译⽂:甲:General Rules of the Civil Law of the People‘s Republic of China
-Shanghai‘s Foreign Economic Rules and Regulations(1991-1992),Shanghai Far East Publishers 1994,P.15
⼄:General Principles of the Civil Law of the People‘s Republic of China
-Laws and Regulations of the People‘s Republic of China Governing Foreign-Related Matters(1949-1990)。Legal System Publishing Hou Beijing China 1991,P.33
译⽂:甲:Law of the People‘s Republic of China on Chine-Foreign Joint Ventures
⼄:Law of the People‘s Republic of China on Chine-Foreign Equity Joint Ventures
译⽂:甲:Law of the People‘s Republic of China on Chine-Foreign Cooperative Ventures
⼄:Law of the People‘s Republic of China on Chine-Foreign Contractual Joint Ventures
-同上⼄,P. 50下
priya 译⽂:甲:Law of the People‘s Republic of China on Foreign Enterpris
⼄:Law of the People‘s Republic of China on Foreign Capital Enterpris
-同上⼄,P. 489汉字的魅力
按:“foreign enterpris”可以是绝对地“foreign”的企业(包括⾝为外国法⼈的企业),其内涵要⽐今汉语“外资企业”⼤!
译⽂:甲:Procedures of the Customs of the People‘s Republic of China for the Control over the Goods,Means of Transport and Personal Articles Entering or Leaving the Shanghai Waigaoqiao Free Trade Zone
⼄:Measures of the Customs of the People‘s Republic of China Concerning the Administration of the Goods,Means of Transport and Articles Carried by Individuals to be Brought into or out of the Bonded Area of Outer Gaoqiao in Shanghai
译⽂:甲:Law of the People‘s Republic of China on the Protection of the Rights and Interests of Returned Overas Chine and Their Relatives
-Shanghai‘s Foreign Economic Rules and Regulations(1991-1992),Shanghai Far East Publishers 1994,p.47
⼄:Law of the People‘s Republic of China on the Protection of Rights and Interests of Returned Overas Chine and the Family Members of Overas Chine
-Laws and Regulations of the People‘s Republic of China Governing Foreign-Related Matters,China Legal System Publishing Hou,Beijing 1991,p.1945.
译⽂:甲:Procedures of Shanghai Municipality on the Implementation of Enterpris‘Property Right Over State- owned Asts
-Supplement(Chine-English)New Laws and Regulations Monthly,1997.1,p.5
⼄:Procedures of Shanghai Municipality on the Implementation of Registration of Enterpris‘Property Right Over State-owned Asts
8. Interim Procedures of Shanghai Municipality on the Intake of Experts From(应作from)abroad
day one>gre考试报名violin>i fell good -Shanghai‘s foreign Economic Rules and Regulations(1993-1994),p.3
9. Article l(purpo and Basis)
The prent Procedures are formulated in accordance with the“procedures on the Administration of Registration of Enterpris‘Property Right Over(应作⼩写over)State-owned Asts”……
-Supplement(Chine-English)New Laws and Regulations Monthly,1997,1,p.183
10. Measures of the Customs of the People‘s Republic of China Concerning the Administration of the Goods,Means of Transport,and Articles Carried by Individuals to be(应作⼤写Be)Brought into or out(须⼤写)of the Bonded Area of Outer Gaoqiao in Shanghai
-Laws and Regulations of the People‘s Republic of China Governing Foreign-Related Matters,China Legal System Publishing Hou,Beijing 1991.7,p.11
Regulations of Shanghai Municipality on the Administration of Mudflat
Provisions of Shanghai Municipality on the Control of Hygiene of the Food Sold on Urban and Rural Fairs
Regulations of Shanghai Municipality on Mother and Infant Health Care
Regulations of Shanghai Municipality on the Flow of Talented Personnel
