2009-11-11 09:48 来源:互联网 作者:佚名 [打印] [评论]
中国上海2010年世博会:Eopo 2010 Shanghai China
世博会会徽: the Expo emblem
世博会会徽看起来像三个人手挽着手。The Expo emblem looks like three people holding hands.
世博会将持续半年。The Expo will last six months.
世博会的主题: the theme of Expo
城市,让生活更美好。Better city, better life.
世博园区: the Expo Site
沿黄浦江两岸:along both sides of the Huangpu River
主题馆: the theme pavilions
中国馆:China's pavilion
东方之冠:The Crown of the East
中国与世博 China and World Expo
2009-10-29 14:56 来源:互联网 作者:佚名 [打印] [评论]
On December, 2002, China won the bid to hosting Expo 2010.This is the first General Exhibition hosted by a developing country; However, China has a long-standing relationship with World Expo. Chine people have participated in World Expo since its
first prence. After wining its liberation, the People’s Republic of China has taken part in 12 world expositions. Chine exhibits won many prizes in previous world expositions. The Yisheng Wine was awarded with the gold medal at Expo 1906 Milan Italy; many others like the embroidery of the Portrait of Jesus, Gold Prize Brandy , and Mao-Tai Chiew were among the highlights at the Panama-Pacific International Exposition—San Francisco 1915.
China has taken an active part in the work of BIE since it joined the BIE on May 3, 1993. In December 2003 ,Mr. Wu Jianmin, the Chine ambassador to France at that time, was elected as the Chairperson of BIE, and succeeded himlf to the cond concuti
ve term. It’s the first time in BIE history that an Asian occupied such an important position.
2009-10-29 15:24 来源:互联网 作者:佚名 [打印] [评论]
艺文展示区 Art Exhibitions/ Arts and Culture
往2楼 To Second Floor
盥洗室请上2楼 Restrooms, Second Floor
饮水机 Drinking Fountain
实时窗口便民服务 Internet Service
爱心柜台sub process Courtesy Counter
快速窗口 Express Counter
英语柜台 English Counter
预约柜台 Appointment Counter
审核组 Review of Houhold Registration
法令咨询服务 Legal Service
计算机室 Computer Facilities
主机房 Computer Facilities or Mainframe
地下室 Bament
公布栏 Bulletin Board
便民眼镜/老花眼镜 Courtesy Glass
书报杂志 Newspapers and Magazines
爱心铃 Courtesy Ring
爱心伞 Courtesy Umbrellas
爱心轮椅 Courtesy Wheelchairs
复印机 Copy Machine/ Photocopier
逃生平面图 Evacuation Plan
逃生路线 Evacuation Route
灭火器 Fire Extinguisher
平面配置图 Floor Plan
代填书表 Documents Completion Service/ Forms Fill-out Service
茶水 Free Tea/ Hot Water
全功能服务柜台 General Service Counter
户籍登记错误更正 Houhold Registration Corrections
服务台/咨询区 Information
志愿者服务台 Volunteer Service
阅览区 Reading Area
拍照区 Photo Spot/ Area
多媒体播放区 Multimedia Area
单一柜台 One Stop Service Counter
意见箱 Suggestion Box
民众等待区 Waiting Area
填表区 Writing Area
星期六、日及固定假日休息 Clod on Saturday, Sunday and National Holidays
收发柜台 Mail Counter
盥洗室 Restroom
往地下室/1楼/2楼/3楼/4楼/5楼谆 To Bament/ First/ Second/ Third/ Fourth/ Fifth Floor
通信服务 Communications Service
收发室 Mail Room
男化妆室 Men’s Restroom/ Gentlemen’s Restroom
女化妆室 Women’s Restroom/ Ladies’ Restroom
会议室 Conference Room
盥洗室 Restroom
茶水间 Kitchen
写字台 Writing Desk
大宗业务处理中 Processing for Bulk Application
数据扫描区 Data-Scan Area
按摩小站 Massage Servicemcro
洗手间 washroom/lady's room/man's room/toilet(英国)/bathroom
服务项目 Service Items
最新消息 News
禁止吸烟 No Smoking
非请莫入 No Entry
机房重地非请莫入 Authorized Personnel Only
户籍工作站 Houhold Registration Work Station
紧急出口 Emergency Exit
职员签到处 Attendance
教育训练 Training
免付费服务电话 Toll-free Telephone / Free Service Telephone
电话语音系统 Voice Phone System/ Automatic Telephone
公用电话 Public Telephone
卡式电话 Card Telephone
投币式电话 Coin Telephone
汽车停车位 Parking Lot
公务车停车位 Official Vehicles Only/ Rerved Parking
员工停车位 Parking Lot(Staff Only)
机车停车位 Motorcycle Parking (Lot)
无障碍停车位 Parking Lot(Disabled Only)/ Disabled Parking Only
无障碍专用斜坡 Wheelchair Ramp
基本数据 Personal/ Basic Information
网站 Website
电子邮件信箱 E-mail Box
联络电话 Contact Tel
学历 Schooling/ Education
职业 Professions
服务礼貌 The Courtesy of Service
处理效率 The Efficiency of Working
疑义解答 The Answers to Puzzled
环境整洁迈克尔经典歌曲 The Cleanness of Environment
内部标示 The Interior Signs
总体服务 The Total Services
上门服务 Home Service
