should read the document carefully and reflect on its implications for the conduct of rearch.Universities,journals,funding agencies,and other scientific organizations should pro-mote the Singapore Statement by publicly endorsing it and developing rules and guidelines for ethical conduct consistent with its principles.Likewi,professional organizations should also consider endorsing the Singapore Statement and referring to it when drafting or revising their ethics codes and policies.Teachers and mentors should make students and trainees aware of the Singapore Statement when providing education and training on the responsible conduct of rearch.Rearch
organizations should spon-sor conferences or workshops to address the Singapore Statement.While D o w n l o a d e d  A t : 15:06 15 A p r i l  2011
The Singapore Statement on Rearch Integrity 73
the Singapore Statement provides a uful framework for promoting global rearch integrity ,its goals will not be achieved until its principles and responsibilities are adopted and put into practice.
The value and benefits of rearch are vitally dependent on the integrity of rearch.While there can be and are national and disciplinary differences in the way rearch is organized and conducted,there are also principles and professional responsibilities that are fundamental to the integrity of rearch wherever it is undertaken.
Principles Honesty in all aspects of rearch Accountability in the conduct of rearch Professional courtesy and fairness in working with others Good stewardship of rearch on behalf of others
Integrity:Rearchers should take responsibility for the trustworthiness of their rearch.2.
Adherence to Regulations:Rearchers should be aware of and adhere to regulations and policies related to rearch.3.Rearch Methods:Rearchers should employ appropriate rearch
methods,ba conclusions on critical analysis of the evidence,and report findings and interpretations fully and objectively .
4.Rearch Records:Rearchers should keep clear,accurate records of all rearch in ways that will allow verification and replication of their work by others.
Rearch Findings:Rearchers should share data and findings openly and promptly ,as soon as they have had an opportunity to establish priority and ownership claims.D o w n l o a d e d  A t : 15:06 15 A p r i l  2011
74  D.B.Resnik and A.E.Shamoo
6.Authorship:Rearchers should take responsibility for their contributions
to all publications,funding applications,reports,and other reprenta-tions of their rearch.Lists of authors should include all tho and only tho who meet applicable authorship criteria.
7.Publication Acknowledgment:Rearchers should acknowledge in publi-
苏黎世大学cations the names and roles of tho who made significant contributions to the rearch,including writers,funders,sponsors,and others,but do not meet authorship criteria.
骨质疏松英文8.Peer Review:Rearchers should provide fair,prompt,and rigorous
evaluations and respect confidentiality when reviewing others’work.
9.Conflict of Interest:Rearchers should disclo financial and other con-
flicts of interest that could compromi the trustworthiness of their work in rearch proposals,publications,and public communications as well as in all review activities.
10.Public Communication:Rearchers should limit professional comments
to their recognized experti when engaged in public discussions about the application and importance of rearch findings and clearly distin-guish professional comments from opinions bad on personal views.
11.Reporting Irresponsible Rearch Practices:Rearchers should report to
the appropriate authorities any suspected rearch misconduct,including fabrication,falsification,or plagiarism,and other irresponsible rearch practices that undermine the trustworthiness of rearch,such as care-lessness,improperly listing authors,failing to report conflicting data,or the u of misleading analytical methods.
12.Responding to Irresponsible Rearch Practices:Rearch institutions,
as well as journals,professional organizations,and agencies that have commitments to rearch,should have procedures for responding to alle-gations of misconduct and other irresponsibl
e rearch practices and for protecting tho who report such behavior in good faith.When misconduct or other irresponsible rearch practice is confirmed,appropriate actions should be taken promptly ,including correcting the rearch record.
13.Rearch Environments:Rearch institutions should create and sustain
environments that encourage integrity through education,clear poli-cies,and reasonable standards for advancement,while fostering work environments that support rearch integrity .
14.Societal Considerations:Rearchers and rearch institutions should
recognize that they have an ethical obligation to weigh societal benefits against risks inherent in their work.D o w n l o a d e d  A t : 15:06 15 A p r i l  2011
fortminorThe Singapore Statement on Rearch Integrity 75
This rearch was supported by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS),National Institutes of Health (NIH).It does not reprent the views of the NIEHS,NIH,or vernment.
Council for International Organisations of Medical Sciences.(2002).International
Ethical Guidelines for Biomedical Rearch Involving Human Subjects.Available at www accesd December 21,2010.
Kleinert,S.(2010a).Singapore embraces international rearch integrity.The Lancet ,
Kleinert,S.(2010b).Singapore Statement:A global agreement on responsible rearch conduct.The Lancet ,376:1125–1127.Nuremberg Code.(1949).Trials of War Criminals before the Nuremberg Military Tribunals under Control Council Law No.10,Vol.2,pp.181–182.Washington,D.C.:U.S.Government Printing Office.Available at ohsr.v/guidelines/nuremberg.html.Last accesd December 21,2010.Resnik,D.B.(2009).International standards for rearch integrity:An idea who time has come?Accountability in Rearch ,16:218–228.Resnik,D.B.,Shamoo,A.E.,and Krimsky,S.(2006).Fraudulent human embryonic stem cell rearch in South Korea:Lessons learned.Accountability in Rearch ,13:101–109.
World Conference on Rearch Integrity .(2010).Singapore Statement.Available at
www .singaporestatement/statement.html.Last accesd December 21,2010.
World Medical Association.(2008).Declaration of Helsinki:Ethical Principles for
my dreamMedical Rearch Involving Human Subjects.Available at www .wma/e/policy/b3.htm.Last accesd December 21,2010.D o w n l o a d e d  A t : 15:06 15 A p r i l  2011

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