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Teachers’ Standards Guidance for school leaders,
school staff and governing bodies
July 2011(introduction updated June 2013)
Summary 3 Introduction, legal standing and interpretation 5 Prentation of the standards 7 Progression and professional development 7 Date of introduction of the standards 8 Note on terminology ud/glossary 9 Teachers’ Standards10 Preamble 10 Part One: Teaching 10 Part Two: Personal and professional conduct 14
About the standards
Thes e are the Teachers’ Standards for u in schools in England from September 2012. The standards define the minimum level of practice expected of trainees and teachers from the point of being awarded qualified teacher status (QTS).
The Teachers’ Standards are ud to asss all trainees working towards QTS, and all tho completing their statutory induction period. They are also ud to asss the performance of all teachers with QTS who are subject to The Education (School Teachers’ App raisal) (England) Regulations 2012, and may additionally be ud to asss the performance of teachers who are subject to the regulations and who hold qualified teacher learning and skills (QTLS) status.
The standards were introduced following the recommendations in the reports of the independent Review of Teachers’ Standards, chaired by Sally Coates. The reports are available from GOV.UK.
Expiry or review date
The standards will apply until further notice.
What legislation do the standards refer to?
Schedule 2 of The Education (School Teachers’ Qualifications) (England) Regulations 2003
The E ducation (School Teachers’ Appraisal) (England) Regulations 2012
what about loveWho are the standards for?
The Teachers’ Standards apply to:
ill什么意思∙trainees working towards QTS;
∙all teachers completing their statutory induction period (newly qualified teachers [NQTs]); and
∙teachers in maintained schools, including maintained special schools, who are covered by the 2012 appraisal regulations.
The National College for Teaching and Leadership (NCTL) will u Part Two of the Teachers’ Standards, which relates to personal and professional conduct, when asssing cas of rious misconduct, regardless of the education ctor in which the teacher works.
What documents do the standards replace?
The standards replaced the standards for qualified teacher status (QTS) and the core professional
standards, published by the former Training and Development Agency for Schools (TDA); and the General Teaching Council for England’s Code of Conduct and Practice for Registered Teachers.
Introduction, legal standing and interpretation
1. The Teachers’ Standards published by the Secretary of State for Education
introduced some significant changes in terms of structure, content and application.
This document is designed to assist tho who will be using the standards to
understand tho changes and to implement the standards effectively.
2. The Teachers’ Standards contained in this document came into effect on
1 September 2012, though the Teaching Agency (now the National College for
Teaching and Leadership) has ud the conduct elements since 1 April 2012 as a reference point when considering whether a teacher’s conduct has fallen
significantly short of the standard of behaviour expected of a teacher. They
replaced the standards for qualified teacher status (QTS) and the core
professional standards previously published by the Training and Development
Agency for Schools (TDA),1as well as the General Teaching Council for England’s Code of Conduct and Practice for Registered Teachers.
3. The standards apply to the vast majority of teachers regardless of their
career stage.The Teachers’ Standards apply to: trainees working towards QTS;
all teachers completing their statutory induction period; and tho covered by the new performance appraisal arrangements (subject to the exception described in
para. 4 below). Part Two of th e Teachers’ Standards, which relates to professional and personal conduct, is ud to asss cas of rious misconduct, regardless of the ctor in which the teacher works.
4. Since 1 April 2012, teachers with qualified teacher learning and skills (QTLS)
status have been able to teach in schools as fully qualified teachers. This change was made to give schools greater access to experienced teachers of vocational
subjects, as recommended in Professor Alison Wolf’s Review of Vocational
Education. Headteachers have the freedom to decide the standards against which they asss the performance of QTLS holders. They can asss QTLS holders’
performance against the Teachers’ Standards, against any other t of standards relating to teacher performance issued by the Secretary of State, against any
chkother professional standards that are relevant to their performance, or against any combination of tho three. Before, or as soon as practicable after the start of
each appraisal period, QTLS teachers (like other teachers) must be informed of
the standards against which their performance in that appraisal period will be
1 The standards for qualified teacher status and the core professional standards are available from The National Archives.
5. The standards define the minimum level of practice expected of trainees and
teachers from the point of being awarded QTS. The standards t out in thisabdominal
document constitute the ‘specified standards’ within the meaning given to that
phra in Schedule 2 of The Education (School Teachers’ Qualifications)
(England) Regulations 20032.
6. The standards need to be applied as appropriate to the role and context within
which a trainee or teacher is practising. Providers of initial teacher training (ITT)
should asss trainees against the standards in a way that is consistent with what could reasonably be expected of a trainee teacher prior to the award of QTS.
Providers need to ensure that their programmes are designed and delivered in
四六级在线such a way as to allow all trainees to meet the standards, as t out in the
Secretary of State’s Initial Teacher Training (ITT) Criteria3.
7. Similarly, headteachers (or apprai rs) should asss teachers’ performance
against the standards to a level that is consistent with what should reasonably be expected of a teacher in the relevant role and at the relevant stage of their career (whether they are a newly qualified teacher (NQT), a mid-career teacher, or a
more experienced practitioner). The professional judgement of headteachers and apprairs is therefore central to appraisal against the standards.
8. The standards replaced the previous core professional standards, and are ud to
asss an NQT’s performance at the end of their induction period in employment.
The standards themlves do not specify any new or different elements to the
expectations placed on NQTs beyond tho required for the award of QTS. The
decision about whether an NQT has met the standards to a satisfactory level at
ankle什么意思the end of their first year of full employment therefore needs to be made on the
basis of what should reasonably be expected of an NQT working in the relevant
tting and circumstances, within the framework t out by the standards. That
judgement should reflect the expectation that NQTs have effectively consolidated their training, and are demonstrating their ability to meet the standards
consistently over a sustained period in their practice.be的过去式
9. Following the period of induction, the standards continue to define the level of
practice at which all qualified teachers are expected to perform. Teachers’
performance is assd against the standards as part of the new appraisal
arrangements in maintained schools.
faculty什么意思2Schedule 2 of The Education (School Teachers’ Qualifications) (England) Regulations 2003 is available v.uk.
3 The Initial Teacher Training (ITT) Criteria are available from GOV.UK.

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