
更新时间:2023-07-01 22:56:31 阅读: 评论:0

试题 10
Example: The job offers perks in addition to the basic salary. Answer: D 1. Experience in advertising would be helpful in this job. 2. This job would probably suit somebody who has worked in the purchasing department of a large chain of stores. 3. Three years' experience would not be enough for this job. 4. For this job it would be uful if you have studied how to carry out surveys into consumer attitudes. 5. In this job you would take charge of a product which has been on the market for many years. 6. To get this job it is not necessary to have work experience. 7. Such a high-ranking position does not come up very often. A
Product Manager
This company has at prent about 30% of the market and a turnover of more than £500 million. The person appointed will have responsibility for a long-established product which is a houhold name. Experience in the insurance market is necessary and a background in accountancy would be helpful.
Group Product Manager
This is a rare opportunity to work at a nior level for a market leader in the food industry, located in the north of the country. The person appointed will report directly to the Marketing Director and take full responsibility for a turnover in excess of £80 million and a team of three managers. Applicants need to have a minimum of five years’ experience in product management.
A market rearch qualification would be an advantage.
Management Trainees
For this exciting position in the leisure industry we are eking management trainees to develop excellent buying skills. Possibly a new graduate, the successful applicant may have experience with a big national retailer, but must certainly posss excellent negotiation and communication skills.
Marketing Executive
This important position has recently been created by one of the country’s leading clothes manufacturers. It is an outstanding opportunity for a graduate with two years’ experience in design or magazine publishing. The successful candidate will be given responsibility for a major, recently launched brand. It would be an advantage to have experience of promotional activities. Excellent fringe benefits on offer.
试题 5
Example: You would learn about deductions from salaries.
Key: C
1. You need to have worked in an office before attending this cour.
2. You would learn something about preventing accidents at work.
3. You would be able to sit an examination in typing.
4. This cour is uful if your job involves greeting people and dealing with enquiries.
5. This cour would suit someone with budgetary responsibility.
6. You would get practice in helping people in a group to communicate.
7. You would learn how to change the appearance of a letter or memo.
Tuesday 13.00-15.00
This cour provides training in arranging meetings, conducting them effectively and making travel arrangements. The topics will include drawing up agendas, preparing for meetings, introducing speakers or participants, managing discussions successfully, keeping to an agreed timetable, and writing follow-up reports. Previous experience of typing and general office work are esntial for this cour.
Mon, Thu, Fri 10.00-12.00
This cours is intended both for beginners and for tho who have reached an elementary level in typewriting. You will have the opportunity to develop your skills on up-to-date electronic equipment, gaining experience of producing all kinds of typed material in a variety of modern layouts. Students will be given ample opportunities for “hands on” experience of word-processing on the latest personal computers. Typewriting tests can be taken for widely recognid qualifications.
Monday 9.00-11.00
This cour is designed to provide students with experience of operating a t of accounts, comparable with tho of a small family firm, and of dealing with the more general financial aspects of running a small business. Topics will include profit and loss, maintaining records efficiently, cash payments, taxation, insurance and computerid accounting. External examinations can be arranged.
Friday 11.00-13.00
Participants on this cour will develop their telephone skills and reception techniques in practical situations. Other topics included in the cour are dealing with correspondence, the latest development in fax equipment and photocopiers, and the advantages the new facilities offer. The cour also covers health and safety, including recent important changes in safety regulations governing the workplace.
试题 9converter
Example: This cour will improve your typing skills. Answer: C
1. Apply for this cour if you are interested in running cours in office skills.
2. This cour will teach you how to repair computers.
3. Applicants must give reasons for wanting to join this cour.
4. This cour promis very quick results.
5. You will be shown a range of teaching methods on this cour.
6. If you complete this cour successfully, you may be given a job.
7. The organirs will cover some of your costs while you are on this cour.
Interactive Training
Have you ever considered a career in training?
Apply now to join one of our Interactive Training cours. All our trainers have had leading roles in Staff Development and they will demonstrate a variety of training techniques from individual and group involvement to using drama. Cour participants contribute their experience in the discussions which follow each activity.
Guidance in designing a range of cours including Word Processing, Typing, Time Management and Accounting is provided.
Contact Ian Draper: Phone 23345454 Fax 2334 5778
Euromoney Trainee Scheme
Students interested in creating or lling financial products are invited to apply for six-month training schemes.
An expens allowance is paid monthly to each trainee. At the end of the six months, trainees will be assd on their aptitude and a lected number will be offered permanent employment in our central office.
Students wishing to apply should nd a CV plus a 200-word summary of why they think they are suitable for this scheme. Applications to: Euromoney, Unit 3, Dearing Commercial Estate, Singapore
Cercos High Technology Cours
海天考研辅导班Regardless of previous experience, if you are aged eighteen or over, Cercos' professional ven week full-time training programme provides the gateway to employment in the rapidly expanding computer maintenance industry. Learn how to diagno faults using the latest technological aids and to deal effectively and efficiently with problem machinery and problem customers!
Contact John Segarro on 0772 4313 for application form and cour contents.