Regulations of Shanghai Municipality on Drainage Administration
Regulations on Shanghai Waigaoqiao Free Trade Zone
Rules of Shanghai Municipality for the Implementation of the Regulations on Family Planning(例外)
Procedures of Shanghai Municipality on the Registration of Institutions
Procedures of Shanghai Municipality on the Administration of Construction Project Contracting
Procedures of Shanghai Municipality on the Administration of the Temporary Residence Permit for
HongKong and Macao Residents and Overas Chine
Procedures of Shanghai Municipality on the Granting of Land-u Right
Procedures of Shanghai Municipality on Social Relief
Procedures of Shanghai Municipality on the Management of Public Libraries
Procedures of Shanghai Municipality on the Implementation of Enterpris‘Property Right Over State-owned Asts
Procedures of Shanghai Municipality on the Protection of Basic Farmland
其中的例外⽤“for”,含义与“on”不同:表⽰调整对象,不如由“on”表达来得贴切。其次“on”只有两个字母(⽽“for”由三个字母拼缀⽽成),更符合法律名称应尽量⾔简意赅,短⼩精悍的要求。遗憾的是,拾“on”⽽取“for”的往往还不少哩。例如上海远东出版社1994年版的Shanghai‘s Foreign Economic Rules and Regulations(1991-1992)⼀书共有⼗个“法规规章”,其中表⽰其调整对象⽽使⽤介词“on”的仅两例,⽽使⽤“for”的反⽽有七例:
Procedures of Shanghai Municipality for the Implementation of……
Interim Provisions for the Control of Shanghai Metal Exchange
Interim Procedures of Shanghai Municipality for Encouragement of Nonlocal Investments in the Pudong New Area
Procedures of the Customs of the People‘s Republic of China for the Control of Goods……
Rules of the Shanghai Customs Hou for the Implementation of surveillance over,and Levy of or Exemption from……
Procedures for Controls……
Rules for the implementation of……
Interim Procedures Concerning the Examination,Approval and……
Regulations of Shanghai Municipality on Governing Trade Unions in Chine-foreign Joint Ventures
(1)原译:Interim Measures Concerning Strengthening Administration of Imports by Air
-Laws and Regulations of the People‘s Republic of China Governing Foreign-Related Matters(1949-1990)
electronicmusic China Legal Publishing Hou,Beijing 1991,p.1649
改译:Interim Measures Strengthening the Regulation of Air Imports
(2)原译:Laws Governing Foreign-Related Matters Promulgated Before……
改译:Foreign-related Laws Promulgated Before……
(1)原译:Regulations of Shanghai Municipality on Environmental Protection
-Shanghai Foreign Economic Rules and Regulations(1993-1994),p.4
改译:Shanghai‘s Environment Protection Regulations
(2)原译:Regulations of Shanghai Municipality on Consumer Legitimate Rights and Interests Protection -Ibid.,p.5
改译:Shanghais Regulations on the Protection of Consumers Legitimate Rights and Interests
Provision governing the(sic)Laying of Submarine Cables and Pipelines
-Laws and Regulations of the People‘s Republic of China Governing Foreign-Related Matters
原译:Procedures of Shanghai Municipality for the Administration of the Shanghai Waigaoqiao Free Trade Zone
-Shanghai Foreign Economic Rules and Regulations(1982-1990),Shanghai people‘s Publishing Hou 1991,p. 563
应译:Measures of Shanghai Municipality for the Administration of the Shanghai Waigaoqiao Bonded Area
按:原译“Free Trade Zone”明明是“⾃由贸易区”⽽根本不是什么“保税区”:“保税区”明明不是什么“Free Trade Zone”⽽是“Bonded Area”,此乃常识的常识,译者有所不知!如此乱翻误译,其职业道德何在?耐⼈寻味!
Rules for the Implementation Foreign Exchange Control Relating to Individuals
-Laws and Regulations of the People‘s Republic of China Governing Foreign-Related Matters,Vol. 2,p.9