Appliciation to work in NZ

更新时间:2023-07-01 22:45:58 阅读: 评论:0

DO NOT u this form if you wish to apply for work under either:
-    A Working Holiday Scheme – plea u the form Application for a New Zealand Working Holiday (NZIS 1085) or you may be able to apply online. For further details plea refer to our website or enquire at the nearest Immigration New Zealand (INZ) branch; or
- Business policy for a long-term business visa or permit – plea u the form Application for a Long Term Business Visa and Permit (NZIS 1058).
Plea ensure you have read the Guide for Working in New Zealand (NZIS 1016) before completing this form and plea read ALL information carefully to ensure you are using the correct form.
Your partner or accompanying family members cannot be included in this application form. They must submit SEPARATE applications for the type of permit they require.
To enable your application to be accepted you MUST submit ALL of the documents that apply to you that are outlined below. If you do not do so your application will be returned to you.
If you have a job offer you must submit a copy of it with your application.
When fi lling in this form, plea print clearly using CAPIT AL LETTERS.
We may request additional information to enable your application to be determined. Y ou may also submit other information with this application that you wish to have considered but plea read the note under Section 4 about original documents.
All documents must be in English or translated
1.  General Requirements
Y ou must include the following ORIGINAL documents:
a. A completed, signed application form.
b. The application fee (e our leafl et New Zealand Immigration’s Guide to Fees (NZIS 1028), or
refer to our website
c. Y our passport or travel document (which must be valid for at least 3 months past the date you pla
n to
leave New Zealand).
d. A recent passport size photograph attached to this form at the ction indicated.
Applicant to tick q q
q q Application No. For  INZ U Only
This form may be ud to apply for a visa or permit, or both.
I am applying for a work visa. Mark this box if you want to travel to New Zealand to work or if you already have a work
permit and want to leave New Zealand and return to continue working.
I am applying for a work permit. Mark this box if you are in New Zealand and want to work here temporarily or if you
already have a work permit and want a further work permit.
I am applying for a work permit and a work visa. Mark this box if you are in New Zealand and want to work here temporarily
and you also want to be able to leave New Zealand while your work permit is current and return to continue working.
What Work Visa and Permit policy are you applying under?
Work to Residence General Work Family Other (plea specify)
Plea note: if you are in New Zealand and applying for a further permit, you need to allow suffi cient time for
a decision to be made on your application before your current permit expires. If your permit does expire, your application for a further permit does not make your stay in New Zealand lawful or give you the right to remain in
New Zealand while your application is being considered.
Offi ce
u only
2. Health Requirements
a. People who intend to be in New Zealand for more than six months who are from a country, area or territory not listed as a low incidence tuberculosis (TB) country, area or territory who have spent more than a total of three months in the past fi ve years in a country, area or territory not listed as
a low incidence TB country, area or territory must complete a Temporary Entry X-ray Certifi
cate  (NZIS 1096).b. People who intend to be in New Zealand for more than 12 months must complete a Medical and Chest X-ray Certifi cate  (NZIS 1007).Despite a. and b. above:
• Pregnant women and children under 11 years of age are not required to have an X-ray, unless a special report is required.
Plea refer to the Health Requirements Leafl et  (NZIS 1121) for more details on immigration health policy and a list of low incidence TB countries, areas and territories.
3.  Character Requirements
If you intend to be in New Zealand for two years or longer and you are aged 17 or over you must submit a Police Certifi cate from your country of citizenship  and any country in which you have lived for fi ve years or more since attaining the age of 17 years (or satisfactory evidence that you have never lived in that country).
•  I have attached police certifi cates or
•  I am not required to submit police certifi cates
4.  Category Specifi c Requirements
Y ou must include the documentation listed in the particular work permit category under which you are applying – refer to the Guide for Working in New Zealand  (NZIS 1016).
Plea do NOT submit ORIGINALS of documents in THIS ction as the documents will NOT be returned to you. Plea submit photocopies only. If we need to e an original document you will be asked to produce it at a later time.
