breed [persons person]
breed [bugs bug]
persons-own[ ;设置人的个人属性:情感
bugs-own[ ;设置物的个人属性:情感
to do-plot ;用于计算物的数量和情感的值
t-current-plot "num"
t-current-plot-pen "plot-1"
plot count bugsdimm
t-current-plot "emotion"
t-current-plot-pen "emotion-1"
ask bugs[
plot emotion
to direction-decision ;为距离门远的逃跑对象设置“邻居”,根据人的心理尽可
ask bugs with [xcor < 26][
let x bugs-on neighbors
let temp-direction heading
let temp-emotion emotion
let sum-heading 0
let ne-num count x
if (ne-num >= 1 )[
ask x[t shape "circle"
t sum-heading sum-heading + heading
t sum-heading sum-heading / ne-num
t temp-direction sum-heading
t heading temp-direction
ifel(xcor <= 4 and heading >= 180 and heading < 360) ;之后的ifel代码是为了防止当逃跑对象
; show "11111111111111111111"
t heading random 90 + 45
ifel (ycor >= 26 and( ( heading >= 270 and heading <= 360 ) or (heading > 0 and heading <= 90)) )[
; show "222222222222222222222"
t heading random 90 + 45
if (ycor <= 4 and heading >= 90 and heading < 270)[
; show "3333333333333333
t heading random 90 + 45
fd 0.2
to init ;init是为了模拟现场环境声明的必要变量和属性
create-persons 5
t xcor random 25 + 3
t ycor random 25 + 3
t shape "person"
t size 1.5
t color white
t emotion random-float 0.2
create-bugs ss
t xcor random 25 + 3
t ycor random 25 + 3
t shape "bug"
t size 1.0
t emotion random-float 0.2
ask patches
t pcolor black
ask patches
if( pxcor = 2 and pycor >= 2 and pycor <= 28 );zuo
draconian [
t pcolor yellow
if( pycor = 28 and pxcor >= 2 and pxcor <= 28 );shang
t pcolor yellow
if( pycor = 2 and pxcor >= 2 and pxcor <= 28 );xia
t pcolor yellow
if( pxcor = 28 and pycor >= 8 and pycor <= 22);youzhong
t pcolor yellow
to go ;go是让所有逃跑对象按照确定的方向逃跑
let xt 0;
let yt 0;
ask turtles
英语演讲比赛 fd 1
if (direction = "up" )
[ facexy ( xcor ) ( ycor + 1 ) ]
if (direction = "45" )
[ facexy ( xcor + 1 ) ( ycor + 1 ) ]
if (direction = "down" )
[facexy ( xcor ) ( ycor - 1 )]
if (direction = "right" )
[facexy ( xcor + 1 ) ( ycor )]
if (direction = "random" )
the pirate bay [facexy ( random 32 ) ( random 32 )]
to escape ;此函数是为了模拟现场逃跑而设计的函数
ask bugs
中俄在线翻译 [
if(xcor >= 26 )
let dis1 0
let dis2 0
t dis1 (ycor - 4)*(ycor - 4)+(28 - xcor)*(28 - xcor)
t dis2 (ycor - 24)*(ycor - 24)+(28 - xcor)*(28 - xcor)
ifel (dis1 < dis2)
facexy 28 4
facexy 28 24
if(xcor >= 28 )
ask bugs[
fd 0.2 + 0.1 * emotion
to handle ;handle是为了模拟现场的合理性,使墙上的人下来
ask turtles with[pxcor = 2 and pycor >= 2 and pycor <= 28];zuo
t heading 90
fd 1
ask turtles with[ pycor = 28 and pxcor >= 2 and pxcor <= 28 ];shang
t heading 180
fd 1
ask turtles with[ pycor = 2 and pxcor >= 2 and pxcor <= 28 ];xia
t heading 0
fd 1
suicide ask turtles with[ pxcor = 28 and pycor >= 2 and pycor <= 28 ];you
t heading 270
fd 1