The first Chine training class for Burme staff of the Southeast Asia Pipeline Company between China and Myanmarsad的比较级
by Fuxing Confucius Classroom in Myanmar was ended smoothly
Photo1: the scenes of the graduating ceremony
August, 23rd, the first Chine training class for Burme staff of the Southeast Asia Pipeline Company graduating ceremony, namely report performance was held in an auditorium of Yangon Foreign Language University successfully.
Photo2: the vice-director of Yangon Foreign Language University made a speech.
In the graduating ceremony, the vice-director of Yangon Foreignfridge是什么意思 Language University Mr. MYO HAN, the Chine director of Fuxing Confucius Classroom Mr. Zheng Feifu, the reprentative of MOGE Mr. U KYAW NYAN TUN and the vice president of China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) in Myanmar Mr. Chen Xiangqiu made speeches respectively.
Photo3: the Chine director of Fuxing incompatibleConfucius Classroom Mr. Zheng Feifu made a speech.
bangFuxing Confucius Classroom was in charge of the Chine part in this training. The Chine director of Fuxing Confucius Classroom Mr. Zheng Feifu made a speech expressing his congratulations to the trainees.
Photo4: the vice president of China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) in p r sMyanmar Mr. Chen Xiangqiu made a speech.
It was the first training project that Chine invested enterpris provided for their Burme staff. The first Chine training class for Burme staff of the Southeast Asia Pipeline Company between China and Myanmar ended with complete success.
Photo5: the reprentative of MOGE Mr. U KYAW NYAN TUN
sunshineintherainmade a speech
Trainees performed excellent programs in Chine including short play, Chine songs and comic dialogues. They showed the achievements to the honored guests and spectator.
Photo6: the Chine director of Fuxing Confucius classroom Mr. Zheng Feifu awarded the Certificate of Completion for the trainees.
In the graduating ceremony, the trainees expresd that three-month learning is too short. They were deeply interested in Chine learning and expected to go to China in December to experience Chine culture.
Photo7: comic dialogue—Learn Chine
It is reported that the company has decided to heavydutyentrust Fuxing Confucius Classroom training Chine for their staff regularly美丽心灵百度影音. The cond one will start from the latter part of October.
Photo 8: short play-Taking Dinner
It was the first try for Fuxing Confucius Classroom opening training classroom in Yangon Foreign Language University.onebyone
It earns favorable comment of both China and Myanmar sides by its interesting, targeted, simple and practical curriculum design and teaching.
Photo 9: Group photo
Photo 10: Chine song-Friend
Photo 11: Chine song-Cheer for the Past Days
Photo 12: short play- Obtain Employment