Work to Residence Policy – (Section B of this form)
Y ou must supply the documentation applicable stated in questions B1 to B4 (Also refer to the Guide for Working in New Zealand  (NZIS 1016).
General Work Policy – (Section C1 of this form)
a. A completed Supplementary Employer Form  (NZIS 1113) from your employer.
b. Evidence of registration if this is required to undertake employment in the position you have been offered.
c. Evidence that you are suitably qualifi ed by training and experience to do the job you have been offere
General Work Policy/Other Categories/Specifi c Purpo or Event/Student and Trainees/Study to Work  – (Section C2 of this form)
Plea provide the evidence specifi ed in the Guide for Working in New Zealand  (NZIS 1016).
Family Work Policy – (Section D of this form)
Partners of New Zealand citizens or residents
a. Evidence that you and your partner meet the minimum requirements for the recognition of a partnership t out in Guide for Working in New Zealand  (NZIS 1016).
b. Evidence that you are living together in a genuine and stable relationship.
c. Evidence that your partner is a New Zealand citizen or permanent resident.
d. Evidence that your partner intends to be in New Zealand for the same period of time you have applied for in this application.
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e. A letter of support from your partner.Partners of Work Visa/Permit holders
a. Evidence of your partner’s work visa or permit or eligibility to obtain a work visa or permit.
b. Evidence that you are living together in a genuine and stable relationship.小学三年级英语上册人教版
c. Evidence that you and your partner meet the minimum requirements for the recognition of a partnership t out in Guide for Working in New Zealand  (NZIS 1016).
d. Evidence that your partner intends to be in New Zealand for the same period of time you have applied for in this application.Partners of Student Visa and/or Permit holders (including partners of NZAID supported Student Permit holders)
a. Evidence that you are living together in a genuine and stable relationship.
b. Evidence that you and your partner meet the minimum required for the recognition of a partnership t out in Guide for Working in New Zealand  (NZIS 1016).
c. Evidence that your partner intends to be in New Zealand for the same period of time you have applied for in this application.
d. Letter of support from your partner.
e. Evidence of your partner’s Student Permit to study towards qualifi cations in areas of absolute skill shortage as specifi ed in the Long Term Skill Shortage List or towards postgraduate qualifi cations (unless you are a partner of NZAID supported student, e f-j).If you are the partner of NZAID supported Student Permit holder you are not required to provide evidence of e. above but must provide the following:lei
f. Evidence of an offer of employment.
g. Letter of approval from NZAID.
h. A completed Employer Supplementary Form  (NZIS 1113) from your employer.
i. Evidence of registration if this is required to undertake employment in the position you have been offered.j. Evidence that you are suitably qualifi ed by training and experience to do the job you have been offered. If you fall into any other category plea tick this box and submit evidence with your ap
plication of the specifi c purpo for which you need a work permit.
5.  Eligibility
If you are the holder of a visitor permit that was granted for the purpo of being a guardian to a foreign
a fewfee-paying student, then you are not eligible for a work permit under General Work or  Specifi
c Purpo or Event policies an
d your application will b
e declined. Plea tick the relevant box:
•  I am the holder of a visitor permit granted for the purpos of being a guardian to a foreign
•  I am not the holder of a visitor permit granted for the purpos of being a guardian to a foreign fee paying student.
生日歌英文6.  Work Exchanges
If you are taking part in a work exchange you must provide:
Evidence of acceptance to an approved work exchange scheme from the scheme organir.q q q q q q q q qblush是什么意思
q q
q q q q q q q q q
q q q
Name as shown in passport Preferred title      Mr            Mrs          Ms        Miss          Dr        other
Other names you are known by Y our name in ethnic script
Gender    Male        Female
Date of birth
Place and country of birth Passport details
Y our citizenship
Other citizenships currently held Attach one
recent passport size  photograph of yourlf here.  Write your name on the back.
