总 论
精神病学 psychiatry
精神障碍 mental disorder
精神健康 mental health
医学心理学 medical psychology
生物-心理-社会医学模式 bio-psycho-social medical model
行为医学 behavior medicine
心身医学 psychosomatic medicine
心身疾病 psychosomatic dias
精神病理学 psychopathology
感觉 nsation
感觉障碍 disorder of nsation
感觉过敏 hyperesthesia
感觉减退 hypoesthesia
内感性不适(体感异常) nestopathia
知觉 perception
知觉障碍 disturbance of perception
错觉 illusion
幻觉 hallucination
幻听 auditory hallucination
幻视 visual hallucination
幻嗅 olfactory hallucination
幻味 gustatory hallucination
幻触 tactile hallucination
内脏幻觉 visceral hallucination
真性幻觉 genuine hallucination
假性幻觉 pudo-hallucination
机能性幻觉 functional hallucination
反射性幻觉 reflex hallucination
入睡前幻觉 hypnagogic hallucination
心因性幻觉 psychogenic hallucination
感知综合障碍 psycho nsory disturbance
视物变形症 metamorphopsia
视物显大症 macropsia
视物显小症 micropsia
思维 thinking
思维障碍 thinking disorder
思维形式障碍 disorder of the thinking form
思维奔逸 flight of thought
思维迟缓 inhibition of thought
thickness思维贫乏 poverty of thought
思维散漫 looness of thought
思维破裂 splitting of thought
词的杂拌 word saladbec报名
思危不连贯 incoherence of thought
病理性赘述 circumstantiality
思维中断 blocking of thought
思维插入 thought inrtion
强制性思维 forced thinking
思维化声 thought hearing
思维扩散 diffusion of thought
思维被广播 thought broadcasting
象征性思维 symbolic thinking
词语新作 neologism
逻辑倒错性思维 paralogism thinking
强迫观念 obssive idea
妄想 delusion新起点小学英语
原发妄想 primary delusion
继发妄想 condary delusion
被害妄想 delusion of percution
关系妄想 delusion of reference如何克服说话紧张症
物理影响妄想 delusion of physical influence
夸大妄想 grandio delusion
罪恶妄想 delusion of guilty
疑病妄想 hypochondriacal delusion
钟情妄想 delusion of lovederek anderson
嫉妒妄想 delusion of jealousy
被洞悉感(内心被揭露感) experience of being revealed
超价观念 overvalued ideavoa慢速英语
注意 attention
注意障碍 disorder of attention
注意增强 hyperproxia
注意涣散 aproxia
注意减退 hypoproxia
注意转移 transference of attention
注意狭窄 narrowing of attention
记忆 memory
记忆障碍 disorder of memory
记忆增强 hypermnesia
记忆减退 hypomnesia
遗忘 amnesia
顺行性遗忘 anterograde amnesia
逆行性遗忘 retrograde amnesia
界限性遗忘 circumscribed amnesia
错构 paramnesia
虚构 confabulation
智能 intelligenceboy gay
精神发育迟滞 mental retardation
痴呆 dementia
假性痴呆 pudodementia
刚塞综合症 Ganr syndrome
童样痴呆 puerilism
抑郁性假性痴呆 depressive pudodementia
定向力 orientation
定向障碍 disorientation
情感 affect
情绪 emotion
心境 mood
情感高涨 elation
情感低落 depression
焦虑 anxiety
恐惧 phobia