Implementation through collaborative crisis management and contingency planning: the ca of
流线体的意思dam failure in Sweden
期刊名称: Journal of Risk Rearch省力>雅思口语技巧
作者: Erik Persson,Mikael Granberg
关键词: Cross-ctor collaboration;contingency planning;risk governance;dam哥伦比亚自行车队服
鹤嘴锤发挥英文>boilingfailure;extreme events
摘要:This article builds on the field of collaborative crisis management, a mix of collaborative public management (CPM) and crisis management (CM). A field that often focus on large-scale threats, sometimes labelled societal challenges,
who impacts are broad and cross-cutting and impacts many actors in society and drives demand for collaboration. In this study, we are interested in events that have broad and disastrous impacts on sociasfd
ety, high degrees of uncertainty and potentially cascading effects and we study this through an in-depth ca study of collaborative crisis management tasked with contingency planning for dam failure risk in a large river basin in central Sweden. We find that there was a lack in reach of the collaboration potentially limiting capacity and capacity building in ways that can limit preparedness