Place: Country :
Client number:
Principal applicant
(plea specify)
day      month      year
day          month
Expiry Date:
Partnership status Married Never married Partner
Engaged Widowed Divorced Civil Union
Never in a  Dissolved
Civil Union
Civil Union
Are you applying for a visa/permit on the basis of a partnership?
Y es
If No, plea go to A13.
If Y es, plea answer the following.
• are you living in a genuine and stable partnership?
Y es No
If No plea explain
• will your partner be in New Zealand for the same period of time?
Y es No • do you meet the minimum requirements for the recognition of a partnership? Y es No • do you intend to apply for residence under Partnership policy?
Y es
• If Yes, will your New Zealand citizen or resident partner be eligible to sponsor this
application and any application for residence under Partnership policy within 12 months?
Y es
• How long have you been living together in this partnership?遥控器英语
Y ears
Name and address of any friends, relatives or contacts I have in New Zealand are:
Name and address for correspondence about this application:
If you have given the name and address of an agent in A15, do you authori that agent
to act on your behalf?
Y es No
Y ou can check the progress of your application online by registering for our online enquiry system. By ticking this option you will also be advid by email when your application has been decided. (Plea note: this facility is only available for applications lodged at an INZ branch offi ce listed in the “More Information and Advice” ction  of this form.)
Plea email me instructions to register to check my application online.
Plea note: If you elect an agent to act on your behalf in question A16 your agent will be nt instructions for online enquiry.
Agent client reference for online enquiry
U unique reference for each client (up to 10 characters: no more than 3 letters permitted, e.g. A123, B1234B, or 1234C567CC are acceptable. Don’t u punctuation marks or symbols). This code will appear in any email notifi cations to an agent acting on behalf of an applicant.有声英语
My residential address in my home country is:
Name Address
Name Address
Name Address
Telephone:Email:Postal Address
Phone - day:Phone - night:Fax:Email:
Additional information
I may be contacted at this New Zealand residential address and telephone number:
Date from Date to Name of employer Location Type of work/(dd/mm/yyyy) (dd/mm/yyyy)  occupation/    job title
/ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /
List all periods of employment, including lf-employment.
I am currently employed by and my main occupation is:
(Plea give name and address of employer. If not employed, plea state this.)Y our main occupation is the job you spent most hours doing in the last 12 months. If you have not worked in the last 12 months, plea state your previous occupation. If you have not worked in the last 5 years or more, plea state “Not applicable”.
I have the following qualifi cations:
(Plea give details of all qualifi cation(s) below. If you have no qualifi cations plea state this.)
Name of qualifi cation Date obtained Institution where gained  /      / /      /
/      /
My stay in New Zealand will be fi nancially supported in the following way:
The arrangement I have made for my outward travel from New Zealand is:
If Yes , plea attach evidence.
Do you have work experience relevant to your job offer? Y es No
If Yes , plea attach evidence.
Note: If registration with a professional body is required for this job, plea provide this also.
I f applying for a work visa :
This is the date I will enter or re-enter New Zealand:This is the date I will fi nally depart New Zealand:
I would like a single  journey work visa
I would like a multiple  journey work visa
If applying for a  work permit :
This is the date I will be leaving New Zealand:
This is the date I request my work permit  to be current to:
Do you have a job offer in New Zealand?
Y es No
If Yes , plea provide the information requested below.
Do you have qualifi cations relevant to your job offer? Y es No
tara wilsonApplication Details
day month year
day month year
day month year
day month year
Employer name:Name of position offered:
Employer address:Telephone:Email:
If you are applying under Work to Residence  policy go to Section B .If you are applying under General Work  policy go to Section C .If you are applying under  Family  policy go to Section D .
Y ou must provide all  information requested for the relevant policy you are applying under.If you are not applying under one of the three policies go to Section E .
Employer name:Main Occupation:
在线翻译句子Employer address:

本文发布于:2023-07-01 22:45:58,感谢您对本站的认可!



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