Ministry of Science and Technology of the People’s Republic of China
Workshop on Planning for Greener Cities and South-South Cooperation in Africa
Call for Application
Sponsor: Ministry of Science and Technology of PRC Organizer: UNEP-Tongji Institute of Environment for Sustainable Development
Shanghai, China
13 October – 1 November, 2019
Developing countries in Asia, Africa and Latin American account for 80% of the world’s population. Africa is an important participant of the “Belt and Road Initiative” as well as a historical partner. The Beijing Summit for the China-Africa Cooperation Forum in 2018 stresd the need to support African countries’ participation in the "Belt and Road" Initiative and a willingness to strengthen all-round partnership with Africa. Through South-South cooperation, the China-Africa “One Belt, One Road” initiative will bolster the urbanization process of developing countries while integrating sustainable development, in order to achieve the UN 2030 development goals. China's rapid development and economic growth has inspired the need for African countries to replicate sustainable urban construction in their own back yards. In the principle of effectiveness, diversification and common development, we will further carry out extensive and in-depth cooperation with the continent in economic, scientific, technological, educational and cultural aspects.
This workshop aims to share China's outstanding theories, cas and experiences in the development of green cities with African countries. Primary focus will be on the development and utilization of new energy resources and efficiency, improvement of crowded spaces, enhanced public transportation systems as well as comprehensive infrastructure construction as the basis for sustainable development of cities. Promotion of an integrated approach to cooperation in urban planning, environmental management and infrastructure construction will optimize the u of resources in the whole planning and design process
About the Programme
This training programme will encompass sharing of Chine urban planning experiences through theoretical trainings, site visits and a partnership programme. Approaches include rearches and visits to reprentative Chine cities, minars co-hosted by United Nations Environment Programme and as well as the Chine government. The partnership between Chine and African cities will foster long-term communication and collaboration.
Training cours include United Nations Sustainable Cities Programme, Sustainable Cities Indicator System, Shanghai Urban Planning Cas, Urban Water Environment Management and Planning, Industrial Planning in Shanghai, Built Ecology and Green Building, Chongming Eco-island development as well as on-site visits to Shanghai Urban Planning Muum, Zhangjiang High Technology Park, Chongming Island, Yixing Environmental Protection Industrial Park, etc.
noire培训课程包括:联合国可持续发展城市计划、可持续发展城市指标体系、上海市城市规划优秀案例、城市水环境管理与规划、上海市产业规划、上海市人居生态与绿色建筑、崇明岛生态系统规划与管理以及对于上海城市规划、张江高科、崇明、宜兴、溧阳的实地考察项目。春节 英语