
更新时间:2023-06-30 08:11:02 阅读: 评论:0

英语音标发音下载ted演讲脆弱的力量I just need some strategies. It just is hat it is. And I said, Oh my God, this is going to suck.  And it did, and it didn t.And it took about a year.And you kno ho there are peoplethat, hen they realize that vulnerability and tenderness are important,that they surrender and alk into it.A: that s not me,and B: I don t even hang out ith people like that.And e perfect, most dangerously,our children.Let me tell you hat e think about children.They re hardired for struggle hen they get here.And hen you hold tho perfect little babies in your hand,our job is not to say, Look at her, she s perfect.My job is just to keep her perfect --make sure she makes the tennis team by fifth grade and Yale by venth grade. That s not our job.Our job is to look and say, You kno hat? You re imperfect, and you re ired for struggle,but you are orthy of love and belonging. That s our job.Sho me a generation of kids raid like that,and e ll end the problems I think that e e today.We pretend that hat e dodoesn t have an effect on people.We do that in our personal lives.We do that corporate --hether it s a bailout, an oil spill,a recall --e pretend like hat e re doingdoesn t have a huge impact on other people.I ould say to panies, this is not our first rodeo, people.We just need you to be authentic and realand say, We re sorry.We ll fix it. But there s another ay, and I ll leave you ith this.This is hat I have found:to let ourlves be en,
deeply en,vulnerably en;to love ith our hole hearts,even though there s no guarantee --and that s really hard,and I can tell you as a parent, that s excruciatingly difficult --to practice gratitude and网球精英>l2tp
joyin tho moments of terror,hen e re ondering, Can I love you this much?Can I believe in this this passionately?Can I be this fierce about this? just to be able to stop and, instead of catastrophizing hat might happen,to say, I m just so grateful,becau to feel this vulnerable means I m alive. And the last, hich I think is probably the most important,is to believe that e re enough.Becau hen e ork from a place,I believe, that says, I m enough, then e stop screaming and start listening,e re kinder and gentler to the people around us,and e re kinder and gentler to ourlves. ted演讲脆弱的力量我只需要一些策略。它本身就是这样。我说:哦,我的天,要悲剧了。果然发生了,但又没有发生。大概有一年的时间。你知道的,有些人当他们发现脆弱和温柔很重要的时候,他们放下所有戒备,欣然接受。一,这不是我,二,我朋友里面也没有这样的人。对我来说,那是长达一年的斗争,是场激烈的混战。脆弱打我一拳,我又还击它一拳。最后我输了,但我或许赢回了我的生活。然后我再度投入到了我的研究中,又花了几年时间真正试图去理解那些全身心投入生活的人,他们做了怎样的决定,他们是如何应对脆弱的。为什么我们为之痛苦挣扎?我是独自在跟脆弱斗争吗?不是,这是我学到的:我们麻痹脆弱——当我们等待电话的时候。好笑的是,我在Titter微博和Facebook 上发布了一条状态,你怎样定义脆弱?什么会让你感到脆弱? 在1个半小时内,我收到了150条回复。因为我想知道大
饼。我不想要这些情感。我知道台下传来的是会意的笑声。别忘了,我是靠入侵你们的生活过日子的。天哪。 4、你不发麻痹的痛苦,也是快乐的源泉你无法只麻痹那些痛苦的情感而不麻痹所有的感官,所有的情感。你无法有选择性地去麻痹。当我们麻痹那些,我们也麻痹了欢乐,麻痹了感恩,麻痹了幸福。然后我们会变得痛不欲生,我们继而寻找生命的意义,然后我们感到脆弱,然后我们喝几瓶啤酒,吃个香蕉坚果松饼。危险的循环就这样这形成了。我们需要思考的一件事是我们是为什么,怎么样麻痹自己的。这不一定是指吸毒。我们麻痹自己的另一个方式是把不确定的事变得确定。宗教已经从一种信仰、一种对不可知的相信变成了确定。我是对的,你是错的。闭嘴。就是这样。只要是确定的就是好的。我们越是害怕,我们就越脆弱,然后我们变得愈加害怕。这件就是当今政治的现状。探讨已经不复存在。对话已经荡然无存。有的仅仅是指责。你知道研究领域是如何描述指责的吗?
