第二辑Test 1
Work experience programme
The manufacturing company you work for has decided to offer a two-day week work experience programme for a small group of students from a local business college.
You have been asked to help with the preparations for this programme
Discuss the situation together, and decide:
●What kind of work experience the company might offer
●How the participants should be lected
●What feedback and evaluation should take place after the programme has finished
主题 | 讨论要点 | 讨论结果 | 原因 |
Work experience programme | Kinds of work experience | Work experience in after-sale dept. | No technical knowledge needed |
Selection of participants | Junior: no similar former experience Proficient in English, disciplined | Having time & knowledge; English-speaking clients; Novelty of the programme; D英文新年祝福emanding work environment |
Feedback and evaluation | 可口可乐的英文Regular meetings on working days, report, grade awarded | Help students improve their work, gain experience |
奥斯卡经典电影推荐 | | | |
专业的 professional 售后服务after-sale rvice
监督、管理 supervi 大三学生 junior
熟练的,精通的 proficient 要求高的、吃力的 demanding
例会 regular meetings 反馈 feedback
Let me e, well, I suppo that ….
It’s like this, you e….
That’s exactly my opinion
As far as I’m concerned
From my point of view, …
Let me put it this way, …
A:Hi, Jason and Mark, shall we discuss the work experience programme for a while?
B: No problem, I heard that the students were from a local business college and had no technical knowledge in manufacturing. So I wonder whether they could fit it here. After all, our company manufactures mobile phones.
C: 快乐英语网 No worries, our company can provide work experience that doesn’t require professional skills.
A: That’s right, I have decided to carry out the programme in the after sale department. Students should take a two days training before they their work and the after sale depart
ment will arrange veral experienced staff to supervi their work, the students are expected to develop their skills in customer rvice and learn to deal with customers’ complaints and help the companies to improve their products image and rvice.
B: It ems you have got everything ttled down.
A: Not yet.
C: Then what shall we do next?
A: The lection of participants. The company can offer the working experience for 20 students. Could you give me some suggestions on lecting the ideal participants for the programme?
B: In my opinion, ideal participants should be junior students becau they have time to take part in this programme and have been trained formally in business college for more than two years. Students should also be proficient in English becau a number of our clients speak English. Mark, what do you think?
C: bellboyI agree with you. What’s more, potential participants will be asked to take an English speaking test before the programme starts. In addition, students should have a good attendance record and academic performance in school becau they are in a demanding work environment which requires them to follow strict discipline and work as a team.
A: Thank you very much to your advice. Now, there just one thing left, the feedback and evaluation of the programme.
B: I think after the sale department should have meetings for students at the end of every working day to help them conclude their work.
C: And after the programme ends, students are required to write a report of their work experience in our company, the report should include the arrangement of the programmme, the training class in the after sale department, work experience during the two weeks, the things they have learned and the problems, troubles they have met. They are encouraged add anything they want to the report.
A: Good ideas. Finally, I think the supervisors will give each student a grade for the programme bad on their performance and other standards of evaluation.
第二辑Test 2
advice可数吗English language training
Your company is planning to offer 30 hours of English language training to employees.
You have been asked to help with the planning and organization of the training.
Discuss the situation together, and decide:
●Which staff would benefit most from English language training
●How to encourage employees to take part in the training
●What kind of schedule will be suitable for the training?
主题 | 讨论要点 | 讨论结果 | 原因 |
English language training | Who will benefit most from the training | Marketing department | They u English a lot in their work |
How to encourage the staff to attend the training给力 英文 | Make this training a part of the annual performance evaluation | The staff will realize the importance of it |
What training programme fits most poljes | Syllabus containing business writing and speaking | They are the most practical for the time being |
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