金融英语业务知识练习试卷35 (题后含答案及解析)
题型有: 2. 单项选择题
1. If an estate or interest in the land is only held for a specific period of time, the holder is said to have______interests.
解析:答案为B项。freehold“不动产所有权,永久产权”,指终身或世袭保有的不动产权。leahold“租赁权”。根据题意,不动产持有人只拥有阶段性的权益,属于租赁权。故本题选B项。 知识模块:金融英语业务知识
2. It has often been said that a guarantee is the easiest form of curity to take but the most difficult to realize becau of the following reasons except that______.
A.the guarantee has intrinsic value which is difficult to realize
B.the guarantor’s financial position may deteriorate without the bankspecial edition’lzrs knowledge
C.guarantors never expect to pay and often refu to do so, making realization a difficult and lengthy process
D.there may be a reluctance to enforce the curity where the guarantor is a valued and influential customer of the bank
解析:答案为A项。保证是最容易得到却是最不易实现的一种担保形式。保证没有内在价值,没有可实现的有形资产权利;保证人的财务状况可能恶化,但贷款银行不一定掌握相关情况;保证人一般不会预期到借款人最终违约而由他代其偿还债务的情况,因此经常拒绝付款;如果保证人是贷款银行的大客户,银行可能并不愿意为执行该担保而失去该客户。本题中,只有A项提及的“保证具有难以实现的内在价值”不正确,故选A项。 知识模块:金融英语业务知识
3. A customer has deposited a gold watch with the bank for safe-keeping. This is an example of
解析:答案为C项。lien“留置”。担保法规定,因保管合同、运输合同、加工承揽合同发生的债权,债务人不履行债务的,债权人有留置权。pledge“(动产)质押”,是指债务人或第三人将其动产移交债权人占有,将该动产作为债权的担保。债务人不履行债务时,债权人有权依照法律规定以该动产折价或者以拍卖、变卖该动产所得的价款优先受偿。债务人或第三人为出质人(pledger,pledgor),债权人为质权人(pledgee),移交的动产为质物。bailment“寄托,委托”,指将个人财产暂交与他人存放保管。财产虽由寄托人(bailor)交与受托人(bailee),但所有权(ownership)仍属于寄托人。寄托财产的目的主要是委托保管、运输等。mortgage“抵押”,是指债务人或者第三人提供一定的财产作为抵押物,债务人不履行债务时,债权人有权以抵押物折价或者以拍卖抵押物的价款受偿。财产抵押之后,并不转移占有,不影响抵押人对抵押物的使用。银行承办的保险箱业务(safe—keeping business)属于寄托一类。故本题选C项。 知识模块:金融英语业务知识
4. A garnishee order______.
A.enables the bank to ize and ll a debtor’s asts
B.gives the bank rights over the sale proceeds of an ast
C.provides a creditor with rights over an equitable interest in land
D.enables a creditor to ize funds owed to the debtor by a third party
解析:答案为D项。equitable interest“衡平法权益”,指在缺乏有效法律文件下,由法庭按交易双方的关系和动机判定一方所享有的权益。与法定权益(legal interest)不同,通常此等权益是属于对人行使的权利,而非对有关物品或资产的权利;相对而言,法定权益是附属于物品或资产上,对任何人均具约束力。garnishee order“第三方债务扣押令,允许债权人向法庭申请扣住第三方欠债务人的负债”,例如债务人的银行存款、雇主付给他的薪金等。故本题选D项。 知识模块:金融英语业务知识
5. A pledge provides a bank with______.
A.posssion of the goods
B.rights over items held in safe custody
C.legal ownership of the goods
D.the ability to transfer interests in certain asts
解析:答案为A项。在质押中,银行作为质权人获得的是质押品的占有权(posssion)。故本题选A项。 知识模块:金融英语业务知识
6. In relation to a guarantee accepted as curity by a bank, which of the following statements is incorrect?______.
A.The guarantor incurs primary liability.
B.If the debt cured proves to be legally unenforceable, the surety nevertheless remains liable.
C.If there is more than one surety, all must sign the guarantee before it is enforceable against any of them.
D.None of the above.
解析:答案为A项。保证人(guarantor,surety)对主债务人的债务负有第二性的义务。本题中A项所述的“保证人负有第一性的负款责任”是错误的,故选A项。 知识模块:金融英语业务知识 xplore
7. Which of the following is true of a mortgage?______.
会计职能A.The mortgagee retains posssion of the mortgaged property.八年级上册英语翻译
B.The mortgagor retains posssion of the mortgaged property.
C.The lender acquires the right to retain the mortgaged property until the mortgage debt is repaid.
D.None of the above.
解析:答案为B项。抵押人(借款人)仍然保留对抵押财产的占有权。故本题选B项。 知识模块:金融英语业务知识
8. A lien is best defined as______.
A.a conveyance of an interest in property as curity for the payment of a debt
B.a deposit of goods, or documents of title to them, with a lender as curity for a debt
C.a right to retain another’s property until that person has paid a debt
D.an agreement giving a lender specified rights over property ud to cure borrowing
解析:答案为C项。根据留置的定义,本题选C项。 知识模块:金融英语业务知识
9. If a contractual offer can be accepted by post, the acceptance is effective when______.
A.the offeror acts upon it
B.it comes to the offerormeetwith’s attention
C.it is delivered
D.it is posted
解析:答案为D项。offer“发盘,发价”,是指交易的一方向另一方提出一定交易条件,并表示愿意按照提出的交易条件达成买卖该项货物的交易并签订合同的一种口头或书面的表示。acceptance“接受”,是指受盘人(offeree)在发盘有效期内无条件全部同意发盘的全部内容,并愿意签订合同的一种口头或书面的表示。接受可由买方表示,也可由卖方做出,但必须是合法的受盘人,而且接受表示须在发盘有效期内送达发盘人(offeror)。接受的表示必须明确。如果对于发盘允许以邮寄形式表示接受,那么当接受寄出时,该接受立即生效。根据句意,本题应选D项。 知识模块:金融英语业务知识
10. A computer becomes the property of the purchar when he pays the last instalment under______.