annual leave :年假
[:05.90]background :n.翻译网页软件背景;经历
[:07.80]career :n.职业;生涯
[:09.58]compensation :n.报酬;津贴;薪水
[:11.69]competent :a.能干的;有能力的
[:13.50]describe :v.描述
[:15.38]employee number :员工编号
[:17.41]evaluate :v.考核
[:19.40]experience :n.经验
[:21.41]full-time :a.全职的
[:23.26]hardworking :a.工作勤奋的
[:25.25]health insurance :健康保险
[:27.47]hire :v.雇用
[:29.11]hiring criteria :录取标准
[:31.57]interviewee :n.面试者;受访者
[:33.53]overtime :n.加班
[:35.36]performance :n.表现
[:37.26]picture :v.48yr old japanepp描绘;想象
[:38.99]position :n.职务;职位
[:40.76]probationary period :试用期
[:43.27]proficient :a.精通的
[:45.04]qualified :a.有资格的;能胜任的
[:47.06]report to :直属
[:48.91]responsible :a.有责任的;应负责任的
[:50.92]resume :n.履历表
[:52.70]skill :n.技能;技术
[:54.42]strong point :优点
[:56.46]supervisor :n.主管
[:58.49]title :n.职称
[01:.14]travel :n.出差;出外营销
[01:01.92]working hours :工作时间
[:12.77]freight :n.运费
[:14.41]gross margin :毛利
[:16.47]income statement :损益表
[:18.64]net income :净损益,净收入
[:20.55]net sales :销货净额
[:22.69]operating expen :营业费用
[:25.22]sales revenue :销货收入
batch :n.一批
[:05.53]glitch :n.缺失
[:07.26]inspection :n.检查
[:09.16]leave out :遗漏
[:11.02]QC history :品管记录
[:13.18]QC procedure :品管流程
[:15.54]quality standard :质量标准
[:17.81]random sampling :随机抽样
[:20.03]recall :v.回收
[:21.75]reject :v.拒收;退回
[:23.55]simulation test :模拟测试
cash on delivery :货到付款
[:06.24]delay :v.延迟
[:07.93]free on board :船上交货
[:10.18]ground delivery :海陆运输
[:12.37]letter of credit :信用状
[:14.44]lump sum :一次付清
[:16.29]Net 30 :货到后三十日付款
[:18.17]net weight :净重
[:20.03]pallet :n.(装卸、搬运货物用的)货板
[:21.72]rush order :紧急订单;急件
[:23.63]shipment :n.货运物;货运
barrier :n.障碍
[:05.64]bilateral :a.双边的
[:07.73]boycott :v.抵制
[:09.61]dumping :n.倾销
[:11.28]free trade :自由贸易
[:13.29]Normal Trade Relations :正常贸易关系
[:16.03]protectionism :n.保护主义
[:18.04]trade agreement :贸易协议
[:20.05]trade friction :贸易磨擦
[:22.14]trade imbalance :贸易不均衡
apply[:24.41]trade surplus :贸易出超
[:26.61]trade talk :贸易会谈
connsus :n.(意见等的〉一致;共识
[:05.79]decision :n.决定;裁决
[:07.60]get down to business :开始办正事
[:10.08]implement :v.实施;执行 期末复习方法
[:11.77]minutes :n.会议记录
[:13.55]postpone :v.延期
[:15.38]tie up loo ends :处理枝节问题
[:17.78]unresolved :a.未解决的
brainstorm :v.脑力激荡
[:05.87]clarify :v.澄清
[:07.83]debate :n.辩论
[:09.58]disagree :v.imco不同意
[:11.49]elaborate :v.详述;详加说明
[:13.26]finalize :v.crayon是什么意思完成;敲定
[:15.30]fire away :尽管说;尽管问吧
[:17.36]floor :n.发言权
[:19.09]input :n.(建设性的)意见、评论
[:20.76]interrupt :v.中国考研报名打断;插嘴
[:22.61]motion :n.临时动议
[:24.31]nominate :v.提名
[:26.01]objective :n.目的
[:27.83]pick someone’s brain :听取意见或建议
[:30.18]point fingers :(轻蔑地)指责
[:32.30]pros and cons :利弊得失
[:34.55]reconvene :v.再召开;再召集
[:36.56]resolution :n.(会议等的)决议
[:38.52]summarize :v.摘要;扼要说明
[:40.53]table :v.搁置
[:42.15]unanimous :a.一致同意的;无异议的
[:44.10]you’re up :该你了;轮到你了
come down to :最重要的是
[:05.77]conclude :v.作总结
[:07.60]condition :v.影响;调整
[:09.32]divide :v.分成;分开
[:10.99]forecast :n.预测
[:13.]fruits of (one’s) labor :努力的成果
[:15.53]goal :n.目标;目的
[:17.21]handout :n.讲稿;讲义
[:19.06]keep up the good work :好好继续保持
[:21.38]make it big :生活大爆炸第二季1大获成功
[:23.34]overview :n.概观;大要
[:25.09]rever :v.反转;逆转
[:26.92]revolutionary :a.革命性的deport
[:29.09]running :adv.连续地
[:30.68]lling point :卖点
[:32.69]team up with :与……合作
[:34.68]total sales :总销售额
[:36.90]video :n.影片
[:38.65]wrap up :完成;结束
budget bill :预算案
[:05.82]budget deficit :预算赤字
[:07.93]economic policy :经济政策
[:10.39]economic reform :经济改革
[:12.74]electricity :n.电力
[:14.80]infrastructure :n.基础建设
[:16.89]investment environment :投资环境
[:19.35]monetary policy :货币政策
[:21.80]real estate :房地产
[:23.74]subsidy :n.补助,补贴
[:25.69]unemployment rate :失业率