December 2009 the three largest credit rating companies downgraded Greece's sovereign rating, then the Greek debt crisis intensified, but the financial community that the Greek economy is small, the debt crisis will not expand.
● December 8, 2009 Fitch credit rating of Greece lowered from A-to BBB +, outlook negative.
● December 15, 2009 the Greek government bonds sold 2 billion euros. December 16, 2009 Standard & Poor's will be Greece's long-term sovereign credit rating from "A-" down to "BBB +".
● December 22, 2009 Moody's December 22, 2009 announced that it would cut Greece's sovereign rating from A1 to A2, the rating outlook to negative
Other European countries are also in crisis, including Belgium, the outside world that the more stable countries, and strong economic strength of the euro area, Spain, the high budget deficits are forecast the next three years, Greece has been the protagonist of non-crisis, the European Union have been debt-crisis.
● January 11, 2010 Moody's warned Portugal failure to take effective measures to control the deficit will cut the national debt credit rating.
● February 4, 2010 the Spanish Ministry of Finance pointed out that Spain in 2010 will account for fear of the overall public budget deficit of 9.8% of GDP.
● February 5, 2010 debt crisis sparked fears of 6% of Spain's stock market plunge the day, record the largest decline in 15 months.
Greek Finance Minister said that Greece is required before May 19 of about 90 billion euros to weather the crisis. EU finance ministers reached an 10 am up to 750 billion euros of the total stabilization mechanism to prevent the crisis from spreading.
● April 23, 2010 Greece formally applied to the EU and IMF assistance
● May 3, 2010 German cabinet approved € 22.4 billion aid plan
● 10 May the EU approved 750 billion euros Greek aid program, IMF may provide 250 billion euros to aid Greece
Faced by countries such as Greece's sovereign debt problems, the euro exchange rate from December 2009 onwards all the way down, to April 27, 2010, the euro-dollar exchange rate clod at its lowest point over the past year, compared with early December 2009 fell by 12.8 %. If you can not effectively solve the debt problems of countries such as Greece, difficult to restore market confidence, would further suppress the euro exchange rate. The international community generally believes that the euro has been the debt problems of Greece and other countries drag from the most difficult period since the birth.
Greece, Spain, Portugal and other countries to take the radical austerity, might make the economy back into recession. According to the latest IMF forecast, in 2010, Greece, Spain, Ireland and Portugal, the four countries real GDP growth rate of -2%, -0.4%, -1.5% and 0.3%, the worst performance in the euro area member countries . At prent, although concentrated in the Greek sovereign debt of a country, but there continues to spread the risk to other euro area countries, Standard & Poor's on April 27, 28, a ries of lower Greece, Portugal and Spain's sovereign credit rating is fueling such a panic.
As the single currency area, economic imbalances within the euro area monetary policy to the implementation of a uniform manufacturing obstacles, economic recovery in the euro area member states of step with the European Central Bank relaxed monetary policy in the implementation of "exit" strategy is difficult to determine a suitable for all members of the timetable. The euro-zone countries, Greece and other debt problems expod, dragged down the pace of economic recovery in the euro area, the ECB may also have a longer period of time the benchmark interest rate at historic lows.
Since its launch the euro, with strong economic strength, has quickly become the cond largest after the U.S. dollar the international currency, the euro financial crisis provides an opportunity to enhance its international status. But the debt problems of Greece and other countries undermined confidence in the euro market, if not effectively addresd as soon as possible, will riously affect the international status of the euro and the overall stability of the euro area, euro area monetary union model
will also be verely tested.
IMF on April 20 and 21, has relead "Global Financial Stability Report" and "World Economic Outlo
ok", the developed countries have expresd concerns about sovereign debt risk. The IMF "World Economic Outlook report," said the short term, the main risk is that if left unchecked, the Greek sovereign debt market liquidity and solvency concerns, may evolve into a fully sovereign debt crisis, and the formation of a kinds of spreading. Solution
● The first pillar: Bank capital increa
Banks need additional capital, so that it could withstand the loss and subquent bankruptcy absorbing Greek influence. In contrast, bank capital increa is "three pillars" in the easier one. The key is to determine the bank's core tier one capital ratio.
● The cond pillar: Relief Fund
雅思考试真题On how to locate EFSF function divergence. France, the European Union and the United States can hope EFSF additional capital in the bank in the process, play a more central and active role. Germany believes that, should act as lender of last resort to EFSF role only in the bank itlf and the national government can not provide the necessary support to problem banks, only need to come forward EFSF. In addition to the planned funding for the bank and the cond round of the Greek aid measures but also to prevent the debt crisis turned into a banking crisis.
● The third pillar: the Greek debt restructuring
Restructuring of the Greek debt hinges on Greek government bonds held by creditors appropriate by design, so that Greece's debt sustainability, and economic growth through fiscal restraint and to make up. In the July 21 bailout program, the bank holding the bond reduction of 21%, the nominal value equivalent to the Greek debt decread by 5%. But now is not enough. France initially objected to significantly reduce the total debt of Greece, becau France is the largest of the Greek debt holders. Germany recommends a substantial reduction of the Greek debt.
The EU is China's largest export market. The current stage o
月份英文12个When the financial crisis first struck the US and Europe in 2008, C crisis levels. It appeared that the EU and Chine exports there ha This strong growth in imports from China was sustained in the firs This figure hides sharp differences across the member states of th It is not only the crisis-
hit countries where import growth has been weakening. Imports fr While some countries in Europe, like Italy, have maintained strong Even if it manages to finally adopt policies to solve the crisis, man term effect on China'xports to the EU.
Chine exporters may have to face the prospect that unlike in 200 The author is a nior rearcher with Brusls Institute of Contem
words fail me较2009年12月初下跌了12.8%。如果不能够有效解决希腊等国家的债