一种发泄痛苦与不快的方式。我们追求完美。如果有人想这样塑造他的生活,那个人就是我,但这行不通。因为我们做的只是把屁股上的赘肉挪到我们的脸上。这真是,我希望一百年以后,当人们回过头来会不禁感叹:哇!  我们想要,这是最危险的,我们的孩子变得完美。让我告诉你我们是如何看待孩子的。从他们出生的那刻起,他们就注定要挣扎。当你把这些完美的宝宝抱在怀里的时候,我们的任务不是说:看看她,她完美的无可挑剔。而是确保她保持完美--保证她五年级的时候可以进网球队,七年级的时候稳进耶鲁。那不是我们的任务。我们的任务是注视着她,对她说,你知道吗?skc
尽管没有任何担保--这是最困难的,我也可以告诉你,作为一名家长,这个非常非常困难--带着一颗感恩的心,保持快乐哪怕是在最恐惧的时候哪怕我们怀疑:我能不能爱得这么深?我能不能如此热情地相信这份感情?我能不能如此矢志不渝?  在消极的时候能打住,而不是一味地幻想事情会如何变得更
barge糟,对自己说:我已经很感恩了,因为能感受到这种脆弱,这意味着我还活着。最后,还有最重要的一点,那就是相信我们已经做得够好了。因为我相信当我们在一个让人觉得我已经足够了的环境中打拼的时候我们会停止抱怨,开始倾听,我们会对周围的人会更友善,更温和,对自己也会更友善,更温和。布琳布朗资料简介:中文名:布琳·布朗外文名:Bren eacute;Bron 国籍:美国职业:助理研究教授毕业院校:德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校
工作单位:休斯顿大学 1995年获社会工作学士,就读于德克萨斯大
学奥斯汀分校。 1996年获社会工作硕士,就读于休斯顿大学社会工作研究生院。 2002年获社会工作博士,就读于休斯顿大学社会工作研究生院。 1998年1月-2002年5月,休斯顿大学社会工作研究生院,兼职教员。 2002年8月-2016年5月,休斯顿大学社会工作研究生院,社会工作助理教授。 2016年8月8日-现在,休斯顿大学wuj
ceo是什么社会工作研究生院,社会工作研究助理教授。 2016年,布林·布朗在TEDxHouston的演讲《脆弱的力量》,是TED网站上最受瞩目的演讲之一,拥有超过600万次的点击量。 2016年,在长滩的TED大会上,布林·布朗作了闭幕讲座《解读羞耻》。相关: ted演讲稿大
全 ted演讲脆弱的力量《脆弱的力量 Brene Bron》脆弱的力量Brene Bron I’m going to talk about expanding perception.Where I started as ith connection. Becau connection is hy e’re here.It’s hat
gives purpo and meaning to our lives. This is hat it’s all about.It does not matter hether you talk to people ho ork in social justice and mental health and abu and neglect, hat e kno is that connection,the ability to feel connected,is neurobiologically that’s ho e’re ired,it’s hy e’re here.So I thought,I’m going to start ith connection. Well,hen you get an evaluation from your boss, and he tells you thirty-ven
things you do really aesome,and one thing --an “opportunity for groth?”And all you can think about is that opportunity for groth, right? When you ask people about love,they tell you about heartbreak.When you ask people about belonging,they’ll tell you their most excruciating experiences of being excluded. And hen you ask people about connection,the stories they told you ere about disconnection. What this is?And it turned out to be shame.And shame is reallyeasily understood as the fear of disconnection: Is there something about me that ,if other people kno it or e it, that I on’t be orthy of connection? The thing I can tell you about it: it’s uni versal;e all have it. The only people ho don’t experience shame have no capacity for human empathy or connection. No one ants to talk about it,and the less you talk about it the more you have it.What underpinned  this shame ,this “I’m not good enough.”--hich e all kno that feeling: “I’m not blank enough.I’m not thin enough,rich enough,beautiful enough,smart enough,promoted enough.”The thing that underpinned this as excruc
iating vulnerability 脆弱. This idea of,in order for connection to happen,e have to allo ourlves to be en,really en. People can be divided into to categories ,ho really have a n of orthiness,that’s hat this es don to,a n of orthiness. They have a strong n of love and belonging ,and folks ho struggle for it , ho are alays ondering if they’re good enough. there as only one variable that parated the people ho have a strong n of love and belonging and people ho really struggle for it. And that as, the people ho have a strong n of love and belonging believe they’re orthy of love and belonging. That’s it . They believe they are orthy. And to me ,the hard part of the one thing that keeps us out of connection is our fear that e are not orthy of connection, What they had in mon as a

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