单一窗口 One-stop Counter/ Window
提早受理服务 Early Bird Service
创新“十全十美”便民服务 Perfect innovative rvices
免下车预约服务 Drive-Thru Service
电话、网络预约申办服务 Rervation Service thru phone and website
拍照服务 Express Photo Service
在线查询案件申办进度 Application Procedure Checking System
早起的鸟儿有虫吃 Early Bird Service
中午不打烊 Business as Usual During Lunch Hour
夜间延时服务 Night Service
假日服务(结婚登记) Holiday Service(for Marriage)
机关双语及无障碍网页服务 Bilingual & 3A Website
网络预约申办服务 Online Application Service
电子规费系统 Fees System
文书公文系统 Official Documents System
免证书 No Requiring Certificates
异地申办 Application from Different Locations
国土信息系统 National Geographic Information
知识管理系统(知识平台) Knowledge Management System
公私协力 Cooperation with Other Offices
户籍申请书附件数字化 Houhold Registration Attachments Digitalizing
1. What is the full name of Expo 2010? World Exposition 2010 Shanghai China.
2. Is that the Expo emblem? The Expo emblem looks like three people holding hands.
3. How long will the Expo last? The Expo will last for six months.
4. What’s the theme of Expo 2010? Better city, better life.
5. When will the Expo begin? The Expo will begin on May 1.
6.When will it end? The Expo will end on October 31.
7.Where is the Expo Site? It’s along both sides of the Huangpu River.
8.Where are the theme pavilions? They ate in the center of the Expo Site.
9.Shanghai is most beautiful in autumn.
10.It’s the best time of year for people to visit Shanghai.
11.Do you want to take the Maglev or the shuttle bus to the airport?
12.Where is the light rail station, plea?
submit 请问轻轨站在哪儿?
13.Go straight ahead to the traffic lights and then turn left.
14.You can go there through tunnels under the river.
15.Can I take a ferry to cross the river?
16.Excu me. Where can I take Metro Line 8?
17.There is a metro station just across from the parking lot.
18.How far is the airport from the Expo Village? About an hour by bus.
19.How often does the shuttle bus run? Every ten minutes.
20.Is the Expo Center still far off? You can walk there right down the sighteing corridor.
21.Can I help you? Yes, plea. I’m looking for the Service Center.
22.Are you all volunteers for the Expo? Yes, we are. We want to do something for our city and the Expo.
23.Where shall we wait for the on-site bus? Over there. Plea look for the road sign.
Xiao Luo: Look at the square building.It’s France Pavilion.Let’s go inside.
Lily :Watch, in the court the garden with a pond .It’s so beautiful.
Xiao Luo:Look over there, stand an exhibition hall, and two French restaurants also.
Lily:Did you visit the Poland Pavilion?
Xiao Luo:Just came from there.Do you feel its appearance looks like paper cut-outs?
Lily:Yes, it does.In addition, veral different traveling routes are available for visitors.
Xiao Luo:Right.What’s our next destination?
小罗: 领事馆英语没错。那我们下一个参观目标是哪个?
Lily:It should be the Switzerland Pavilion.I learn that visitors can ride cable-car at the pavilion.
Xiao Luo:It’s unbelievable.Let’s go.
小罗:jack bauer那么神奇,走,快过去看看。
Xiao Luo:Excu me,would you plea tell me how long it will take on the cable-car?
Volunteer:That’s a circulating cable-car system.It’ll take 10 minutes for a round trip.
Xiao Luo:But,it’s going to rain.
Volunteer:Don’t worry.It’s all –weather and all-steel structure ,firm and reliable, with cover,
and backed up by mature technology.
Lily:Great!What’s inside the pavilion?
Volunteer:There is a cinema ,offering telefilms that introduce the attractive sceneries in
Sxitzerland .Exhibition within the pavilion cover urban development and planning, water treatment
and energy-saving technologies,etc.Go inside and you’ll find many more.
Lily: OK, what's the red skin of the pavilion? Just like a "veil".
Volunteer: Oh, that's biological resin, extracted from the fermented soybean fibers, and then
attached to the stainless steel mesh structure.
Xiao Luo: It sounds attractive. We'll go to the queue area. Thanks!
Volunteer: You're welcome! Have a nice travel!