Chapter 2 The Development of the English Vocabulary and Chapter 3 Word Formation I(练习2)
I. Each of the statements below is followed by four alternative answers. Choo the one that would best complete the statement.
1.It is assumed that the world has approximately 3,000( some put it 5,000)languages, which can
be grouped into the basis of similarities in their basic word stock and grammar.
A. 500
B. 4000
C. 300
D. 2000
2.The prehistoric Indo-European parent language is thought to be a highly __A____language.
A. inflected
B. derived
C. developed
i still
D. analyzed
3.After the ____C_____, the Germanic tribes called Angles ,Saxons, and Jutes came in great
A. Greeks
B. Indians
C. Romans
D. French
4.The introduction of ____B____had a great impact on the English vocabulary.
A. Hinduism
B. Christianity
C. Buddhism
D. Islamism
5.In the 9th century the land was invaded again by Norwegian and Danish Vikings. With the
invaders, many _____D___words came into the English language.
A. Greek
B. Roman
C. Celtic
D. Scandinavian
6.It is estimated that at least ___D___ words of Scandinavian origin have survived in modern
A. 500
B. 800
C. 1000 .
D. 900
7.The Normans invaded England from France in 1066. The Norman Conquest started a
continual flow of ___A___ words into English.
A. French
B. Greek
C. Roman
D. Latin
8.By the end of the ____B___century , English gradually came back into the schools, the law
courts, and government and regained social status.
A. 12th
B. 13th
C. 14th
英文网络推广9.As a result , Celtic made only a ____A____contribution to the English vocabulary.
A. small
B. big
C. great
D. smaller
10. The Balto-Slavic compris such modern languages as Prussian, Lithuanian, Polish, Czech, Bulgarian, Slovenian and ___D____.
A. Greek
B. Roman
C. Indian
D. Russian
11.In the Indo-Iranian we have Persian , Bengali, Hindi, Romany, the last three of which are
背叛英文版derived from the dead language.A
A. Sanskrit
B. Latin
C. Roman
D. Greek
12.Greek is the modern language derived from __B____.
A. Latin
B. Hellenic
C. Indian D . Germanic
13.The five Roamance languages , namely, Portugue, Spanish, French, Italian, Romanian all
belong to the Italic through an intermediate language called _B_____.
A. Sanskrit
B. Latin
C. Celtic
D. Anglo-Saxon
14.The ____A____family consists of the four Northern European Languages: Norwegian,
Icelandic, Danish and Swedish, which are generally known as Scandinavian languages.
A. Germanic
B. Indo-European
C. Albanian
D. Hellenic
15.By the end of the ____B___century , virtually all of the people who held political or social
power and many of tho in powerful Church positions were of Norman French origin.
A. 10th
D. 13th
II. Complete the following statements with proper words or expressions according to the c
dcs是什么意思our book.
16.Now people generally refer to Anglo-Saxon as ___old english____.
17.. If we say that Old English was a language of full endings , Middle English was one of __
leveled endings ___.
18.It can be concluded that English has evoked from a synthetic language (Old English) to the
prent _ _ analytic ___ language.
19.The surviving languages accordingly fall into eight principal groups , which can be grouped
into an Eastern t: Balto-Slavic , Indo-Iranian ,Armenian and Albanian; a Western t :Celtic, Italic, Hellenic, _____ Germanic __.
20.It is necessary to subdivide Modern English into Early (1500-1700)and __ Late(1700-up to
the prent )
21.___ Modern English.
世界大学排名2012III. Match the words or expressions in Column A with tho in Column B according to 1) origin of the words 2)history off English development 3) language family.
21. Celtic ( D ) A.politics
22. religious ( E ) B.moon
23.Scandinavian ( F ) C. Persian
24. French ( A ) D.London
25. Old English ( G ) E. abbot
26.Dutch ( I ) F. skirt
27.Middle English ( H ) G. sunu
28. Modern English ( B ) H. lernen
29. Germanic family ( J ) I. freight
30.Sanskrit ( C ) J. Norwegian
IV.Study the following words or expressions and identify types of morphemes underlined.
31. earth ( free root ) 32.contradict ( Bound
root )
33. predictor ( suffix ) 34. radios ( inflectional
affix )
35. prewar ( prefix ) 36. happiest ( inflectionla
affix )
37. antecedent ( prefix ) 38. northward (suffix )
38. sun ( free root ) 40. diction ( bound root ) V. Define the following terms.