第一章 绪论
精神医学 psychiatry
心理生理疾病 psychosomatic dia
伤残调整生命年 disability-adjusted life year,DALY
第二章 症状学
感觉障碍 disorders of nsation
感觉过敏 hyperesthesia
感觉减退 hypoesthesia
内感性不适 nesthesia
=体感异常 nesthesia
知觉障碍 disturbance of perception
错觉 illusion
幻觉 hallucination
听幻觉 auditory hallucination
保养步骤视幻觉 visual hallucination
味幻觉 taste hallucination
嗅幻觉 olfactory hallucinations
触幻觉 tactile hallucination
本体幻觉 hallucination of viscera nsation
感知综合障碍 disturbance of perception
视物变形症 metamorphopsia
非真实感 derealization
思维形式障碍 disorder of the form of thought
思维奔逸 flight of ideas
联想散漫 looning of associations
思维迟缓 retardation of thinking
思维贫乏 poverty of thinking
思维阻隔 thought blocking
赘述 circumstantiality
病理性象征思维 pathological symbolic thinking
持续言语 perveration
妄想 delusion
被害妄想 percutory delusion
关系妄想 delusion of reference
夸大妄想 grandio and expansive delusion
自罪妄想 delusion of guilt and worthlessness
虚无妄想 nihilistic delusion
疑病妄想 hypochondriacal delusion
嫉妒妄想 delusion of jealousy
钟情妄想 xual/amorous delusion
影响妄想 delusion of control
思维插入 thought inrtion
思维被窃 thought withdrawal
思维播散 thought broadcasting
强迫观念 obssion
强迫思维 obssional thoughts
强迫性穷思竭虑 obssional ruminations
强迫怀疑 obssional doubts
强迫冲动/意向 obssional impuls
强迫回忆 obssional reminiscence
情绪高涨 elation
情绪低落 depression
焦虑 anxiety
恐惧 phobia
易激惹性 irritability
情感不稳定 emotional instability
情感淡漠 apathy indifference
病理性激情 pathological passion
情感麻木 emotional stupor
情感倒错 parathymia
情感幼稚 emotional infantility
情感矛盾 affective ambibalence
意志增强 hyperbulia
意志减弱 hypobulia
意志缺乏 abulia
矛盾意向 ambivalence
易暗示性 suggestibility
注意增强 hyperproxia
长宽高英文缩写注意减退 aproxia
随境转移 distractability
注意范围缩小/狭窄 narrowing of attention
注意迟钝 inattentiveness
协调兴奋 coherent excitement
不协调性兴奋 incoherent excitement
木僵 stupro
紧张性木僵 catatonic stupro
心因性木僵 psychogenic stupro
蜡样屈曲 waxy flexibility
缄默症 mutism
违拗症 negatibism
刻板动作 stereotyped speech and act
持续言动 perveration
模仿言动 echolalia and echopraxia
作态/装相 mannerism
强迫动作 compulsion
冲动行为 impulsive behavior
自杀 suicide
饮食障碍 eating disorders
睡眠障碍 sleep disorders
性功能障碍 xual disfunctions
遗忘 amnesia
心因性遗忘 psychogenic amnesia
=界限性遗忘 circumscribed amnesia
器质性遗忘 organic amnesia
逆行性遗忘 retrograde amnesia
顺行性遗忘 anterograde amnesia
近事遗忘 recent amnesia
远事遗忘 remote amnesiaexperience是什么意思
遗忘综合征 amnesia syndrome
记忆错误 paramnesia
错构 paramnesia
虚构 confabulation
妄想性回忆 delusional recall
记忆增强 hypermnesia
9.意识障碍 追债技巧
嗜睡 somnolence
昏睡 sopor
昏迷 coma
意识混浊 clouding of consciousness
谵妄 delirium
梦样状态 dream-like state
朦胧状态 twilight
人格解体 depersonalization
双重人格 double personality
自我界限障碍 lf boundary disorder
自知力缺乏 lack of insight
易人综合征 Capgras syndrome
虚无妄想综合征/替身综合征 Cotard syndrome
刚塞综合征 Ganr syndrome
第三章 器质性障碍
痴呆 dementia
阿兹海默病 Alzheimer's dia
童样痴呆 childlike dementia
抑郁性假性痴呆 depressice dementia
遗忘综合征 amnesic syndrome
=科萨科夫综合征 Korsakoff's syndrome
血管性痴呆 vascular dementia
麻痹性痴呆 dementia paralyticab s
心脑综合征 heart-cerebral syndrome
肺脑综合征 pulmono-cerebral syndrome
肝脑综合征 hepato-cerebral syndrome
肾脑综合征 renal-cerebral syndrome
第四章 精神分裂症
精神分裂症 schizophrenia
阳性症状 positive symptoms
阴性症状 negative symptoms
青春型 hebephrenic type
=瓦解型 disorganized type
偏执型 delusional type
未分化型 undifferentiated schizophrenia
残留型 residual schizophrenia
精神分裂后抑郁 post schizophrenia depressio
首级症状 first rank symptoms
内向性思维 autism
第五章 心境障碍
心境障碍/情感障碍 affective disorders
抑郁障碍 major depressive disorder
恶劣心境 dysthymia
双向情感障碍 bipolar disorder
持续性心境障碍 persistent mood disorder
难治性抑郁症 treatment-resistant depression,TRD
excitedly抗抑郁治疗 treatment resistant depression
第六章 神经症
神经症 neurosis
惊恐障碍 panic disorder
恐惧症 phobia
广场恐惧症 agoraphobia
社交恐惧症 social phobia
=社交焦虑症 social anxiety disorder,SAD
广泛性焦虑障碍 generalized anxiety disorder
强迫症 obssive-compulsive disorder
强迫缓慢 obssive slowness
躯体形式障碍 somatoform disorder
躯体化障碍 somatization disorder
疑病症 hypochondriasis
癔症 hysteria
解离症状 dissociative symptoms
转换症状 conversional symptoms
第七章 人格障碍
人格障碍 personality disorder
人格改变 personality changes
偏执型人格障碍 paranoid personality disorder
分裂样人格障碍 schizoid sample personality disorder
反社会性人格障碍 antisocial personality disorder
冲动性人格障碍 impulsive personality disorder
=攻击性人格障碍 impulsive personality disorder
表演性人格障碍 histrionic personality disorder
强迫性人格障碍 anancastic personality disorder
焦虑性人格障碍 anxious personality disorder
依赖性人格障碍 dependent personality disorder