Chengdu HUA SHUI WAN Propod Golf Cour 中铁二局 成都花水湾高尔夫球场
lfpMaster Plan Summary
Prepared by Neil Haworth, Partner and Golf Cour Architect 报告人:尼尔 哈沃斯 — N&H球场设计公司首席设计师
地块情况The Land
the day you went away歌词The Hua Shui Wan site, while steep in some areas, is generally suitable for golf cour construction and can be designed to be a dramatic and memorable golf cour for all levels of golfers. While the amount of usable land is somewhat restrictive, the golf layout/ routing will be the key to ensure that minimal earthworks are required and the golf cour is fair for all levels of golfers. Bad on my site visit, meetings with owner and site people as well as thorough studies of the topographical data I am confident your goals of a world class golf cour can be achieved.
球场的布局 Golf Cour Layout
The accompanying Golf Cour Layout is a full length, championship golf cour designed to international standards that u the flat area of land, existing valleys, and avoids the steep slopes an
d high hilltops. It also provides great views from tees, interesting green ttings in the nooks and crannies of the site with the landing areas and fairways designed in the gentler areas of the site.
The first nine holes play on both sides of the road with the holes taking advantage of the many natural features. Most of the holes play downhill (Holes 1, 2, 3, 4, 7 and, 8) while others play up on the hillside plateaus (Holes 5,6 and, 9). Dramatic views can be had from all tee complexes!
Holes 10 – 18 play on the clubhou side of the site that features two distinct landscape types. Holes 11,12,13,14,15 and 17 play down in the natural valleys while Holes 10,16 and 18 play up on the hill tops.
analysis复数The clubhou is located on a high point overlooking both nines of the golf cour as well as the driving range and housing development. Given the limited flat area at the clubhou site we would recommend a moderate size clubhou, with classic design, catering only to golfersjojo是什么意思
idealisticOne permanent driving range playing downhill and adjacent to the clubhou has been propod.
The layout plan also shows areas of possible villa development, generally located on the more gentle hillsides overlooking the golf cour.
高二数学教材球场的设计思路和风格Design Philosophy/ Style
As with any mountain golf cour, it is critical to ensure that the golf cour is fair for all levels of players. Therefore each hole will have many tee boxes to allow everyone to hit the fairways and have an equal chance of hitting the green. Forced carries over ravines or lakes will be kept to a minimum and all green sites will have bailout areas where golfers can miss their approaches.
N&H has also planned for as many downhill tee shots as possible as this provides for a more dramatic and enjoyable golf cour. It is also critical that all hazards, whether ravines, bunkers, or lakes are visible.
pt是什么意思The bunker style for the golf cour will be a more natural style with grass slopes tying into natural landscape that will fit naturally with the existing landscape.
土方工程 Earthworks
Bad on the golf cour layout, N&H has done a 5‐meter grading study in order to better estimate the amount of earthworks required to build the golf cour. Bad on our study, we are confident that the earthworks will be between 1,000,000 and 1,200,000 million cubic meters which is average for this type of site.
My site obrvations also suggest that while there may be some areas of hard rock and some areas of soil and softer rock. Unless detailed studies are done we cannot give you an estimate on how much is rock, how much is soil, how many cubic meters will need to be blasted. However, while I would suggest you consult your site engineers who have experience doing the earthworks for the residential areas.