贾人初等: 日本血吸虫童虫裂解物对东方田鼠肝脏T7噬菌体展示cDNA 文库的筛选及阳性克隆分析publicspeaking
breeding Microtus fortis with wild on infection to schistosoma japonicum. Journal of Practical Parasitc Dia . 1995, 3(21): 72−74.
贺宏斌, 左家铮, 刘伯香,等. 室内繁殖和野生东方田鼠感染日本血吸虫比较. 实用寄生虫病杂志, 1995, 3(21): 72−74.
[10] Qin ZQ, Hu WX, Wu GJ, et al . Construction of gene pool
of Microtus fortis and screening resistance-associated genes to infection of Schistosoma japonicum . Life Science Rearch , 2004, 8(4): 333−338.
秦志强, 胡维新, 邬国军, 等. 东方田鼠骨髓基因池的构建及抗日本血吸虫抗性相关基因的筛选. 生命科学研究, 2004, 8(4): 333−338.
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ISBN: 0123708699
ISBN-13: 9780123708694 Publication Date: 03/25/2008
Tissue Engineering By van Blitterswijk et al Product Type: Hardcover Price: $110.00
Subject Area: Engineering / Electronics - Biomedical Engineering
Tissue engineering is one of the fastest growing fields in technology and medicine. In the United States alone, over half-a-trillion dollars are spent each year to care for patients who suffer from tissue loss or dysfunction. This important science is enhancing lives by providing replacement human parts, from heart valves and skin to nerves, muscle, cartilage and liver tissue. As such, large amounts of money are being invested in this developing field as it grows as an area of study. Tissue Engineering is the most comprehensive text available for upper level undergraduate and graduate level cours in tissue engineering within bioengineering, medical and rearch departments. It surpass other books that merely provide a collection of rearch and protocols and prents an insightful examination of the different aspects of tissue engineering. Full-color throughout, extensive examples, and ancillary material optimize the ufulness of this book for students and professors.
ISBN: 0123725313
ISBN-13: 9780123725318 Publication Date: 12/05/2007
Clinical Simulation By Kyle and Murraymysterious
英语日记关于日常生活寒假Product Type: Hardcover Price: $99.95
Subject Area: Engineering / Electronics - Biomedical Engineering
Simulation facilities are invaluable for training in medicine and clinical education, biomedical engineering and life sciences. They allow the practice of prevention, containment, treatment, and procedure in a risk-free tting. This book is a practical guide and reference to the latest technology,
operations and opportunities prented by clinical simulation. It shows how to develop and make efficient u of resources, and provides hands-on information to tho tasked with tting up and delivering simulation facilities for medical, clinical and related purpos, and the development and delivery of simulation-bad education programs.
ISBN: 0121602400
ISBN-13: 9780121602406 Publication Date: 11/26/2007
Introduction to Modeling in Physiology and Medicine By Cobelli and Carson Product Type: Hardcover Price: $99.95
Subject Area: Engineering / Electronics - Biomedical Engineering
This unified modeling textbook for students of biomedical engineering provides a complete cour text on the foundations, theory and practice of modeling and simulation in physiology and medicine. It is dedicated to the needs of biomedical engineering and clinical students, supported by applied BME applications and examples.
党占国等: 整合猪繁殖与呼吸综合征病毒GP5蛋白的重组鼠白血病病毒特性
folioreproductive and respiratory syndrome virus nucleocapsid protein and the role of disulfide linkages. J Virol , 2003, 77: 4546−4557.
[6] Meulenberg JJ, Petern-denBesten A, De Kluyver EP, et4级英语
al . Characterization of proteins encoded by ORFs 2 to 7 of Lelystad virus. Virology , 1995, 206: 155−163.
[7] Wang ZG, Li LJ, Luo Y, et al . Molecular biological
jaci velasquez destinyanalysis of genotyp ining and phylogeny of vere acute resp iratory syndrome associated coronavirus. Chine Medical Journal , 2004, 117(1): 42–48.
[8] Schnierle BS , Stitz J , Bosch V. Pudotyping of murine
leukemia virus with the envelope glycoproteins of HIV generates a retroviral vector with specificity of infection for CD4expressing cells. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA , 1997, 94: 8640−8645.
clothes的意思[9] Liu HL, Rong LJ, Wei JC, et al . Efficient pudotyping of
murine leukemia virus particles with avian influenza virus hemagglutinin glycoproteins. Virologica Sinica , 2005, 2: 145−148.
刘华雷, 荣立军, 魏建超, 等. H5亚型禽流感病毒核蛋
白基因重组质粒的构建及其在Hela 细胞的瞬时表达. 中国病毒学, 2005, 2: 145−148.
[10] Sambrook J, Frisch EF, Maniatis T. Molecular Cloning: A
Laboratory Manual, 2nd. Jin DY , Li MF, Translated. Beijing: Science Publishing Company, 1996, 343−345, 787−790.
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刘华雷, 荣立军, 周斌, 等. 表达H5N1亚型禽流感病毒
HA 蛋白的重组鼠白血病病毒的特性. 生物工程学报, 2005, 1: 47−50.
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efficiency to influence. Chemistry of Life , 2003, 23(3): 177−1life.
赵彗, 郑文岭, 马文丽. 信号肽对外源蛋白分泌效率的
影响. 生命的化学, 2003, 23(3): 177−179.