Wizard Training Cours
rack是什么意思Many people are confud by the arrangement of letters on a computer keyboard and never progress beyond tapping slowly away with two fingers. Our cours concentrate on training the fingers to find all the letters on the keyboard. Easy, short drills with three-letter words help you master the skills of typing within a matter of days.
Phone 34254422 for costs and further details.
试题 6
The book offers some information about communication style.
Answer: A
bag是什么意思1. It aims to train the students to become nsitive to different styles of writing.
2. Students are expected to learn something about American society.
3. It mainly focus on the development of your reading techniques.
4. Students are encouraged to participate in group activities.
5. Some uful information is offered on how to further your academic study.
6. One chapter deals with different aspects of culture in America.
7. The material chon for the book is from the real life.
This classic cross-culture book provides reading passages, culture notes, and discussion topics which focus on values, behavior, attitudes and communication styles. It features a chapter on cultural diversity in the US; an explanation of mainstream US values with examples which reveal some of the more hidden aspects of culture; examples of cross-cultural differences in a wide variety of cultures; and extensive readings and exercis.
As a multi-stand cour---organized according to functions, discussion techniques and communication concepts--- this text develops the speaking skills of business professionals or business students. It is easily adaptable to differing class sizes, student needs and interests. A special feature of the cour is its carefully staged discussion activities which structure and facilitate group participation.
This ries is intended for students now ready to approach English literature. Each book deals with both the literary and the language aspects of their texts. Some exercis focus on a personal respon, others on discussing literary qualities such as style, character, imagery and ideas. Other exercis concentrate on the development of language awareness in terms of grammar, vocabulary and different styles of writing.
Authentic texts covering a wide range of topics provide a stimulating basis for a skills and strategies
approach to academic reading. Techniques of skimming and scanning, identifying main ideas, understanding text organization and guessing unknown vocabulary provide the basis for each unit. The are followed by more advanced strategies, such as analyzing a writer’s u of time, evaluating a writer’s attitude and asssing the degree of certainty in arguments. Each unit ends with discussion topics which lead to a writing task bad on the reading texts.
试题 12
reissExample: It is the work of a successful writer. Answer: C
1. It describes activities which have become increasingly popular.
2. It gives important information as briefly as possible.
offon3. It deals with an area that has received little attention previously.
4. It describes methods that can help with team-building.
5. It is suitable to people with varying degrees of commercial experience.
6. It was previously published with a different title.
the romantic7. It is written for people from different types of professional background.
The Trainer’s Pocketbook
Formerly known as The Instructor’s Pocketbook, the eighth edition of this short guide covers ‘all the esntials of training’, from creating the right learning environment to the u of audio-visual equipment. This 78-page book concentrates on prenting the key facts in summary form.
The Handbook of Health and Safety
This is a comprehensive guide intended for managers, union safety repr e s e n t a t i v e s a n d a n y o n e t e a c h i n g f o r O c c u p a t i o n a l H e a l t h &a m p ; S a f e t y e x a m i n a t i o n s . A p a r t f r o m t h e u s u a l s u b j e c t s o f l e g a l o b l i g a t i o n s a n d r i s k p r e v e n t i o n , i t f o c u s e s o n a r e l a t i v e l y n e g l e c t e d i s s u e , t h a t o f h e a l t h c o n c e r n s a b o u t c o m p u t e r u s e - - p a r t i c u l a r l y t h o s e a s s o c i a t e d w i t h k e y b o a r d w o r k . / p > p b d s f i d = " 1 6 9 " > C b r b d s f i d = " 1 7 0 " > W r i t i n g E f f e c t i v e A d v e r t i s e m e n
t s b r b d s f i d = " 1 7 1 " > T h i s g u i d e h a s b e e n p u t t o g e t h e r b y b e s t - s e l l i n g a u t h o r J o h n N e w t o n a n d l o o k s a t t h e r e a s o n s w h y s o m e a d v e r t i s e m e n t s a r e m o r e s u c c e s s f u l t h a n o t h e r s . I d e a l b o t h f o r s o m e o n e s t a r t i n g u p i n b u s i n e s s a n d f o r t h e e s t a b l i s h e d b u s i n e s s p e r s o n , i t c o n t a i n s u s e f u l i n f o r m a t i o n o n a d v e r t i s e m e n t l a y o u t a n d c o n t e n t . / p > p b d s f i d = " 1 7 2 " > D b r b d s f i d = " 1 7 3 " > U s i n g M a n a g e m e n t G a m e s b r b d s f i d = " 1 7 4 " > T h i s s e c o n d e d i t i o n , w h i c h r e f l e c t s t h e g r o w i n g t r e n d t o u s e m a
n a g e m e n t g a m e s a s t r a i n i n g t o o l s , a c t s a s a g u i d e t o e x e r c i s e s d e s i g n e d t o i n c r e a s e g r o u p e f f e c t i v e n e s s . T h e w r i t e r e x p l a i n s t h e w a y s i n w h i c h e x e r c i s e s , f o r e x a m p l e p u z z l e s a n d c o m m u n i c a t i o n g a m e s , c a n b e u s e d t o i m p r o v e g r o u p c o - o p e r a t i o n . / p >

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