ISBN: 0123739047
ISBN-13: 9780123739049 Publication Date: 05/01/2008
Handbook of Medical Image Processing and Analysis , 2nd Edition By Bankman
Product Type: Hardcover Price: $175.00
Subject Area: Engineering / Electronics - Biomedical Engineering
When Handbook of Medical Imaging first published in 2001 as part of the Academic Press Series in Biomedical Engineering, the structure and the contents of the book were carefully lected to provide a valuable reference for a growing market. Five years later, biotechnology has grown exponentially and advances in medical imaging have enhanced rearch and development in a number of different studies including biomechanics, bionsors, anatomy, oncology, biostatics, bioinformatics and radiology. For tho looking to explore advanced concepts and access esntial information, this cond edition of Handbook of Medical Imaging is an invaluable resource. Including 35 updated chapters reflecting new technology and rearch, this edition also includes five new chapters on important topics incluling Nonlinear 3D Boundary Detection, Adaptive Algorithms for
Cancer Cytological Diagnosis, Dynamic Mammogram Retrieval from Web-Bad Image Libraries, Imaging and Communication in Health Informatics and Tumor Growth Modeling in Oncological Image Analysis. The first edition of the book was the most widely ud reference in the field - its well-derved reputation cond to none. This updated cond edition continues this tradition of quality, featuring contributions from internationally renowned authors from leading institutions.
ISBN: 0123740045
ISBN-13: 9780123740045 Publication Date: 04/07/2008
Bioimpedance and Bioelectricity Basics , 2nd Edition By Grimnes and Martinn Product Type: Hardcover Price: $120.00
Subject Area: Engineering / Electronics - Biomedical Engineering
Bioimpedance and Bioelectricity Basics 2nd edition is a complete introduction to the u and effects of electrical fields in tissue. Written for nior undergraduate and graduate students of biomedical engineering and related engineering subjects, biological and medical sciences and physics, it introduces the electrical engineering concepts of network theory and develops the appropriate supporting mathematics.
792 ISSN1000-3061 CN11-1998/Q Chin J Biotech May 25, 2008 Vol.24 No.5
blood in rotating wall vesl. Journal of Biotechnology , 2006, 124: 592−601.
[2] Cabrita GJM, Ferreira BS, Gibcalves R, et al . Hematopoietic
stem cells: from the bone to the bioreactor. TRENDS in Biotechnology , 2003, 21(5): 233−240.
[3] Carswell KS, Papoutsakis ET. Culture of human T cells in
stirred bioreactors for cellular immunotherapy applications: shear, proliferation, and the IL-2 receptor. Biotechnology and Bioengineering , 2000, 68(3): 328−338.
[4] Jung YH, Wang JH, Havens A, et al . Cell-to-cell contact
is critical for the survival of hematopoietic progenitor
cells on osteoblasts. Cytokine , 2005, 32: 155−162.
[5] Dao MA, Creer MH, Nolta JA, et al . Biology of umbilical
cord blood progenitors in bone marrow niches. Blood , 2007, 110(1): 74−81.
[6] Zhang JW, Niu C, Ye L, et al . Identification of the
haematopoietic stem cell niche and control of the niche size. Nature, 2003, 425(6960): 836−841.
[7] Nilsson SK, Simmons PJ, Bertoncello I. Hemopoietic stem cell engraftment. Experimental Hematology , 2005, 34: 123−129. [8] Hogan CJ, Shpall EJ, Keller G. Differential long-term and
multilineage engraftment potential from subfractions of human CD34+ cord blood cells transplanted into NOD/SCID
mice. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA , 2002, 99(1): 413−418.
ISBN: 0123735831
ISBN-13: 9780123735836 Publication Date: 08/17/2007
Biomedical Information Technology By Feng
Product Type: Hardcover Price: $99.95
Subject Area: Engineering / Electronics - Biomedical Engineering
The enormous growth in the field of biotechnology necessitates the utilization of information technology (IT) for the management, flow and organization of data. As such, the IT field continues to
evolve with the development of new applications to fit the needs of the biomedicine. From molecular imaging to healthcare knowledge management, IT contributes significantly to biomedical rearch and practice. This comprehensive book aims to fill the incredible need in this blossoming field which has become increasingly important to our understanding of biology and plays an integral role in improving the quality of health care. Information Technology in Biomedicine covers a complete t of theories and techniques in biomedicine data compression, management, modelling, processing, registration, visualization, communication, curity, and large-scale biological computing. The book contains a broad range of practical integrated clinical applications for dia detection, diagnosis, surgery, therapy, and biomedical knowledge discovery, including the latest advances in the field, such as ubiquitous M-Health systems and molecular imaging applications.
ISBN: 0750682272
ISBN-13: 9780750682275 Publication Date: 03/30/2007
Biomedical Ethics for Engineers
Ethics and Decision Making in Biomedical and Biosystem Engineering By Vallero
Product Type: Hardcover Price: $49.95
Subject Area: Engineering / Electronics - Biomedical Engineering
In high-profile emerging fields such as biotechnology and green engineering, public concerns and attitudes become especially crucial factors given the inherent uncertainties and high stakes involved. Ethics thus means more than a commitment to abide by professional norms of conduct. It also requires an understanding of the impact of engineering solutions in a global and societal context. Technical professionals must recognize and address ethical questions involving institutional design, stakeholder relations, culture, and governance. Recent publications by the National Academy of Engineering have called for greater social responsibility on the part of engineers. Several professional and scientific societies including American Medical Association, National Society of Professional Engineers, Biomedical Engineering Society, American Institute of Mechanical Engineer
s, American Society of Civil Engineers, and Institute for Electrical and Electronics Engineers are showing a growing interest in improving ethics among their members. This book will provide professional engineers, scientists and rearchers as well as engineering students with a comprehensive primer in respon to this calling for greater responsibility.